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  而对于刚入市goldcrude oil的朋友可能会因为工作、生活等问题无法获取国际市场第一新闻或消息.这对咱们做投资来讲是很大的困扰.所以现货理财师欢迎做投资的朋友找到我一起共同交流与进步.让各位随时随地第一时间知道国际市场动向.做最稳健的单子
Gold market news:
Monday(5month4day)国际黄金价格开盘报1698.75美元,截至目前国际黄金报1700.71USD, highest hit1701.94Lowest probing1691.18,涨幅幅0.04%。上周五(5month1day)因周末来临叠加多国假期休市期间,全球谨慎情绪再起,同时市场对于国际贸易担忧情绪有所升温,高风险资产再度全线被抛售,这使得美国三大stock market index均收跌超过2%,国际现货黄金一度收复1700美元关口。国际金价严重承压,不过上周五反弹,收于1,700美元上方。但周线仍下跌1%以上。值得注意本周将发布重磅宏观经济数据,这些数据对市场情绪和金价波动影响很大。提醒投资者注意:周五公布的美国非农数据对黄金至关重要。各主要经济体PMI' target='_blank'>Non manufacturingPMI数据将成为焦点。
Analysis of Gold Market Trend:
From a technical perspective of gold: From the daily chart, during the Golden WeekKCollect a large positive line, followed by a small negative line after a solid positive line, and still participate in the closing above the top area of the previous period,MACDContinuing to form an upward trend below the zero axis indicates that the overall upward trend of gold has not changed as a result. The daily moving average system diverges upwards and prices remain at20Above the daily moving average,MACDRunning above the zero axis indicates that the current price is still in a strong market. from4From the hour chart, it can be seen that gold1670Frontline support stops the decline and rebounds, and gold returns above the Bollinger lower track, with indicatorsKDJTurning the head upwards and crossing the golden cross, the short line presents a certain upward potential energy.KDJGolden fork operation, opening of the Bollinger Line, gold price leaning towards the middle rail of the Yanbulin Line, currently being explored1714The resistance near the integer level, if unexpectedly breached, will weaken the short-term bearish signal, and gold prices may even be able to re track the Bollinger Line1728附近阻力。综合来看:今日短线操作思路上个人建议以高空为主;回调做多为辅;上方短期重点关注1714-1720Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1700-1696一线支撑。现货理财师薇/Letter(deng86867)For gold/Investors who feel that investing in crude oil is not going smoothly or want to learn how to read and analyze the market can contact me
[Gold Investment Stop Loss and Attitude]
Article 1: Setting of stop loss points
Before placing an order, it is important to consider the stop loss price within your acceptable range. You can immediately fill in the stop loss price after placing the order to prevent a sudden reversal of the market. You can also make decisive stop loss decisions in trading when the market is uncertain. Regardless of the time of operation, you must strictly follow your own set price. However, this requires investors to have agile reactions and ensure a smooth trading platform. A secure and stable platform ensures ultimate stability and smoothness, with the fastest speed0.01The operation command can be completed in seconds.
Article 2: Position Control
Article 3: Place of Order
The placement of orders is quite important. Although the international futures market operates in both long and short directions, it is important to remember not to chase gains or losses during a volatile trend. Many people suffer from serious losses due to chasing gains or losses.
Article 4: Trading mentality
This is the most important point. When you enter the market, it cannot be denied that everyone comes with the intention of making money. The amount of money earned affects your mentality. When we want to achieve this, we would rather make small gains than losses, rather than earning more and earning less.
Fund management is one of the core contents of trading systems, and its essence is risk management. The core logic of financial markets is that potential returns are equal to risks. Pursuing higher profit goals will inevitably face greater risks. Trading is valuable in the long run, and trading operations should pursue a balance between attack and defense. All positions and significant losses are the result of heavy attacks and light defenses. Fund management mainly involves building positions, stopping losses and profits, increasing positions and reducing positions, and so on. Here is only a brief explanation of warehouse construction. Assuming you use a1000Using USD accounts for international gold trading(XAUUSD)Margin trading, current market price is1390USD, you are considering setting the stop loss at a new high and then moving back to the previous low1381Below the US dollar1380On the position of the US dollar, the target price is considered to reach a new high1440Below the US dollar, per transaction2%Loss rule (usually recommended for classic trading)1-2%(Small funds can be adjusted accordingly), what is the amount of loss you can bear20USD(1000USD x0.02)In this way, you can only pay the market price1390Establishment of US dollars0.02Buying multiple positions by hand(20÷10)The profit and loss ratio is approximately5:1. If you use1385Set a price limit for buying orders in US dollars, and positions can be set0.04Hand(20÷5)Profit loss ratio1:10Left and right. Of course, you can also adopt the fixed position method, using a secure fixed position for each order placed over a period of time.
  市场就是一面“折射镜”,它能快速的反射出你最终所作出的决策的正确与否,每做一笔交易,你都能发现自己的技术,仓位以及内在思想的沉淀和升华!我喜欢做交易,不单单是因为它能给我带来丰厚的回报,更重要的是每一次的交易,都像是一段旅途,一次思想上的升华,一次生命历程的领悟!本文由现货理财师独家策划,感谢广大读者对笔者文章的喜爱和支持,希望大家能从我的文章中有所收获和感悟!因文章撰写和上传具有延时性,仅供参考!现货理财师薇/Letter(deng86867)For gold/原油投资感觉不顺利,或者想学习看盘学习分析的投资者可以联系!
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