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Duan Haoyu:8.4贸易站再起,周一黄金走势预测及操作建议!

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​Duan Haoyu:8.4贸易站再起,周一gold走势预测及操作建议!


影响黄金走势的因素一:美国劳工部表示,7Monthly increase in non farm employment opportunities16.4万个,低于前一个月,工资小幅增长。7月平均工时降至近两年来的最低水平,因制造商减少了工人工时,这一迹象表明,第三季度初经济增长进一步放缓。加之贸易紧张局势可能升级,可能为美联储下月再次降息提供弹药。交易员认为美联储9月再次降息的可能性为100%。
Duan Haoyu:8.4贸易站再起,周一黄金走势预测及操作建议!618 / author:Duan Haoyu / PostsID:1446358




黄金本周初延续强势阶梯反弹上涨,周三晚间美盘最高反弹触及1434美金承压回落,凌晨在美联储公布降息25个基点影响下黄金大幅破位下跌,周四日间亚欧盘延续弱势回落,最低下跌触及1400美金。周四晚间美盘黄金下探1400美金前期支撑位置企稳反弹拉升,凌晨反弹突破1420The US dollar is accelerating its rise, with the highest increase touching1448美金,成功周三全部下跌空间。周五黄金早盘开盘承压1446美金震荡回落,最低回落1430美金企稳震荡反弹,晚间美盘在非农影响下下探1431美金企稳反弹上涨,二次反弹触及1448美金附近,收盘1440美金,周线报收一根带下影线实体中阳K线;关注段浩雨威信dhy776Keep up with market information and grasp major trends to help you make steady profits!
Duan Haoyu:8.4贸易站再起,周一黄金走势预测及操作建议!19 / author:Duan Haoyu / PostsID:1446358

黄金看半小时图掌握一日走势方向和进出位置,黄金在周五晚间美盘下探1431The US dollar has stabilized and rebounded, and is under pressure to make up for the falling gap in the Asian market, with the highest rebound reaching1448The US dollar, although under high pressure and with a pullback in the early morning, closed1440美金,但是整体走势处在强势反弹趋势中。半小时图黄金下周一下方支撑关注1434美金附近,黄金下周回调不破1429美金,那么还将强势向上拉升,上方看1450美金得失,突破1450Looking further at the US dollar1465,1480dollar.

黄金下周一1434美金做多,破1429USD stop loss, target1444-48Dislocation1450USD holdings.

对于绝大多数投资者而言,不管你是100wA VIP customer in US dollars, or is it10w的普通户,老师的重要性都是相同的,大家应该都明白,他是你稳定获利的向导与标杆。想通过老师一夜暴富,或者想要追求跟随老师反仓,都是你们找老师的目的。浩雨有时截图并不是想证明自己水平有多好,只是想表达我每次对大方向的一种把握。我一直想传达给大家的就是一种观念就是做单做的是一种趋势,大方向把握准确不去低位追空高位追多,获利及时出场。俗话说,仁者见仁智者见智!浩雨正式开启盈利计划,抓不抓住在于你!下面浩雨就来简单的述说一下方案:

One:1—6万美金,浩雨会相对以稳健保守的方案来操作,因为资金量不是很大,所以操作上以稳健为主,主要以短线利润为主,不去带任何激进操作(预计一月盈利能在90%Left and right)

Second:7—12万美金,浩雨同样的使用以稳作为主的方案来操作,当然仓位配置我们要相对较大一些,主要以中短线相互结合来进行操作,用中线来把握波段利润,用短线来防止利润的回撤(预计一月盈利能在160%Left and right)

Three:13万美金以上,浩雨会提供自选操作方案来操作,用20%To configure short-term positions, use30%To conduct long-term position allocation, we will not miss any band and take profits of all sizes to achieve maximum profitability! Expected arrival in one month230%Left and right profit targets)
Duan Haoyu:8.4贸易站再起,周一黄金走势预测及操作建议!511 / author:Duan Haoyu / PostsID:1446358

不管什么行情,总有人抱怨难做,涨也亏跌也亏,为什么呢?无非是对于行情趋势把握不准,对于进出场时机又拿捏不定,想盈利?Nature is difficult! When others doubt, you take action; When others take action, you make money; When others make money, you succeed! I may not be the most successful analyst, but I will be the most hardworking analyst, treating people sincerely and doing things with dedication. There is no irreparable loss here, and keeping up with the teacher's operation has already succeeded halfway. success=opportunity 准备,时势造英雄,英雄造时势,千里马常有而伯乐不常有,浩雨愿为你的指点迷津。

Author of this article: Duan Haoyu [reprinted, please indicate source]

authoritydhy776(VLetter official account: Duan Haoyu)

Author's Message: If life is only like first sight, meeting and gathering is fate!

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