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  面对最近的大行情,持仓,点位没把控好,一定哀鸿遍野,仿佛看不到希望。在操作过程中,可能大家都有2Misconception of a combination: no stop loss+Add warehouse; And fear of stop loss+不操作。相信很多业余交易者都会犯这个错误,就是在开仓之后一路加仓,最后变成了赌气似的交易(His inner thoughts are as follows: I don't believe that the market won't reverse, and then I can still make a big profit). This Sunflower Encyclopedia+The super combination of Seven Hurt Fist is the ultimate weapon that killed Bill and also the root cause of the explosion. I have my own theory: the security of funds decreases geometrically as the number of positions increases. hypothesis1Ten thousand US dollars, open1Hand, safety factor reverse80US dollars; If the opening is followed closely2Hand, the safety factor immediately drops to40US dollars. If you open the3Where are the hands? Sorry, perhaps a significant fluctuation in one night resulted in a liquidation. So, no matter how large the principal is, never trade like this.
My daily analysis of thoughts is all on WeChat, and I publish transactions in real-time on Pengyouquan. I'm not afraid of you asking questions or not being able to find directions. Join us to searchV:lyx201037663
As for some people who may say, "How long can I hold on to a deep set of orders in my hand?" Therefore, it is necessary to judge based on your position report. In response to this situation, five or six investors have contacted the topic that I am most concerned about. At that time, I will also provide the most timely countermeasures based on real-time market trends.
Liu Yuxian
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