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Golden Channel Win:1.9黄金午夜震荡真到了做空的时候?黄金走势分析

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Golden Channel Win:1.9gold午夜震荡真到了做空的时候?黄金走势分析
  上周五美国劳工部公布数据显示,12Non-agricultural employment increased in the month14.8万人,远远逊于预期的19万人,更不及前值;失业率录得4.1%, maintain17年以来低位不变。数据公布之初美元短线急跌,现货白银多头嚣张,银价获支撑大涨。
  然而备受瞩目的关键数据薪资增速不负众望,平均时薪月率涨幅录得0.3%, higher than the previous value0.2%,年率上涨持稳于2.5%。
  1.8Technical analysis of gold:
  黄金日线级别依旧是多头的趋势,虽然上周五收阴,今天目前依旧是小阴线,但是没有改变黄金的趋势性,目前的下跌只是小幅的回调而已,回调后行情望进一步的走高。整体来说黄金还是一个多头趋势占主导位置,所以笔者也是一直强调只要千三关口在,那么我们依旧维持回调做多的主要思路不变。非农数据利多,但是没能助黄金突破1330的关口。再看周五凌晨四点多,黄金走技术面冲高的时候,也在1326附近受阻,这也是验证了上方压力位1328-1330一线。所以笔者认为本周初还是会先试探突破1326的短线压力位,上方试探不破位那么将会继续回调整理而后走一个区间震荡。在震荡整理后黄金或将再次冲向高点。稳健操作可关注1326一线破位情况,不破可继续观望,激进者可在1313-1326区间高沽低渣,但要把握风险,快进快出,切不可贪心!有套 Dear friend, you can consult me, as I am not sure if I am aware of your package It is difficult to provide corresponding solutions for the detailed information of single points and positions Set strategy, need to solve You can contact me through a single line Heart:jt827827
  1、1295附近空单被套的朋友,有回调及时止损,慢涨行情大回调是不可能的,有可能涨到让你难受。后面继续多关注1306一线。若本周回调不破1298In the future market, we will actively see through the high points and cannot blindly carry orders. At the same time, we also need to adjust our strategies and methods in a timely manner to get out.
  2、1285Investment friends with empty orders and covers below, if your funds are large enough and your position is suitable, it is recommended to call back and pay attention1296Nearby, the market will not break the lockdown and go long. Continue to follow after the rise1300This position, if it continues to fall below1300If there is a short position, it is still a long market and it is not recommended to add positions without restrictions.
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