pound/The US dollar is consolidating after its latest surge

2023-11-29 23:37| Publisher: 2233| see: 355| comment: 0

abstract: GBP: GBP/The US dollar chart and analysis currently anticipate US interest rates as5 Monthly interest rate reduction25 Basis points,2024 Annual total interest rate reduction 125 One basis point. United StatesGDPInflation data will be the main driving force for short-term momentum. According to the latest CME Market probability, the United States may end next year 5 The interest rate will be lowered starting from the beginning of the month, and it has been included in the current calculation ...

GBP: GBP/美元图表和分析

  • 目前美国利率预期为5 monthInterest rate reduction25 Basis points,2024 Annual total interest rate reduction 125 Basis points.
  • U.S.AGDPandinflation数据将是短期动能的主要驱动力。

根据最新的 CME Market probability, the United States may end next year 5 The interest rate will be lowered starting from the beginning of the month, and it has been included in the current calculation 2024 年总共 5 次降息 25 Basis points.人们越来越多地认为,美国经济增长将在未来几个月放缓,再加上通胀放缓,美联储的行动速度将快于最初的预期。本周我们将再次关注美国国内生产总值和最新的美国通胀报告,这些将在未来几天引导市场。


pound/The US dollar is consolidating after its latest surge51 / author: / source:

相比之下,英国利率预期显示,首次降息 25 个基点已完全反映在 8 月份的会议上,全年银行利率总共下调了 71 Basis points.英国央行最近发表的评论警告称,英国通胀率可能会比之前预期的更长时间保持在目标水平之上,从而削弱了对 2024 年上半年利率的预期。

pound/The US dollar is consolidating after its latest surge235 / author: / source:

随着降息预期的增强,对利率敏感的美国两年期国债收益率本周大幅下跌,目前已回到 7 月份的水平。从技术面来看,收益率已经从200日简单移动均线反弹,需要守住这一点才能防止收益率进一步下跌。这种疲软正在拉低dollar


pound/The US dollar is consolidating after its latest surge960 / author: / source:

随着英镑小幅上涨,美元承压,英镑在过去几周不断创下数周新高。该货币对上周测试并突破了 200 日均线,同时突破了 50% 斐波那契回撤位。该货币对目前位于两个之前的兴趣水平 1.2667 and 1.2742 between.


pound/The US dollar is consolidating after its latest surge510 / author: / source:

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零售交易者数据显示,40.34%的交易者为净多头,空头与多头的比例为1.48:1。净多头数量较昨日减少13.16%, decreased compared to last week19.65%,而净多头数量较昨日减少13.16%, decreased compared to last week19.65%。交易商净空头较昨日增加2.12%,较上周增加14.66%。

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