Thunderstorm in Eggshell Apartments, hundreds of thousands of people facing homelessness: All young people must watch 3 Suggestions ... ...

2020-11-24 16:49| Publisher: 2233| see: 712| comment: 0|original author: Ah Xiu|come from: Advancing Ah Xiu

abstract: Recently, CCTV exposed a big news that Eggshell Apartments (a long-term rental apartment brand) has experienced a "cash flow crisis". Many people were dumbfounded because just in January of this year, Eggshell Apartments, as a leader in the long-term rental industry, listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Who would have thought that the industry leader would fall in less than a year. Tycoon collapse ...

Recently, CCTV exposed a big news that Eggshell Apartments (a long-term rental apartment brand) has experienced a "cash flow crisis".


Many people were dumbfounded because just in January this year, Eggshell Apartments, as a leader in the long-term rental industry, listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Who would have thought that the industry leader would fall in less than a year.


The consequences of a giant's downfall are serious, as only 2019 In the year, the number of apartments operated by Eggshell has already reached 43.83 Ten thousand.The users affected by eggshells this time, it is conservatively estimated that at least they will have to 50 More than ten thousand people.


The more serious one is still ahead,Recently, due to the inability of the eggshell platform to pay rent to landlords, many landlords have started to violently evict people, and a large number of tenants are facing the dilemma of being homeless in the cold winter.

Thunderstorm in Eggshell Apartments, hundreds of thousands of people facing homelessness: All young people must watch 3 Suggestions ... ...944 / author:Ah Xiu / source:Advancing Ah Xiu

Thunderstorm in Eggshell Apartments, hundreds of thousands of people facing homelessness: All young people must watch 3 Suggestions ... ...101 / author:Ah Xiu / source:Advancing Ah Xiu

Thunderstorm in Eggshell Apartments, hundreds of thousands of people facing homelessness: All young people must watch 3 Suggestions ... ...203 / author:Ah Xiu / source:Advancing Ah Xiu

Many people have said on Weibo and private messages on their official accounts, 'Ah Xiu, can you write about the Thunderstorm in Eggshell Apartment? Many media outlets are unwilling to write about this incident, but our own rights protection is also very difficult. We also saw a girl holding a knife online, facing off with a landlord who came to violently drive us away, and everyone was forced to a dead end.'.

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My interpretation and prediction of this matter

Many people may not be familiar with this matter, why is the tight eggshell funding chain causing such a big impact?


We can briefly interpret the business model of long-term rental apartments such as Eggshell and Zizi.


Eggshell first signed a contract with the landlord AThe landlord entrusted the house to the eggshell, which obtained the right to use the house.


And then the eggshell signed a contract with the tenant again BRenting the house to the tenant means that the landlord did not sign a contract with the tenant.


How will the money be paid?


If the tenant is unable to pay the annual rent in full, they can apply for a rent loan from Eggshell Apartment and repay it on a monthly basis. But in reality, this money is borrowed from banks or WeChat Bank (a lending business under Tencent), which means that tenants do not owe eggshells and landlords money, but rather owe money to banks.


The way to make money is here.


In fact, the business model of eggshell is similar to the Ponzi scheme, and it will happen sooner or later.

Eggshell promises a high market price to the landlord, but pays the rent once a month; But promise a price lower than the market price to the tenant, provided that the rent is paid in full for one year at a time.


For example, if a tenant rents a room from an eggshell, they only need to spend money every month 5000 But what the eggshell promises to the landlord is every month 6000 Block.


How can we make up for the price difference in the middle?


amount toThe eggshell first collects the tenant's money in advance and makes various investments, earning money to pay for this price difference. The more rent is collected, the more rent needs to be paid to the landlord.


Is it like a Ponzi scheme?


After all, investing is a risky job. Now that the funding chain of the eggshell is broken, we cannot continue to pay the landlord, so we terminated the contract with the landlord AIt is said to use the household appliances and furniture of the house to offset the account.


The landlord thinks that since the contract has been terminated, why do I have to let the tenant live in my house? Is it not good for me to rent it out? After all, I am also a victim, so I started to evict tenants in various ways, even with violence.


But the tenant is also very aggrieved. After all, I paid all the rent in one go, and now the platform's funding chain is broken, are you driving me? Then I will report to the police, sue, and refuse to repay the money.


But the distressed tenant soon discovered:


Sue the landlord, you can't sue because you haven't signed a contract with the landlord, unless the landlord violently drives you away, but the cost of your lawsuit is unimaginable;


Let's sue the eggshell apartment, it's useless because they don't have the money to compensate;


Call the police,jc Uncle can only mediate when he comes, after all, this is an economic dispute, and neither side can compromise and they have no way;


Being tough with the landlord, but even if the landlord is trapped, it's difficult to calm down. You feel nauseous every day, unable to eat or sleep, and delaying work;


If you don't repay the bank's money, don't even think about it. This is a matter of credit reporting, which will affect the future of buying a house or a car. No one can bear the consequences. The bank can at most delay everyone's repayment, but it is impossible to avoid this money;


Place hope inzfResolve, butzf There is no way to make money even if you arrest the people in the eggshell apartment, so it's impossible to lose money. Be mentally prepared


Many online platforms vThey have all given their own suggestions, and many of them are just a psychological comfort to the victims. Don't believe it, you see, after all these years P2P How many cases have been properly settled?


In fact, the ending is almost visible to the naked eye,It will be very difficult to solve, and it is destined to be impossible to achieve a satisfactory outcome for all parties.


But regarding this incident, I still want to provide some relevant suggestions for everyone.

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Both parties in the conflict of interests

Need to compromise with each other

In fact, crisis management is often a process of mutual compromise, and relying solely on toughness and ruthlessness cannot solve the problem. Instead, it will provoke stronger resistance from the other party 100%Winning is even more impossible, and it is necessary to cede some benefits in order to shake hands and make peace.


I saw the landlord taking someone to collect the house, and the girl who rented the house was holding a knife in a standoff. The two sides were at daggers drawn, one said you were going to chop me off, and the other said you came over and I would chop you off


I actually understand the emotions of the two sides at the time, but such a strong confrontation cannot solve the problem, let alone the more troublesome consequences of being injured. It's better for both sides to sit down and try to negotiate.


Because this is the end of the matter, it is no longer meaningful to dwell on who is right or wrong, who is the victim, and who is more legal


Let's see if we can just offer a low price or some other way,Renewing a contract with the landlord and each party bearing a portion of the losses will increase acceptance.


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