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Tong Yijin:8.5黄金早评,行情走势分析及盈利操作建议

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Tong Yijin:8.5gold早评,行情走势分析及盈利操作建议!

Tong Yijin:8.5黄金早评,行情走势分析及盈利操作建议812 / author:Tong Yijin / PostsID:1446530


技术面来看目前金价仍处于高位震荡走势,后市走势变数仍存一些变数,黄金4小时震荡上涨;MACD金叉红色动能柱有所缩窄。KDJ金叉随机指标走平。指示金价短线将小幅回调,但整体呈现一个宽幅震荡。目前金价受到布林线上轨压制,K线高位也有局部吞没看空顶部信号,金价出现了回调。目前1430是重要支撑位处获得支撑,该位置既是整数关口,也是短线涨势的38.2%回撤位,也是美联储利率决议后鲍威尔讲话前的高点所在。周一操作思路上建议以回调做多为主,反弹高空为辅,上方重点关注1448-1450Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1432-1430Frontline support. Break through and follow up on the trend!

Suggestions for Gold Operations:

1Callback1330-1332Long nearby, stop loss4USD, target1440-1442;

2Rebound1448-1450Short nearby, stop loss4USD, target1432-1434;


童溢金简述以下的几个方面的因素,实战把握非农数据对黄金市场的影响进而利用这种走势做好黄金投资简要回顾如下:1、技术分析主要的走势处在空头还是多头?多头和空头已经延续的时间周期的长短;2、非农数据前的基本面市场的反应,也就是市场预期的非农数据和前期的数据比较,进而大体判断数据好坏以及对黄金的影响;3Be prepared in the vicinity of key positions, judge and prepare for intervention positions based on the overall trend of the market, and adopt a phased intervention and light position approach to mitigate risks.4、放弃非农夜对黄金市场的冲击,选择观望或者非农震荡对市场的冲击结束之后再介入,这种选择未尝不是一个很好的选择。对于小资金的客户和重仓锁仓的客户至关重要。5、不要等数据公布之后再去下单操作,这样的操作行为往往面临较大的点差、成交的时滞性、诱多诱空造成来回止损对投资者心理的冲击等。具体有三种非农的操作方法:

1、在非农来之前进一锁仓单,这对锁仓单你可以通过看5Minute line, relatively low long, relatively high short. If this is possible, there will be some profit first, and handling fees will be charged. If you feel that this is more troublesome, you can directly lock the warehouse receipt and then wait until the news is released3There are two methods after about minutes1:给这两单像美日各设25Stop loss at one point,60个点止盈,对英日可以设的多些盈亏比更大些,这样消息一过一般两单将都会被打掉,去掉手续费你大约有29Space of points, methods2Both orders are only set to stop earnings based on the expected situation in the news50—80Interval setting: When a message is received, one order is cancelled and the other order can be closed according to the situation. Only in cases where the data is very good and very bad can a unilateral market be established, and even if the market exits, there will be a pullback.

2、双向挂单,在非农数据出来前3Hang one minute30Multiple orders and one high order hanging around the dot30Set the low hanging empty order around o'clock before hanging it30Point profit.(Different currency pairs have different points)After one transaction is completed, delete another order that has not been completed. If the data doesn't have that much impact, it won't be able to30What about the profit of the point? Then manually close the position when you feel weak in the upward attack.
Tong Yijin:8.5黄金早评,行情走势分析及盈利操作建议986 / author:Tong Yijin / PostsID:1446530




writing/Tong Yijin
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