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main points:Duoqian International是合法平台吗?多乾国际(大智若愚)带炒Shanghai and Shenzhen300和美指亏损怎么办?你真的知道你所在操作的Macro strategyIs the platform legitimate?你还在相信平台老师给你们的盈利截图吗?你知道你在Hash Global极为信任的(海峰)老师都做了什么吗?你认为Anxin Financial Holding的亏损真的只是一次市场寻常的失误?到底是谁在操控平台是平台代理商还是黑平台的老师?你在Win the worldLoss的钱究竟到了哪里?这些问题你都知道吗?Anyone who has doubts about their own losses can come for consultationPolitical and Legal Aid+V(ZNFY315)There is a professional team of lawyers here to handle such cases, and no fees will be charged in the early stage. Generally, the payment can be recovered within two weeks.

多乾国际大智若愚带单一直亏,天龙战队是套路吗343 / author:Political and Legal Aid / PostsID:1390774
Cheated Online Consultation and Legal Aid(ZNFY315)<component-cursor style="font-family: "Microsoft Yahei" !important; width: 1px; height: 1px; user-select: all;">

How can black platforms earn your money?How to cut your chives?

  1、Black platforms that suffer losses: These platforms usually have teachers with orders, who will first understand some of your information. If you are an old hand, they will slowly call for anti orders to make you lose out;For beginners, they will directly let you carry out heavy position operations, such as using your original funds to1Hands are more suitable, he will directly let you do it5Hand or more, and the order is still a reverse order. Investors who do not know the truth may lose all their orders after placing them!These platforms are not connected to the market, and the money you lose is the money they transfer. They earn as much as you lose, and under the influence of the single teacher, customers cannot make money and can only become leeks under the sickle!
  2、Market allocation: Having been exposed to external factors for a period of time.Investors in foreign exchange should have heard of capital allocation.Huili has allocated funds. The so-called capital allocation, for example2:1Investors take out4A capital of ten thousand US dollars, provided by the agent2Ten thousand US dollars, each party bears 50% of the losses, earns 70% of the profits for investors, and 30% of the profits for the platform. The reasonable cooperation terms sound appealing to investors.
But only black platforms will allocate funds, and legitimate trading platforms will not allocate funds because what legitimate trading platforms earn is your spread. The agent assigned this to your account2A fund of ten thousand US dollars is just a number, a virtual fake account, because the deposit and withdrawal on black platforms are not connected to banks. You can think about it. If the other party has funds, why not do it on their own and have to share the losses with you? If they make a profit, they will take a small portion?There is no such thing as pie falling from the sky.
Don't miss the best time to protect your rights as Duoqian International has been deceived by losses!!If investment is deceived and rights are protected, seek legal assistance from Zhengnuo Weiwei.Credit consultation(ZNFY315),24Hour Online!
多乾国际大智若愚带单一直亏,天龙战队是套路吗254 / author:Political and Legal Aid / PostsID:1390774
Cheated Online Consultation and Legal Aid(ZNFY315)<component-cursor style="font-family: "Microsoft Yahei" !important; width: 1px; height: 1px; user-select: all;">


Stock group: Tianlong Battalion   操作平台:沪深300、CHINA50、美指  带单老师:乔广强(大智若愚)            this year4月份的时候,我接到一个陌生人的电话,他们当时打电话给我推荐股票,我起初并不想理他们,但是他们一直不停的打,还加我薇信。说只是让我关注一下,不需要我跟着他们操作。我当时想,那也可以多一个参考。看他们机构准不准。谁能想到,已经一步步的踩进他们早已布好的重重陷阱。刚开始,他们每天都给我股票资讯,也每天都在朋友圈更新盘中票。刚开始我关注了一下,确实都涨的可以,有时候还有连续几天都是涨停板的。我当时还傻傻的以为,他们机构是真的有很厉害的操盘手。At that time, I was still a bit cautious, so I only had small funds5W块跟他们玩玩,然后他们的老师就带我操作,赚了一点小钱。那半个月,他们每天都带我操作。大概赚了2WThe appearance of the block. Then one day, suddenly they didn't bring it, and I asked them what was going on. They said they received the news that there was an insider ticket, and now the entire company does not bring customers, specifically bringing customers into this insider ticket. Say the least20-25Earnings from individual points, short-term,3-5Days to ship, but minimum20W起带。当时我咬咬牙,就跟他们进了。
那时候正逢股市震荡大跌的时候,我也是蠢,听信了他们的鬼话,连续七个跌停板!亏了我十来万。出也出不来。问他们老师怎么回事,他们老师就各种搪塞,说什么中美贸易战,美市股票大跌,影响了中国股市。过了两天,那个老师主动找我说,现在股票不好做了,带我们做CHINA50And Shanghai and Shenzhen300Help us make up for the losses for free. Then, under their guidance, I opened an account and brought us into a group - the Tianlong Battle Team Communication Group, as well as a live broadcast room. At that time, I didn't know about these, nor did I know that a large part of the group was a group, and most of the live broadcast room was their navy. I was also blindfolded at the time, and in less than a week, I lost again10manyW。 They asked me to increase my funds and double my earnings. I went in all together from front to back50manyW。总是想着赚回本就不做了。结果越亏越多,最后出不起本钱我才意识到不对,就在网上搜到Political and Legal Aid(ZNFY315)揭露多乾国际黑平台的文章我才明白我自己真的是被骗了。后来在政诺法援团队的帮助下,联合专业的律师协作下,不到两周的时间就帮我追回了所有的损失,对自己操作亏损有疑问的可以在线咨询Political and Legal Aid(ZNFY315)
多乾国际大智若愚带单一直亏,天龙战队是套路吗527 / author:Political and Legal Aid / PostsID:1390774
Cheated Online Consultation and Legal Aid(ZNFY315)<component-cursor style="font-family: "Microsoft Yahei" !important; width: 1px; height: 1px; user-select: all;">政诺在最后跟大家普及一下foreign exchange中的骗局Strangers suddenly add WeChat or make a phone call to chat about how they can make money. Anyway, it's all kinds of temptations, using any irregular means to make you invest and ultimately leading to losses. They bring you to a so-called stock group to explain stocks, then explain how foreign exchange trading can make money, and then the so-called masters guide you to operate, ultimately resulting in losses,有老师带单导致亏损,基本上都是非法不正规平台,外汇中是不允许有老师指导的,如果哪位投资者感到自己投资平台亏损不正常的,可以在线咨询我
维权的goldTime is importantDon't hesitate, it's possible that the platform has already run away during your hesitation. Calmly collect evidence of being deceived,我们是承诺前期不收取任何费用的,等钱打到你账户之后,在向我们支付代理费,保证你资金的安全,有需要的朋友加上我微信详细(ZNFY315)Understand.
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