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Jingshi International Can't Make Money, Lose Money, Suffer Heavy Deception!Behind the scenes is a shocking secret!

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Jingshi International Can't Make Money, Lose Money, Suffer Heavy Deception!Behind the scenes is a shocking secret!!文珍法律咨询微信:zq999zhu


——Article Summary:


  (投资的圈套你知道吗?)市场上有很多投资者,被所谓的业务员,喊单教师拉去做投资,却没想到一次次扛单,爆仓,亏本,最终亏的血本无归,其实他们都是一些吃客损的公司,加大点差,刷高额手 Renewal, you guys Did it ever occur to me that those who posted earnings screenshots in the WeChat Moments were just their own imitation accounts, and those so-called single calling teachers might just be students who had just graduated, but we had tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of dollars taken by such a group of people to swipe and mention them Cheng. Are you willing? If you encounter this situation, then quickly find a professional legal consulting company to recover your hard-earned money! We have always been focused on providing legal advice on capital losses! Friends with needs can consult me on WeChat:zq999zhu Losses can be recovered,成功前不收费,追不回不收钱!

▋ Platform victim self statement


在线下也会单独给我持有股票解析,感觉教师的选票准确率还挺高的,并且谈股票感觉非常专业。讲了一段时刻之后,就说股市行情不好不挣钱。之后就让咱们到他们渠道进行操作,说能够带大家伙赚大钱!让咱们入金操作。我刚开端的时候打算考虑考虑在做,后来看到群里赚的人越来越多,每天都有人在群里丢一些盈余的喊单截图。虽然怀疑可是架不住盈余引诱,我鬼摸脑壳地入金10Ten thousand yuan is always in surplus after following the teacher to make orders.

   stay11月份的一天,教师叫咱们加仓,说今日会有大盈余,没忍住引诱的我有加仓到了20Ten thousand yuan, the result has been a loss of over ten thousand yuan. I feel something wrong, but subconsciously I don't want to trust. Every time I lose money, the channel salesperson and the order calling teacher will give me a pie, talk about a lot of professional terminology, and urge me to raise funds, saying it is to increase the amount of funds, increase positions, and obtain greater profits, and make up for the previous losses and there are still many more. That's it, I invested a total of32Ten thousand, I lost money20More than ten thousand yuan, please9万多的单子一直是处于锁仓状况,我意识到自己被骗,想要出金,而该渠道分析师的意思,却是让我再加金十万,才有方法出金,我既愤怒又憋屈却又没什么方法,于是我在网上开端查找相关新闻,看到了文珍法律咨询团队的文章,就赶紧联系过来咨询,在文珍法律顾问了解到我的状况后对于追回资金的把握很大,在我给与证据并活跃配合下,也就两天时刻我的9The ten thousand account funds were successfully disbursed, and in less than two weeks, the channel compensated me22I am very grateful to the consultant for giving me the opportunity to recover my losses.

Actually, there are many people in the same situation as Mr. Wang, and there are also many informal platforms. We hope to help more victims, and those who are watching should not go astray. We hope everyone can keep their eyes open and not fall into traps,In the future, when encountering such investment scams, everyone must take timely screenshots and retain evidence. Be more thoughtful in the future investment process. There is no pie in the sky.

As for us


  ▋根据我国法律法规,在不合规不合法平台操作亏损的资金,都是可通过法律追回资金的。当你发现被骗时,冷静的收集好被骗证据,第一时间把问题反映给我们,才能以最快的速度挽回大家的损失!不论你是在goldforeign exchangeStock allocation, Hang Seng IndexA50、货币对、美指,HK50Shanghai and Shenzhen300、futures等亏损都可以追回!


  1Fraudulent losses exceeding the limit3RMB 10000;

  2Transaction record in1Within one year;

  3Having records of online banking deposits;

  4There are chat or guidance records between teachers and clients (guidance records are not required if payment cannot be made)

  5The platform is still operating without running away; We are confident that the above conditions can be met, and we have the time to recover3-15weekday




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