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Li Wen Dianjin:8.5黄金行情走势,黄金涨破新高,操作建议短线看空新手正确投资技巧

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The way to trade lies in change, which leads to communication, communication leads to achievement, and achievement leads to success; The fundamental essence of trading lies in stability, striving for progress while maintaining stability, and then avoiding risks and disruptions in order to lock in profits and avoid losses! The teacher is not a god. It is unrealistic to simply be accurate, go short and go up, and invest all the time facing certain risks. What the teacher needs to do is to constantly control risks based on the specific positions of the students, minimize risks, and consolidate our profits!
  上周五美国公布的7月非农就业数据略微不及预期,但薪资意外向好。具体数据显示,美国7月非农就业人口变动16.40万,略微不及预期值16.50万,前值下修至19.30Ten thousand. U.S.A7月平均小时工资年率录得3.20%,高于前值和预期值0.1Percentage points;7月失业率持平前值3.7%, higher than expected3.6%。 美国劳工部称,过去三个月,平均新增非农就业人数为14Ten thousand.7月专业商业服务、医疗业、金融行业就业人数录得增加。7月非农数据公布后,联邦基金利率futures暗示市场预计美联储9月降息概率96.5%,加息概率3.5%;具体来看,市场预计美联储在9Interest rate reduction at monthly meetings25基点概率为96.5%,直接降息50基点概率为0; If9月如期降息25基点,在10月会议上再次降息的概率为59.8%If10月没降息,在12月会议上再度降息的概率则为77.9%。
  另外,美国朗普上周五宣布,与欧盟就美国牛肉出口达成一项协议。 朗普称“美国牛肉是世界上最好的”,这一“突破性”协议将“降低欧洲贸易壁垒,扩大美国农民和牧场主的市场准入”,“对美国农民、牧场主,欧洲消费者来说,都是一次巨大胜利”。根据美国贸易代表办公室的数据,在这项新协议期间,美国每年向欧盟出口的免税牛肉预计将增长近两倍,从1.5Increase to 100 million US dollars4.2USD100mn invokeCNBC报道,在当天的协议签署现场,朗普还故意“开玩笑”,让现场的欧洲官员陷入“惊吓”之中,因为朗普还拿汽车关税开了个玩笑。 “我们正在就一项协议展开工作,欧盟将同意对所有进入我们国家的奔驰、宝马车支付25%的关税,所以我们对此表示赞赏。”朗普说。
  今日需要关注的数据有,中国7Yuecai New Service IndustryPMIUK7monthMarkitService industryPMIEurozone8monthSentix投资者信心指数和美国7monthISMNon manufacturingPMI。
  goldMarket trend analysis:
  从黄金技术面分析看,金价日线级别目前金价处在高位震荡,上周五金价大涨至1448附近,目前回落至1440附近,然后在1430有所企稳,金价经历大起大落后,估计后期金价走势存在一些变数,短线关注1430整数关口以及上周五的高点1448能否重新突破,然后是1452-1456阻力区域,如能突破1450as well as1453前期最高点位阻力,则金价后期有望向2013year5Monthly high point1480-1500附近发展。或如金价下破1430附近支撑,则金价可能回到之前的震荡区域运行。
Gold4小时来看:震荡上涨;MACD金叉红色动能柱有所缩窄。KDJ金叉随机指标走平。指示金价短线将小幅回调,但整体呈现一个宽幅震荡。目前金价受到布林线上轨压制,K线高位也有局部吞没看空顶部信号,金价出现了回调。目前1430是重要支撑位处获得支撑,该位置既是整数关口,也是短线涨势的38.2%回撤位,也是美联储利率决议后鲍威尔讲话前的高点所在。综合来看,今日操作思路上李文点金个人建议以回调做多为主,反弹高空为辅,上方重点关注1452-1455Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1430-1435Frontline support.
Latest operating suggestions for gold:
  1Gold rebounded to1455-1454Short on the front line, stop loss4US dollars, look at the target1440-1442frontline;
  2Gold callback to1435-1436Long on the front line, stop loss4US dollars, look at the target1445-1448frontline;
If your operation is not ideal and you are trapped in a loss trap, here is a professional technical analysis. You can follow Li Wen's advice on Jin Wei:(ldw⑥ ⑥ ⑤ ⑨)Communicate, exchange, and obtain guidance. Every day, Asia, Europe, and the United States will provide timely analysis and direction!
  crude oilaspect:
  从日线上来看,原油出现长黑的下跌走势,并且跌破下方所有均线,表明空头力量极为旺盛。目前,均线系统向下运行,MACDget into0轴下方,整体趋势偏空运行。但是,均线系统还并没有呈现空头排列形态,可能行情还有反复的震荡。从KLooking at the line,K线远离均线,短线乖离多大,有向上反弹的需求。高升认为,原油短线有反弹的机会,等调整过后,震荡下行的概率依然较大。
  从四小时来看,上周三上方收取一根阴十字星给出的空头信号,K打破了上行走势加速下跌,K线击穿布林带下轨,因此短期超跌反弹修复调整,指标上MACDGreen energy column volume increase, fast slow line dead cross,KDJThree line dead cross diffusion,JXian Da0轴下方超买区拐头向上,四小时图先看反弹调整,小时图上来看,上方呈肩型顶回落,上周五凌晨下方一根阴十字星探底,指标上MACDRed energy column volume increase, fast slow line golden cross,KDJ二次金叉扩散,反弹调整继续。上方重点关注56.0一线,李文点金建议不破则空头继续。短期来看原油处于反弹阶段,但是如果接下来避险环境不能有效的改善,原油下行的概率恐继续增大。
Suggestions for crude oil operation:
  1Suggestions55.9Stop loss without breaking short56.2, Objective55.7-55.5;
  2Suggestions54.4Do not break long, stop loss53.9, Objective55.3-55.5(破位持有看60);
How to invest in gold correctly for beginners
  1Control emotions - Investors must be calm and control their emotions. They must calmly respond to sudden changes in the market, otherwise they will miss out on opportunities due to indecision. It is best to be prepared to deal with various possibilities before entering the market, so that when encountering sudden changes in the market, one may not feel too surprised and at a loss.
  2Starting from small transactions - For newcomers to the market, it is necessary to start with small scale transactions, gradually grasp the trading rules and accumulate experience, and then gradually increase positions.
  3Avoid being eager for quick success and instant benefit - there should be no desire for quick success and instant benefit in transactions. Investors should not enter the market based on their subjective desires in trading. Successful investors generally strictly separate their emotions from trading activities to avoid the market trend being opposite to personal wishes and bearing heavier risks.
  4Be prepared to accept failure at any time - Gold investment carries risks, and trading failure is inevitable throughout the entire transaction. It is also an important way for investors to gradually learn from and accumulate experience. When faced with investment failure, only by carefully summarizing can investors gradually improve their investment ability, avoid risks, and strive for profitability.
  5Better miss than make mistakes - opportunities are always present, and seizing them requires a pair of bright eyes rather than quietly waiting for an empty opportunity.
  6Develop investment plans that are suitable for oneself - life requires planning, investment requires planning, and investment is not an overnight process. Only by strictly executing can one profit from it. So how to become a profiteer in the gold investment market is crucial. Think about how profitable you have been since investing.
Official account: Li Wen Dianjin
This article is exclusively planned by Li Wen Dianjin. Please indicate the source when reprinting. The above content is for reference.
Full guidance time: early7:00In the early morning of the next day2:00(It never stops on weekends and can be consulted at any time) Entering the market is risky, and investment needs to be cautious.
Wen/Li Wen Dianjin(Guidance and consultation with Weixin:ldw6659)
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