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多乾国际、宏观策略、恒生金服、金奉策略、卫杰资本、金源国际、合欣国际、南洋国际、AltailtdWin win strategyCFXHong Kong Yuanhui, Rongyishang, Qianceng Jinpai, Huamao International, Hengxin WealthfuturesBig winner, Ranfeng FinanceDGINT, Shisheng Caihui, Huaan StrategyFDEXYingcheng Strategy, Shisheng Capital Allocation, Huirong International, Huangma Finance, Jinyuan International, Yinhua Medium term Strategy, the Taihu Lake International, Quan Intelligence, DeruioptionBitfuture, Chinese strategy allocation, Linzhi strategy, Beitong International, Stable Win strategy, Hengyuan Empire, Lianchuang strategy, Dingze allocationFDEXFucheng Allocation, Mingdao Allocation, Prudential International, Zhentai International, Dingze Allocation, Chengxin AllocationICEDATAParticle Finance, Guosheng International Futures, Zhongshi Jince, Huada Futures, Anyi Capital, Yingchuang WuyouHATSKY、极致环球、鼎兴环球配资等黑平台亏损的资金可全款追回。对自己亏损有疑问的都可以来咨询峰铭维权VX:v26135Professional people do professional things, I will help you identify the platform and help you recover losses! No fees will be charged in the early stage, and the process is open and transparent!
多乾国际正规么?亏损的钱怎么挽回呢?203 / author:Feng Ming Defends Rights / PostsID:1391178

Exposure platform: Duoqian International  
Teacher: Qiao Guangqiang (Da Zhi Ruo Yu)  
Stock group: Tianlong Battalion  
Operating variety: Shanghai and Shenzhen300, MeizhiCHINA50  
Single mode:通过天龙战队V信群,直播间,一对一喊单  
Doraemon International victim self statement:  
3月份的时候,我于机缘巧合之下被人拉进了一个股票交流群:天龙战队,里面有个叫大智若愚的老师讲课,大智若愚开始讲股票还会推荐股票,讲的好推荐的也准,我跟着买了几次都有小赚。就一直去听课,听了一段时间老师推荐的股票亏了之后,李国涛老师说现在股票行情不好,收益低,还是做foreign exchangestock market indexMake money and take everyone to Shanghai and Shenzhen at Duoqian International300The US Index made a fortune together, and even posted their own profitable accounts.  
At the beginning, I planned to consider doing it, but when I saw that the group was making more and more money, I was filled with anticipation and followed Da Zhi Ruo Yu to invest30Wan, if I were foolish enough to make a single order, it directly caused me a loss25Wan! Later, Da Zhiruoyu said that my capital position was small and the market fluctuated greatly. I was afraid of account risks, so I gradually increased my capital position. Later, several times I increased my capital positions because I encountered significant losses and had to deposit funds to ensure the safety of my account. Later, a total of funds were added50Wanyi was determined to make a profit from the losses, but the market continued to decline and ended up selling out. At that time, I was in a daze, and the teacher couldn't reach me. The group also kicked me out.  
多乾国际正规么?亏损的钱怎么挽回呢?106 / author:Feng Ming Defends Rights / PostsID:1391178​  

How to distinguish between legitimate platforms and unregulated black platforms?  
1Compliant foreign exchange platform  
Regulated traders, whose clients trade orders directly into banks and markets, provide channels for banks and traders, and can only make profits in the foreign exchange market through technical analysis. Currently, the major globalForeign exchange transactionsBusiness is regulated by four major regulatory agencies:1.UK Financial Services Regulatory Authority(FSA);2.Commodity Futures Trading Commission of the United States(CFTC);3.National Futures Association(NFA);4.Australian Securities and Investments Commission(ASIC). As long as the dealers are under normal supervision, regardless of which country or region, once they are complained about, the regulatory authorities will accept them. Moreover, every investor's transaction order is a bank order corresponding to the trader, and there will be no false transactions.  
2Non compliant foreign exchange platforms  
Small platforms that are not regulated by regulatory agencies or falsely named regulatory agencies. Investors only engage in hedging with traders, which is known as insider trading. The money lost by investors flows into the traders' funds pool, and their purpose is to put the money in your pocket into their own, without being responsible for the investors' funds.  
I want to know if the teacher who leads you really wants you to make a profit. Let's work together and first check if his trading platform can be used in foreign exchange110The website found that it is necessary to ensure the security of your funds before your profits. foreign exchange110Inside, it is divided into two parts: compliant dealers and non compliant dealers. Remember, don't listen to them say what kind of regulation their platform is subject to, and you have to go to foreign exchange on your own110Check. If the trader you want to check shows non-compliance or in foreign exchange110There is no record inside, so it's basically a black platform. At the same time, it also indicates that as long as your funds enter this platform, the platform will ultimately result in you losing everything.  
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