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[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65)]Monday(8month17day)亚市盘中,美元指数继续承压,该指数最新跌破93Gateway; Spotgold自日内低点明显反弹,金价如今位于1940dollar/盎司上方,亚市早盘金价一度跌破1930dollar/盎司。因部分投资者获利了结,且美国旨在帮助遭受疫情打击的经济的刺激计划磋商陷入僵局,削弱了黄金的吸引力,金价上周创下3月以来最大单周跌幅。金价上周收盘下跌90.94USD or4.47%。本周投资者将继续关注中美局势发展,美国总统特朗普上周末暗示将对更多中国科技公司采取行动,投资者本周需要关注相关消息,在上周末中美贸易谈判未能举行之后,本周投资者将继续盯紧这方面的信息。除了中美局势之外,眼下中印局势也备受关注,中国外交部长王毅上周罕见访问西藏,并就边界争端向印度传递重要信息。

[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65)]This week(8month17Solstice8month22In Japan, investors first need to pay attention to the meeting minutes of the three major central banks, the Federal Reserve of Australia, and the European Central Bank, to determine whether these central banks will further expand their easing. meanwhile8month21to8month23The Jackson Hole Global Central Bank Annual Meeting will be held today, during which global central bank governors will discuss what actions will be taken in the current unprecedented situation and how to exit ultra loose monetary policy. Other major events that require attention include the holding of a new round of formal Brexit talks between the UK and the EU, as well asOPEC+Joint Ministerial Conference. Data needs to focus on the second quarter of JapanGDPThe number of initial claims for unemployment benefits in the United States, as well as the manufacturing industry disclosed by various countriesPMI. Finally, we need to pay attention to the speeches of Atlanta Fed Chairman Bostic and San Francisco Fed Chairman Daley.
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65)]Analysis of Gold Market Trend
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65)]8.17黄金高位震荡有待突破,市场做多信号出现,眼下封底买入63 / author:Guo Yuyuan / PostsID:1574361

[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65)]黄金日线上来看黄金收长下影线十字星,日线收阴,上引线极短,受阻于1950On the first line, after a strong decline, it eventually regained its lost ground but did not close positive. The intraday inertia fell and repeated, and the sentiment of long and short vying was not high, and the lowest position arrived1932Frontline and rapid rebound, blocked at yesterday's high above1966This indicates that the resistance at this point is very strong. Without breaking through the resistance at this point, it is still possible to test the low point again as the main trend is empty1865On the front line and at the daily level, a double bottom is formed, forming a periodic low point and continuing to rise. In terms of technical indicators,MACDThe green energy column of the indicator is increasing and the double line is still downward, without significant depletion,RSIThe indicator is flat, indicating that the bearish sentiment is not high. At present, the gold price has been in the lower part of the Bollinger Belt's middle track, indicating the establishment of a weak pattern that has not reversed. The pressure on the middle track is1966On the first line, after breaking through the medium track, establish a phased bottom and take advantage of the trend to be bullish. Looking at the hourly line, the Bollinger band is contracting, and the market is at the end of triangular convergence with decreasing amplitude, indicating a demand for breaking positions,5Daily moving average and10The daily moving average winds around,60The daily moving average continuously descends and passes through the Bollinger Belt to form the upper part of the track1954Short term resistance on the front line, looking at the market, there is significant downward demand1966Clear resistance is difficult to break through, and gold is likely to move downwards at that time.综合来看,今日黄金短线操作思路上建议高空为主,低多为辅。上方关注1965-1970一线分水岭,下方关注1920-1910Frontline support.
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65)]Suggestions for Gold Operations:
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65)]1Suggestions1956.0一线空单进场,1960补仓空,止损1963.0frontline; Stop surplus1920.0一线;(注意是轻仓空分批进场降低风险)
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65)]2Suggestions1929.0Frontline multiple entry, stop loss1923.0frontline; Stop surplus1950.0frontline;
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65)]crude oilMarket analysis:
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65)]原油日线级别日线上看,布林带缩口略微向上运行,MA5Mean Square andMA10The moving average runs to the right with stickiness, and the long period moving average runs with multiple heads arranged below to form support,KThe line intersects between the upper tracks in Bolin,MACDThe fast and slow lines are located above the zero axis and run smoothly,KDJThe third line shows a gentle upward trend with a narrow golden fork, and the overall performance of the daily chart market is volatile and bullish; Crude oil in38.7After the position was supported, there was a wave of rise, with the highest43.5The position was obstructed and subsequently retreated, giving rise to a percentage increase in this wave50Retreat position41.0The position stops falling, further demonstrating the willingness of crude oil bulls to rise, if the oil price holds41-41.5位置支撑,大概率油价有望出现进一步上探的概率。日内操作分析上建议以回调做多为主,上方关注43.2-43.7One line of resistance, pay attention below41-41.5Frontline support.
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65)]Suggestions for crude oil operation:
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65)]1Suggestions42.0Frontline multiple entry, stop loss41.50frontline; Stop surplus43.0frontline;
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65)]2Suggestions43.20一线不破转手空单进场,止损43.70frontline; Stop surplus41.50frontline;
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65)]Why do you always lose money when making orders? Have you summarized the reasons yourself?
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65)]近期黄金的行情比较好,可还是有很多朋友还是亏损的,下面郭禹缘针对自己指导投资者几年的经验总结了一些亏损原因,希望能帮助大家:
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65)]1Investment mindset determines the success or failure of your investment
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65)]Successful investment not only requires correct market analysis, but also scientific risk management. Correct psychological control. Psychological control is the most important among these three, followed by risk management and analytical skills. But for99%For the above investors, they believe that analysis is the most important, but they have no understanding of the importance of risk management, let alone the extreme importance of psychological control. In terms of analysis, they focus on how to determine the entry point, without realizing that determining the entry point is more important than determining the entry point.
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65)]2Control the scale of the transaction within the range of losses you can bear
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65)]尽管每一个人都知道交易的金额超过你能承受的范围是一件愚蠢的事情,但这种蠢事在我们交易人当中还是非常普遍。我们做黄金交易的目的是让我们的生活品质提高,所以我们不应该动用那些我们不该动用的钱,例如:每个月的生活费,养老储蓄,以及不要借钱来进行黄金foreign exchange交易。因为如果你这样做,你的心态就与一般赌徒无异,最终的结果通常是输得倾家荡产。
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65)]3When your transaction is profitable, protect the profits you have earned
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65)]Protecting your profits is another important factor in achieving stable and long-term profits. When you are in a profitable position, it is important to increase your stop loss point accordingly. Although you hope to hold this position for a longer period of time and gain more profits, at least your minimum profit is guaranteed.
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65)]4Risk/The proportion of profits should be at least1:2
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65)]当你要下一张单时,一定要想清楚获利和损失的可能性。假设获利的空间是4000,而损失的空间只是2000So the risk/The profit ratio is1:2It's worth a try.
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65)]本文由郭禹缘(官方指导热线:gyy7819)分析师团队独家策划,转载请注明出处。以上内容供参考。投资有风险,入市需谨慎。套单锁单操作不理想可与本人沟通交流.
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