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Fang Yuan said Jin:10.21US bond yields soaring, gold diving overnight, trend analysis...

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goldTrend analysis:



   4小时伴随了一波反抽确认顶底转换的阻力点,尾盘承压收在低位,那么昨日的反弹高点就是一个短期的修正阻力点,也是多空临界点,比较鲜明的层次感或者说是下行台阶,由1684to1672 1667to1645高点慢慢下移,反弹力度开始减弱,均线指标也由这种先弹后跌收低之后带动死叉拐头向下。今日短线看进一步走低。布林道刚好触及到中轨承压收回低位,中轨通常是短期强弱分界。守住之下收盘短线看空。1小时图过山车式的冲高回吐,相对于昨日先弹后跌,今日开盘在低位,整理之后有望创新低。今日阻力在1636-1640.临界点在1645.50.

Suggestions for Gold Operations:1636-1640附近依旧空防守1646.50target1620-1615。

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crude oilMarket trend analysis;



  1,86.8-87Empty, stop loss0.4, Objective86-85.5

  2Follow84得失,此位不破84.2One more time, stop loss0.4, Objective85-85.5

Note: This article is provided by Fang Yuan. I interpret world economic news, analyze global investment trends, and conduct in-depth research on commodities such as crude oil, gold, and silver. If reprinted, please indicate the source. Kind reminder, investment carries risks and caution is required when entering the market. Due to the latency of online publishing, operational suggestions are for reference only. Specific locations will be provided based on actual data. Please take risk control measures yourself.

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