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In recent years, with the pace of China's internet finance market opening up to the outside world,foreign exchange早已成为中国老百姓可选择的理财产品之一。在对国际外汇市场的交易量统计中我们发现,Foreign exchange transactionsThere has been an astonishing increase in volume compared to the previous two years, with daily averages approaching6Trillion US dollars, far exceeding the growth of other virtual financial products!However, with the development of internet finance in China, there have gradually been many speculations about foreign exchangegoldfuturescrude oilOr an exponential black platform. With many investors trapped in black platforms investing in losses, everyone will reflect on why I only lose but not gain when speculating on the index?为什么跟着喊单老师操作却看不到盈利? 在网上炒金银油发现是黑平.台找律师投.诉或报.警有用吗?恒指期货option有正规的平台吗?维权需要哪些证据?流水需要多久的?为什么我的账户被冻.结登录不上去了?对自己亏损有疑问的都可以来咨询宸赫法援(chfy1888),前期不收取任何费用,过程公开透明,一定要及时拿起武器维护自身权益!


2019year4月,我被陌生人人拉进了股票直播间,里面有几个老师(莫大海、柳妍、程一明)讲课,老师们开始讲股票还会推荐股票,讲的好推荐的也准,我跟着买了几次都赚钱了。后来老师讲课时偶然漏出,做A50I made a lot of money, and then someone asked me how to do itA50The teacher said it's simple, making money is easy. She started from30If it doubles in a month70Wan, then someone asked how to do itA50Transaction, recommended in the groupAltailtdOn.户专员李铭。
At first, I didn't trust this, but many investors in the group showed screenshots of themselves making money by placing orders. I was momentarily obsessed with money, so I wasAltailtdOpen a household!14Daily opening.Household,16A few days ago, the teacher brought a few orders and earned $15000. And during that time, he kept telling us that there was a doubling trend, until19On the morning of the day, the teacher made a single order with me, which directly caused me a loss20Wan! Later, the teacher said that my capital position was small and the market fluctuated greatly. I was afraid of account risks, so I gradually increased my capital position. Later, several times I increased my capital positions because I encountered significant losses and had to deposit funds to ensure the safety of the account. Later, a total of funds were added30万一心想把亏损赚回来,但是行情就越走越低,结果直接爆仓全部亏光了,当时我都懵了,后来觉悟到可能是遇到骗子了。于是在网上一搜果不其然,看到了宸赫法援(V:chfy1888)的文章得知自己确实被骗。看到维权能从骗子哪里把亏损的钱拿回来一开始我是不信的,才被骗不久害怕二次上当。经过了解他们是正规合法的外汇维权公司,相应营业执照和法务部门资格证件等均可查询!接受正式合同委托后以受害者本人名义进行民事协商!法律协同高效合法!撤诉协议留存受害者本人相关信息和收款.account.户!客户收到协商赔款金额前!维权不成功绝不收取任何费用!


我们这边的律师接受的委托后,我方律师查到投入资金根本没有流入国际外汇市场,而是流入私人公司名下的;发现银行的入金是一个第三方支付平台,出金账户是一个私人账户。这些非法平台其实就是打着国际外汇黄金的名义去欺骗投资者的国内公司!于是我方律师让受害者下载所有的交易记录,导出所有的出入金记录,和喊单聊天记录做好证据保留。律师随后起草相应法律文件,并正式提交给涉案公司,Altailtd收到材料后,与受害者取得联系,同意了和解协议。受害者之后按涉案公司所述提交了聊天记录相关的证据材料:夸大宣传,违规喊单的证据。经过律师一段时间的交涉和沟通,最终双方达成和解,由平台依法退还受害者所有的亏损资金50Ten thousand RMB, successfully transferred to the victim's own account.

We are a professional recovery team with over a hundred members, and our law firm is located in Hongshan District, Wuhan, Hubei Province (website can be found) Each link is handled by professional talents. Employment4Over the years, we have successfully helped thousands of victims recover their losses. Conquered black, big and small.flat.Tai! Of course, we cannot guarantee to help you recover your losses 100%, but as long as the platform does not run away and there is sufficient evidence,95%The above is a list of successful rights protection measures. General recovery cycle :2-3Zhou.



我们专注外汇黄金维.Quan, as long as you have complete evidence, we have the ability and confidence to help you retrieve your funds!Whether you are in gold, foreign exchange, Hang Seng IndexA50Index, futures, spot, optionsHK50Shanghai and Shenzhen300、速盈通期权、邮币卡、大宗商品等亏损都可以来找我。我们虽不能保证帮你百分百追回你的资金,但只要你的证据充分,我们定会竭尽全力以最短的时间帮你追回你的损失,宸赫.Legal aid(chfy1888)I hereby promise that no fees will be charged for not recovering your funds.
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