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  1、MACD死叉为见顶信号:价格在经过大幅拉升后出现横盘,形成的一个相对高点,投资者尤其是资金量较大的投资者,必须在第一卖点出货或减仓。此时判断第一卖点成立的技巧是价格横盘且MACD死叉,死叉之日便是第一卖点形成之时。首先调整MACDRelated parameters:MACDFastEMASet the parameters to8, slow downEMASet the parameters to13, willDIFSet the parameters to9. The moving average parameters are5、10、30。设定好参数后,便可寻找卖点。

  2、KDJPresenting a bipolar pattern and reaching a peak: usually, after a long or rapid unilateral trend, the market shows a large volume or extreme reverse trend, accompanied by classic technical evidence, such as a long jump star patternKLine circumferenceKDJLinearKValue reached85The above is a typical signal at the top.

  3Long overhead lines require extra caution: Long overhead lines are a clear signal of reaching the top.

  4A high cross star is a risk sign: on the same dayKThe key to selling currency is when a cross star or inverted hammer shaped candlestick or candlestick appears on the line. dayKThe appearance of a high cross star on the line indicates a strong divergence between long and short positions, and the situation may shift from a buyer's market to a seller's market. The appearance of a high cross star is like encountering a red light at a crossroads while driving, reflecting a turning point in the market. To avoid risks, shipments can be made. After a significant increase in the exchange rate, a hammer shaped candlestick with a long shadow appeared, indicating that there were many sellers on the day, and bears had an advantage. If the trading volume on the day was large, it would be a signal of a peak.

  5、双头、多头形态避之则吉:当价格不再形成新的突破,形成第二个头时,应坚决卖出,因为从第一个头到第二个头都是主力派发阶段。MThe shape of the right peak is lower than the left peak, indicating a higher selling shape. Sometimes, the right peak may also form a bullish shape higher than the left peak, and then reverse and fall, which is even more frightening. As for other head shapes such as head and shoulder tops, triple tops, and circular tops, they are the same. As long as they fall below the neck support, they must quickly close their holdings to avoid further losses.

  6、击破重要均线警惕变盘:放量后价格跌破10The daily moving average cannot be restored, and subsequently5The weekly chart has also been broken down, and we should firmly sell it. It is particularly advantageous for those who have just been fitted to quit at this time. How to confirm the support position is particularly crucial here. Generally speaking,10The daily moving average broke on the first day and then pulled back the next day, but couldn't reach support level(as30Daily moving average)It is the confirmation of breaking positions, and the time to reduce positions is when pulling back. If the exchange rate continues to break through30Day or60Important moving average indicators such as daily moving averages need to be firmly cleared.

  此外,随着价格的下调,逐渐形成了下降通道,日、周均线出现空头排列。如果此后出现反弹,价格上冲30or60If the daily moving average does not stand firm, it should be sold resolutely.

  7Single dayT+0Cost reduction through buying and selling: mainly relying on daily fluctuations in exchange rates and utilizing small price differentials to unwind.

  8Second wave of weak rebound shipment: sell when opening low and falling below the previous low point(Sell out at the limit down price)Weak currency. When there is a real bearish trend, if the opening price is low and the rebound cannot cross the opening price, and then it reverses and falls below the first wave of low, the technical index will weaken. Therefore, it is necessary to quickly sell the market price. If there is no time, it is also necessary to make a quick sell order when the second wave of rebound cannot cross the high point and then turns back down.

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