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        FDEXIs the platform legitimate? fryFA50What should we do if we lose money? Fried Rich SeasonsA50Is it formal?FDEXoperationFA50.f指数频频爆仓怎么办? FDEX平台亏损怎么办?陈赫老师是骗子吗? 汇心天下讲武堂 直播间是骗局,里面全是托?明哥、王龙带单A50亏损异常可追回雪兔金服正规吗?Altailtd(Altay) Cheng Yiming Stir fried with single dishA50为什么接连亏损?刘伯温、庐陵离海老师反向喊单亏损,如何挽回!海利国际流星、诸葛孔明,金玉满堂老师是骗子吗? ice dataIs it a black platform?ssmallShopping Mall (Ye Boti, Su Chi) Stir fried Yellow.What should we do if we lose money? 沪深融是不是正规平台?
FDEX金石宝典老师喊单上证指数亏损被骗颜面尽失如何维权?379 / author:Green Lemon Rights Protection / PostsID:1391017
        Fraudulent behavior is rampant in society and is gradually infiltrating the financial investment industry. As it involves dealing with money, there are more articles to be written about. Despite repeated crackdowns and crackdowns by the government, there are still criminals who take risks, and the tactics of scammers are constantly being updated. However, their unchanging core is always to use various temptations to plot investor funds! Qingning has come into contact with many investors, and their loss experiences are also diverse, with various tricks, but they are generally15After a month, everything will be ruined! Although the tricks of the fraudsters are constantly exposed, there are still investors falling into the pit, and I personally feel very sorry for this. As long as you contact Qingning Rights Protectionqing53865Here, the Qingning Rights Protection Team will have professional lawyers to help you distinguish right from wrong and protect your vital interests!


Operating platform:FDEX

       2019year4月起,有工作人员介绍,向邹先生推荐《金石宝典》直播间,一开始先讲股票,推荐股票,讲股票指标,然后借大盘不好,说建议到foreign exchange指数方面的投资,并夸大现在炒外汇指数投资十分安全,利润巨大,公司有专业的洪涛老师负责一对一指导。


FDEX金石宝典老师喊单上证指数亏损被骗颜面尽失如何维权?385 / author:Green Lemon Rights Protection / PostsID:1391017
▋给大家揭露一下黑平台的套路,因为比曝光黑平台更重要的是骗子的诈骗手 .Our common goal is to help more friends prevent black platforms.
Step 1: Stock recommendation and listing in the live broadcast room
In a live broadcast room, each teacher basically recommends every day1onlyAStock, of course, this stock will give you something to gain, and there will be many trust orders in the group to earn their own profits, in order to make everyone believe in their strength.

Step 2: Guide index, foreign exchange, precious metals, etc
Intentionally or unintentionally recommending indices to everyonegoldAt the same time, the teacher often shows everyone how easy it is to make money by placing long and short orders on the platform every day. After about a week of brainwashing by their team, most people feel that it is easy to make money under the guidance of the teacher, You can double your earnings directly in a week.

Step 3: Unified account opening operation
At this point, the teacher will recommend a Hong Kong stock account opening specialist to everyone, suggesting that everyone must come to her to open a Hong Kong stock account

Step 4: Compulsory Documentary
At the beginning, it was indeed better thanAStocks make money quickly, but since everyone wants to double their profits as soon as possible, they have not considered the issue of platform gold. During this period, there will be various brainwashing activities to help you firmly keep up with the teacher's execution ability. You can operate as the teacher says, and it is not allowed to make orders without permission. You must firmly follow the teacher's operational decisions.

Step 5: Ten Thousand Types of Hands .The law will cause you to lose your principal
As long as you deposit funds, you basically don't want to retire completely. There are 10000 types of hands on the platform .The law causes you to lose your principal: intentionally calling for reverse orders, delaying transactions, and using various excuses when making withdrawals to say that national foreign exchange controls cannot make withdrawals, etc.

Hengli Gold Industry, GrantGallant,MorseHuobi, Dinghe Financial Holding (Zhongzhe Financial Holding), Bozhuo International, Particle Finance,KKG商城,香港富赢通,豪根国际,中远futures,中元天颐,ICE DATABig Winner Futures, Jiasheng Wealth,CFEXC(Blockchain), Goldman Sachs Asia Pacific,AJPFX,ATTEX,RFC(Ambra), Zhongshou Investment,DAC,中泰之星(option),Quadrant wealth,SSmall, Suhui, Futong International,XO,中远期货,康美E药谷,新源财经,丰盛金融,恩圣威,ICTA ,Vantler, TFBO (EXOX )。

但凡是在平台被骗、平台老师喊单亏损都可找青柠维权V:qing53865Recovery of losses here!

FDEX金石宝典老师喊单上证指数亏损被骗颜面尽失如何维权?144 / author:Green Lemon Rights Protection / PostsID:1391017
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