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Zhiyuan Legal Aid Penguin3205792419  authorityyouhugmedLa

  2018Of6月,杜女士收到一条【牛股华中集散地】的短信,加入了一个免费推荐股票的微信群。群里有个SS商城叫昊天的业务员,他每天下午和晚上开直播间讲选股技巧并推荐股票。我跟着买了几只股票后发现他推荐的股票有一只好像能实现盈利。5月下旬的时候昊天开始说股市不好做了,他已经不做股票了,在做贵金属。并且例举贵金属之于股票的优势,可以当天交易,可以买涨买跌,没有机构操控,交易时间长等等。并在直播间放出他的账户,事后才知道是模拟仓,让网友们看他每次操作的盈利。他说foreign exchange将迎来一个大行情,只要肯投入资金,有执行力,跟上他的操作,肯定能实现盈利。
  最终在SS商城老师的指导下到8month15I have already lost money in the past few days68000美金,之后指导老师还不断诱导杜女士加大投资,称公司可以由高级理财师进行喊单,帮助翻本。但杜女士已感觉到不对劲,于是质疑指导老师和平台的合法性,要求其出示相关经营许可证明,并要求退款。随后指导老师和平台便立刻变了脸色,称平台是SS商城的会员,经营也是合规的,杜女士的资金都是交易到国际贵金属市场上面去了,做了国际对冲,亏损与该平台和指导老师没有关系。



1Experience of team members in packaging foreign exchange asset management.
Founders and core members are often packaged as trading heroes or financial elites who have returned from overseas studies. The grassroots faction launched a heavy attack and became famous in the first battle. The elite camp trained on Wall Street, Goldman Sachs, and Citibank, managing several billion dollar funds. Packaging that is a bit upscale may even show up on non mainstream TV programs. A large photo is posted in the trading room, dressed in a uniform of suits and leather shoes, resembling a team of antique enthusiasts. A master of love for learning and success, with a sharp eye and a determined expression, suggesting that the success of trading is unstoppable!
2Packaging firm account or programmingEAHistorical performance.
Many analysts and even teachers in stock conversion live streaming rooms have achieved surprisingly good historical performance. Prone to aging60%reach100%Small pullback and small fluctuation. The profit screenshots or achievements are dazzling!Little did they know that many of these can simulate or even pirate changesMT4Data, in the eyes of insiders, is just a handful of happy beans!
3Packaging trading strategy, simply speaking up a strategy to perfection, cannot justify itself.
The packaging trading strategy team usually requires customers to open their accounts on a platform they have privately built. In fact, it is a small black platform built by the black asset management party itself. The customer's deposit has become the platform's revenue and operating capital. There is no regulation, no transactions, only fictitious cash flow and rigid redemption that constantly supplement behind the bustling performance and strategy. Use the money of the later investors to fill in the funds and interest invested by the former investors. On this basis, a series of financial concepts can be fabricated, such as foreign exchange structured products, hedge funds returning from Wall Street, and a stable profit and loss triangle arbitrage system.
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