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前言:行情天天有,只有信任才能合作,在这个市场,想是问题,做是答案。输在犹豫,赢在行动!成功往往就在观望和迟疑中溜走,只有跟随才会学到精髓,会跟才能得到慧根!最近行情这么明朗,千万不要让自己单子套了才后悔不已,仓位爆了,才痛苦不堪,交易要学会转变,现在跟上正当时机,现在带你起飞!要知道现在这种行情,做对了盈利很简单,做错了不爆仓就难,还有对想说,你短线不行,麻烦你转变思路行不行,中长线布局一单足矣,王铭鑫这边不管你是做长线还是短线,都会为你制定针对性的操作方案,让你真正做到在控制风险的情况下把握利润,让你轻松开心的获利。单子有问题可以私聊王铭鑫老师获取相关资讯到了,预期盈利点位,无论后面还有多少利润诱惑,请记住,赚属于我们的钱,做我们能把握的单,我是 王铭鑫,坚持用心做分析,日久方能见人心!王铭鑫 finger.heat conduction.Line( kdj0866)
What are the recent news impactsgold走势?黄金如何布局?
    Friday(10month23day)During the US trading period, spot gold prices weakened again and broke again during the session1900Psychological barrier, lowest touch1894.5dollar/盎司,由于当前全球疫情依然严峻,尤其是欧美疫情担忧升温,也刺激了一部分美元的避险需求,限制了金价的上涨。金价目前整体依然陷入收缩震荡的区间之中,王铭鑫认为,如果美国大选拜登获胜,且民主党占据参众两院多数席位,那么这有望推动更多刺激措施,支撑金价。如果川普获胜,且共和党占据参众两院多数席位,那么这也有望推动更多刺激措施,支撑金价。不论拜登或者川普获胜,两党在参众两院评分秋色,那么这将阻碍刺激政策的推出不利于金价。如果拜登和川普势均力敌,双方互不相让引发社会动乱,这将大幅度支撑金价。

        再者,由于前期对法案的铺垫已经很足,黄金也已经是提前走高消化了其中的影响,所以在这种情况下,黄金要想迎来强势性的走高,还是有点困难的,所以王铭鑫个人预计黄金还是会在1930-1950Facing significant obstacles and ushering in a comeback, you can verify this on your own. After all, the market is constantly changing and ruthless, and no one can say how the market will fluctuate. Therefore, adapting to circumstances is the best solution. Everyone will wait and see. So for specific operations, everyone needs to adapt to market changes, so it is important to control position and stop loss issues while operating.

Firstly, for yesterday, both parties in the United States delivered speeches on the economic stimulus bill. So for this negotiation, the overall situation is also relatively optimistic. As for whether the final decision will be passed, it is not a good choice at present. After all, there are still some details that have not been handled well. Besides, Trump's face turns faster than his book turns, so for this matter, it remains to be verified. However, regarding this point, I would like to reiterate my previous view that even if this bill is passed, if the final strength of the bill is not as strong as market expectations, this will also limit the rise of gold.

因此王铭鑫总体认为:黄金仍然会回到2000As for this year's US election, no matter who is ultimately elected, there will be more economic stimulus programs in the United States, and this will be a great support for gold. The price of gold has risen to2000dollar/Above the ounce, but at one point it fell back to1900Below, but this state did not last too long, so1900是一个支撑水平。王铭鑫认为随着大选临近,黄金会再次回到2000dollar/The ounce level is expected to rise further by the end of this year.

——Analysis of Gold Market Trend:-------
        Gold was released yesterday with a large negative line, and the low level has been detected1894The fluctuation and increase since the three consecutive positive rebounds of the daily line have all been recouped, and the washing mode has reappeared. On the daily trend, gold showed a reverse selling pattern yesterday. The previous three consecutive positive rebounds on the daily trend formed a volatile and short selling pattern, but it quickly reversed and took back yesterday. The three waves of decline will1900The checkpoints have been breached, driving the overall structure back into a weak and volatile horizontal structure. Since the opening of this Friday, although there has been a rebound in the market, it has mostly been a lag correction, with little impact on the structure under pressure. It is important to pay attention to the impact of the market on1920and1890How to break through the position selection. So, the current short-term strategy should focus on defense, rather than chasing rebounds.

At the daily level, gold prices have undergone a slow positive test this week1931Yesterday, the frontline team returned to the recent low range of the horizontal market again1920-1890Choose a direction. A negative closing on the daily line may cause the market to cling to a disoriented state again, and further clear guidance may still be needed in the future. Investors should not follow the trend of rising or falling within this range. Conversely, maintaining high selling and low buying within the range may be more stable. On an hourly level, the short-term gold price performance recorded two consecutive rounds of decline on Thursday, until the price returned to the previous low volatility area, but the lower support1894附近仍未形成跌破迹象,料行情短期内或仍有反弹上周上攻表现继续震荡。综合来看:下周一黄金短线操作思路上王铭鑫个人建议以反弹做空为主,反弹做空为辅,上方短期重点关注1915-1920Resistance, short-term focus below1890-1894一线支撑。行情实时变化,策略仅供参考,实时进出场点位及中长线布局咨询王铭鑫( kdj0866)Get it for free!

Next Monday's Gold Operations Strategy Reference:
Empty order strategy:

         Gold rebound1913-1915Short (buy down) two tenths of a position nearby, stop loss5Points, target1905-1900Nearby, break down and take a look1895frontline;

Multiple order strategy:

         Gold Callback1894-1896Nearby long (buy up) 2/10 positions, stop loss5Points, target1905-1910Nearby, break down and take a look1915frontline;


——Practical Investment Techniques for Fried Gold

   1The quantity of orders is determined by market conditions. Determine based on market trends. If there is a unilateral upward or downward trend in the market, the profit of a single order is sufficient. If we go within a range, we can reach a key support resistance point that is much higher and much lower

   2If the market is directionless and there is a range fluctuation, and it is a wide range fluctuation rather than a narrow range fluctuation, then the daily trading volume can be controlled within3Hand left and right.

   3If the market has a direction, such as an upward trend, my call strategy is to call back and do long. If I don't do short orders, the number of calls will decrease, approximately1-2Single left and right.
   4Frequent transactions bring handling fees, not profits, unless your teacher can guarantee a profit on every order.
   5If someone could correctly grasp every trend in the market by stepping back, drawing back, fluctuating, organizing, and interval, then he would already be the world's richest person by now. Based on my heart, I can't do it. Can you do it? Unless it's a fairy. Compared to other analysts, I may not provide many orders, why? Because what I pursue is strength and quality, not the quantity of orders, and as mentioned earlier, frequent transactions bring handling fees rather than profits.


——王铭鑫团队指导时间:早上7:00——Early morning1:00每日黄金crude oil行情快讯,发文延迟,仅供参考。

——全方位指导老师:王铭鑫(免费一对一 Guidance:kdj0866)
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