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10.10黄金筑底企稳持续反弹 黄金原油下周开盘趋势分析附解套

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  廉镇专注分析goldT+DSilverT+D、纸黄金、纸白银、现货黄金、美crude oilLondon Goldforeign exchange黄金原油等金融理财投资产品。专业团队在线分析,一对一即时指导,为投资者规避风险,扩大利润,让各位随时随地第一时间知道国际市场动向,做最稳健的单子。廉镇(官信:jy85839)
  Market news:
  周五,市场破位大行情暴发,美元跌跌不休,刷新日低至93.11,人民币涨势迅猛,大涨1.4%;现货黄金也大幅上涨,直逼1930dollar/盎司关口;美股三大stock market index齐涨,其中道指上扬逾200点。、白银更是出现强势暴拉,由于市场对于美国财政刺激措施的预期升温,以及白宫医生表示特朗普完成新冠治疗等,这些都提振了市场的乐观情绪,进而使得美元遭遇大幅抛售。消息面来看,市场将继续关注美国财政刺激的最新消息。美国总统特朗普的健康状况同样也是关注的焦点……金价周五大涨,现货黄金涨近2%, refresh9month21The highest point since the beginning of the day1930.61dollar/Ounces, set a new record8month17The largest increase since the beginning of the day. Analyst at Daoming SecuritiesBart MelekThe report states that news about stimulus policies continues to affect the gold market, and either party may immediately reach a large-scale fiscal policy agreement, which will help boost precious metals.
  国际原油周五11monthfuturesfall58Cents, decline1.41%Report40.61dollar/Barrel; Brent crude oil12月期货价格下跌57Cents, or1.32%Report42.77dollar/桶。因挪威工业游说人员称挪威石油工人罢工行动将取消,而市场仍寄望于美国国会最终会达成某种有针对性或缩减规模的刺激计划以支撑美国燃料需求,油价美市盘中小幅下挫。油价跌逾1%,尽管飓风“德尔塔”(Delta)迫使美国能源公司减产,但挪威石油工人结束罢工,应该会提高原油产量。尽管周五价格下滑,但两大指标原油合约本周均上涨约9%,为三周来首次上涨,也是布伦特原油自6月份以来的最大单周涨幅。
  Gold market analysis:
  黄金技术面,日线来看MACDThere is a tendency to regroup into golden forks,KDJDiverse upwards again, with a short-term bias towards bullish positions. From a structural perspective, gold has formed a double bottom at the bottom and then fluctuated and rose widely. Breakthrough in US Gold Market1918Up to1929.The bullish trend is strong. After the big cycle ends in a bearish month, short cycle gold continues to be bullish, and the trend of high consolidation in long cycle gold still exists. Only when long cycle gold breaks out of multiple deviations will short positions in gold come. Next, the pressure level above gold is located1935-1938区域。廉镇短线4Looking at the hourly trend, there is pressure to break through the blind downward edge of the upward channel above the price,KDJThe third line continues to rise,MACDGolden fork, Bollinger strap opening upwards,K线价格收在上轨上方,短线黄金价格强势上涨,指标显示金价有进一步上行空间,综合来看,下周黄金短线操作上廉镇建议回调做多为主,反弹高空为辅,上方关注1935One line of resistance, pay attention below1920一线支撑。套单的朋友,文章只能给您一个暂时的方向和想法,至于具体的进场点和解套时机,请关注廉镇(官信:jy85839)Will be provided in real-time.
  Analysis of crude oil market:
  原油技术面,日线收实体小阴线,价格冲高回落收盘,收盘价格位于40.45一线,终结了日线连阳上涨格局,整体上,原油近期走势依旧以宽幅震荡区间为主,多头虽然出现连续性拉升但依旧没有突破近期的震荡区间,布林带三轨朝下运行,MA5On the moving averageMA10The moving average crosses the golden cross upwards,KLine intersection between the upper and middle tracks in BolinMA60Near the moving average,MACDThe red kinetic energy gradually increases upwards at the intersection of the fast and slow lines,KDJ三线呈金叉向上发散运行,日图行情表现一定的偏强形态;4小时图上:布林带三轨朝上运行,MA5Mean Square andMA10The moving average continues to rise with a golden cross,KLine intersection between the upper and middle tracks in BolinMA5Above the moving average,MACDThe speed line appears as a golden cross, easing upwards, and the red kinetic energy slows down,KDJ三线交金叉向上发散运行,短线有一定的上行动能,综合来看,下周原油短线操作上廉镇建议回调做多为主,上方关注41.5-41.7Frontline resistance, short-term focus below40.2-40.5一线支撑。行情实时变化,添加笔者廉镇(官信:jy85839)Get daily market analysis, unpacking strategies, and guidance on medium - and long-term layout. We welcome like-minded individuals to come and have a long conversation!
  作为国际黄金白银的跟随者,上海黄金交易所黄金td和白银td整体收涨,黄金T+D 10month10日(周六)晚盘收盘上涨0.78%newspaper407.07element/Gram; silverT+D 10month10日(周六)晚盘收盘上涨4.12%newspaper5285.0element/千克。行情走势方面廉镇将于下周一开盘后临盘给出具体分析与短线交易策略。期货白银TD,综合来看上方重点关注5500-5550Resistance, key focus below4870-4820Support;
  This article is written by廉镇(微信:jy85839---公众号:廉镇)As a contributor, I interpret world economic news, analyze global investment trends, and have in-depth research on commodities such as crude oil, gold, and silver. Due to the delay in online push, the above content is my personal suggestion. Due to the timeliness of online posts, it is for reference only and I bear the risk. Please indicate the source when reprinting.
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