pound/dollar - The euro may experience a stronger rebound compared to the pound

2023-12-11 22:47| Publisher: 2233| see: 310| comment: 0

abstract: The daily bearish continuation pattern has existed for too long, and oversold power readings have increased the risk of rebound. The recent high point has provided a basis for 10 Daily moving average 0.8594 Supported initial resistance level0.8765-0.8554The minimum correction level for the decline is0.8606The quotation is 0.8625If the bullish signal strengthens today, the strategy will be modified ...
The daily bearish continuation pattern has existed for too long

The oversold power reading increases the risk of rebound

The recent high point has provided insights from 10 Daily moving average 0.8594 Supported initial resistance level

0.8765-0.8554The minimum correction level for the decline is0.8606

The quotation is 0.8625If the bullish signal strengthens today, the strategy will be modified
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