New Zealand dollars/The US dollar remains at0.6100Above, follow the United StatesCPIdata

2023-12-12 09:50| Publisher: 2233| see: 374| comment: 0

abstract: Despite the strengthening of the US dollar, the New Zealand dollar/The US dollar continues to rise slightly to 0.6125. Federal Open Market Committee(FOMC)The meeting will start on Tuesday and will last for two days, with no expected changes. New Zealand Q3 GDP The annual growth rate is expected to decrease from 0.9% increase 0.2%. US Consumer Price Index( ...
  • Despite the strengthening of the US dollar, the New Zealand dollar/The US dollar continues to rise slightly to 0.6125。
  • 联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)会议将于周二开始为期两天的会议,预计不会有任何变化。
  • 新西兰第三季度 GDP The annual growth rate is expected to decrease from 0.9% increase 0.2%。
  • 美国消费者价格指数(CPI)将成为周二备受关注的事件。

New Zealand dollars/美元货币对在周二亚洲早盘时段上涨。尽管美元走强,该货币对仍连续第二天保持上涨。在周四新西兰经济增长数据公布之前,投资者将从美国经济数据和联邦公开市场委员会 (FOMC) 利率决定中获取线索。该货币对目前交投于 0.6125 附近,全天持平。

联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)会议将于周二开始为期两天的会议,预计不会有任何变化。Market expectations FOMC On Wednesday 12 月会议上将利率维持在 5.25%–5.50% unchanged.在关键事件发生之前,投资者等待美国消费者价格指数(CPI)数据以寻求新的推动力。

monthly CPI Expected to start from 0% Month on month increase 0.1%,年率预计从同比 3.2% Descend to 3.1%。剔除波动较大的食品和能源价格后,年度核心CPI预计将稳定在4.0%。

另一方面,新西兰Q3gross domestic product(GDP)将于周四公布。年增长率预计将从前值的 0.9% 扩大到 0.2%,而季度增长率预计将从前值的 1.8% increase 0.5%。

美国消费者价格指数(CPI)将于周二晚些时候公布。本周晚些时候,联邦公开市场委员会 (FOMC) 将于周三宣布利率决定,新西兰第三季度 GDP 增长数据将于周四公布。这些事件可能会引发市场波动,并为New Zealand dollars/dollar货币对提供明确的方向。


New Zealand dollar/dollar

Today's final price0.6126
Daily changes today0.0001
Daily changes today%0.02
Open daily today0.6125
everyday SMA200.6091
everyday SMA500.5978
everyday SMA1000.598
everyday SMA2000.6088
The highest price of the day before yesterday0.6137
Last day's lowest price0.6104
Previous week's high point0.6223
The lowest point of the previous week0.6103
Last month's high point0.6208
Last month's lowest price0.5788
Daily Fibonacci 38.2%0.6124
Daily Fibonacci 61.8%0.6117
Daily pivot point S10.6107
Daily pivot point S20.6089
Daily pivot point S30.6074
Daily pivot point R10.614
Daily pivot point R20.6155
Daily pivot point R30.6173


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