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Zhou Jinrui11.2Analysis of Today's Latest Gold Current Price Trend Latest US crude oil operation suggestions

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Article Summary:goldSilverTD、crude oiltechnical analysis.How to stir fry gold for beginnersTDcrude oil.goldTDWhat to do with losses on crude oil investment?Analysis of the Trend of Gold and Crude Oil.Recommendations for Operation of Gold Crude Oil.Gold crude oil strategy.Investing in international gold, crude oil, and silverTDHow to analyze the market situation? Today's Gold, Crude Oil, SilverTDWhat do you think when you're free? How to recover losses from investing in spot gold? goldTDsilverTDHow to operate the short line? What are the current gold resistance and support levels? Novice investing in gold and silverTDHow should I make the order? Will London gold prices continue to rise today? silverTDWill it still fall? What recent news will affect gold and silverTDTrend? What is the impact of the rise and fall of the US dollar on gold? Gold, crude oil, silverTDAnalysis of today's market trend and operational suggestions, will spot gold continue to rise today? US crude oil silverTDWill it still fall? International Gold and SilverTDHow to operate today?
The biggest fear in investing is impatience, and the worst is impulsiveness. When analysis becomes a task and investment becomes a burden, it has deviated from the path. When making investments, it is necessary to first establish a correct investment philosophy, which is the root of everything. Secondly, do a good job in position fund management, and importantly, maintain a good mindset. Don't be proud of gains, don't be discouraged when losses occur, and have a solid technical foundation; Guided by the correct path, using the Tao to control the art, seeing the essence through appearances, and starting fromK线背后体会多空博弈,主力的搏杀较量,跟随市场的脚步,尊重市场,敬畏市场,跟随市场。你才有可能实现长期、稳定的盈利,投资路上你不仅能赚钱,而且还会收获颇多。
  现货黄金,白银、伦敦金,黄金走势分析【周金瑞微信:zjr5857】Suggestions for crude oil and silver operations, gold and silver markets, daily analysis of gold and silver, latest strategies, and techniques for unwinding long and short orders!
Analysis of Gold Market Trend
Message analysis: Monday(11month2日)现货黄金小幅下跌后反弹最高至1885美金;上周五黄金止跌反弹,涨幅0.61%,因美元涨势暂停,对疫情新增病例数上升的担忧以及围绕下周美国大选的不确定性为避险黄金提供了支撑。周一开盘,美元指数小幅上升0.1%, Stand on94关口;此前一度下跌0.3%;上周该指数上涨1.4%,创下一个多月来的最佳单周表现。尽管美国大选形势不确定性加剧,但就业数据揭示经济面临挑战、财政刺激政策难产以及美欧疫情凶猛反扑,提振了美元的避险属性,令美元计价的现货金价仍承受压力。更多解套、投资、操作策略关注公众号“金油周金瑞”获取实时指导。
  目前黄金运行在100日均线下方有止跌迹象,美国大选临近,大周期多空方向并不明朗。下方低点1848没有破位,行情的下跌空间就打不开,今日需要警惕大阴线之后的小幅震荡修复。反弹仍需关注此由支撑转为阻力的再度回落风险,连续2根大阴线砸盘后,今日更倾向于走反弹行情,昨夜晚间的1小时大阳线,今日早间的小时线大阳,表示多头反弹大概率开启。综合来看,今日黄金短线操作思路上周金瑞建议低多为主。上方关注1905-1910One line of resistance, pay attention below1860-1865Frontline support.
Analysis of crude oil market trend
Message analysis: Monday(11month02日)亚盘时间段,美原油再度大跌,日线级别连续4日下行,创5月内新低,现报34.56dollar/桶,跌幅约3.6%,因市场预测川普或将连任,这将导致美国经济刺激规模很可能缩小,不利于美国经济的复苏,利空原油。病毒感染人数激增,法国和德国宣布新的封锁措施,加剧了市场的担忧情绪。原油价格大幅下滑,有OPEC消息人士称,沙特和俄罗斯赞成将目前约77010000 barrels/日的减产延续到明年,减产幅度高于之前的协议,这有利于原油价格止跌。
  技术面:原油日线收盘大阴线,低价破新低出现了落尾走势,布林带出现轻微开口迹象,油价运行在布林带下轨附近。四小时图显示,油价在触及41.8dollar/桶位置后,出现向下的五浪走势,在5月份油价出现触及低位反弹后,油价出现了三次比较明显回踩,均给到了35.3区域得到支撑,该位置成在一定支撑。周金瑞认为,在原油连续下跌后,今日重点关注多头反弹力度,计算上方下跌浪幅度,我们可以得到上方重要多空分水岭关注38.48dollar/桶,然后需要关注38.8美元阻力,下方支撑重点关注35.0dollar/桶,进一步下破就需要考验34.1dollar/桶。综合来看,今日原油短线操作思路上周金瑞个人建议以低多为主。上方短期重点关注36.0-36.5Frontline resistance, short-term focus below32.5-33.0Frontline support. 目前仓位有套单的朋友,由于笔者周金瑞不知道你们套单的点位以及仓位的具体情况,不好给出相应的解套策略,需要解套的朋友可单线微信zjr5857
Next, Zhou Jinrui will talk about the solutions that friends are concerned about. In the face of such a sharp rise and fall in the market, how can we solve the problem of being trapped?
I believe many friends have been tricked by the sharp rise and fall of the gold market! And it is estimated that the location of the quilt cover is also peculiar. Currently, there are two difficulties in solving the problem: the location and time of solving the problem. At what location and when to close the order will directly affect the profit and loss of your account?
Zhou Jinrui put it simply: it is best to find a break point, and the time must be when the market direction is clear. For ordinary investors, it may be very difficult to grasp the point and time. Here are two methods:
1: First, solve the counter trend single;(The purpose of lock orders is to prevent losses, so when the market is clear, removing the counter trend order is equivalent to cutting off the source of losses. However, it should be noted that counter trend orders are not equal to loss orders. Another counter trend order can choose to level off when the market is almost stable.)
2: First, solve the profit order. (This choice is to make a profit first, and the other order can wait for a pullback or reversal before leveling. However, the timing of the pullback and reversal also involves judging the timing. If the other order fails to level off in time, it is likely to turn into a medium to long term.)
To borrow a sentence from Shakyamuni: "It takes only an instant to reach out, but it takes many years to hold hands. No matter who you meet, they are the person who should appear in your life, not by chance. Every time Zhou Jinrui writes an article, he also hopes to meet like-minded people and give back more of my knowledge to society. He hopes that I can truly help you who appreciate Zhou Jinrui's articles.
This article is written by Zhou Jinrui (WeChat:zjr5857)Contributing, I interpret the world economic news, analyze the global investment trends, and analyze the impact of crude oil, gold We have conducted in-depth research on commodities such as silver and others. Due to the delay in online push, the above content is personal advice. Due to the timeliness of online posts, it is for reference only and at our own risk. Please indicate the source of the reprint.

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