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Trading type:stock market indexoption大红袍

Real cases of victims:

        可我之前没有接触过这个,但老师带他炒股也赚了一点,应该不会骗我,但本着一个老股民的心理,还是不太情愿,老师对我说建议说先入金10Give it a try ,保我能赚钱甚至一周翻几倍。当时我有点犹豫,老师就催着我快点开设个人账户,说下午就能带着赚钱,并且把平台客服的名片分享给了我。在老师的催促下,19year5month13号,我考虑了一晚上在平台就开了户,并且把多年积蓄拿出一大半全部入了金。5month20On the day, the teacher called for orders in the group, and I followed his guidance to make nearly ten orders. I lost money in one go13万多。总共听老师指导做了好几次单,让我账户出现巨额亏损,幸亏当时悬崖勒马,及时止损,10Ten thousand remaining5More than a thousand, but the continuous losses deeply undermined my confidence.
           I have been hit by consecutive losses, and my overall condition has deteriorated to a few points. But it was already at this point, and the teacher did not provide a reasonable explanation. Instead, he constantly urged me to raise money and earn back the losses I had suffered earlier. This completely cooled my heart and made me realize that after refusing to raise money and stopping making orders, I was kicked out of the group and sent messages to the teacher without replying. Later, I directly blacklisted and deleted them.
        直到后来在网上看到相关助援写的的曝光文章,后来才发现自己从一开始就陷入了老师精心设计的骗局之中,联系到他司之后,他们承诺事前不收取任何费用,并签订相关合同,我才放下心来交给他们帮我追回,没想到仅仅1During the week, people on the platform proactively contacted me, demanded a settlement, and compensated me9成的亏损金额!特别感谢相关助援团队,如类似平台亏损被骗的朋友们一定要及时联系

相关助援:河南南阳大宗商品田甜老师故意带单亏损?股指期权大红袍骗370 / author:Related assistance / PostsID:1508520
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        We are a professional legal company that upholds the basic rights of investors and protects their legitimate interests through legitimate channels. We hope all investors understand that many investors are worried about whether our company is deceiving others, whether we will collect money, or whether we are partners of Heipingtai! Regarding this
I can only promise to investors who have been bullied by black platforms that we have our own team and everything we do is to safeguard the interests of investors. No upfront fees, no money will be taken if unsuccessful!

This article is exclusively planned and written by "Related Assistance", hoping to be helpful to friends who have been deceived and lost in the investment market through this article! Related assistance(V:xgzy189 Q:2987214738 Tel:18071175894)
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