Belgium Calls on EU to Limit Price ceiling of Natural Gas

2022-8-30 23:07| Publisher: 2233| see: 259| comment: 0|come from: Huitong Network

abstract:   8month29On January 1, Belgium's Energy Minister Mario Stretten warned that unless the European Union takes prompt action to impose a Price ceiling on runaway natural gas prices, Europe's future5reach10The winter of the year will be "terrifying." Stretten said, "If you don't do anything, the next5reach10Winter will be terrifying ...

  8month29On January 1, Belgium's Energy Minister Mario Stretten warned that unless the European Union takes prompt action to impose a Price ceiling on runaway natural gas prices, Europe's future5reach10The winter of the year will be "terrifying

Belgium Calls on EU to Limit Price ceiling of Natural Gas154 / author: / source:Huitong Network

Stretten said, "If you don't do anything, the next steps5reach10Winter will be terrifying. We must start from the source, take action at the European level, and strive to limit natural gas prices

Trenten said that setting a Price ceiling would help reduce770euroEnergy bills for.

As she spoke, more and more people called for the EU to urgently respond to the soaring energy bills of households and businesses.

After Russia launched a fierce attack on Ukraine, natural gas prices soared to record highs, triggering unprecedented punitive sanctions against the Kremlin. This also increases electricity prices, as natural gas is the main source of electricity generation.

Stretten also stated that there is an urgent need to reform the link between natural gas prices and electricity prices. He added, "The European energy market is declining and urgently needs reform. For many households and companies, this is no longer tenable. Electricity production is as cheap as last year, but sales prices have set records. Through reform, we are dealing with excessive profits. The time for negotiations has come to an end, and now is the time to make a decision

European governments are currently scrambling to fill underground storage facilities with natural gas supplies in order to have enough fuel to heat homes in the coming months.

Russia provided approximately40%In recent weeks, natural gas has significantly reduced its supply to Europe due to equipment failures and delays.

Germany believes that reducing supply is a political strategy aimed at sowing the seeds of uncertainty throughout the European Union and driving up energy prices as the Kremlin launches war against Ukraine.

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