share Zhou Jinrui5.12Analysis of the trend of gold and crude oil,5May the easing of the monthly epidemic lead to a decline in gold?
2020-5-12 11:11
What we have walked through is time, what we have seen is the market situation, what we have tasted is gains and losses, what we have tasted is gains and losses, what we have accumulated is experience, and what we have achieved is the realm. We are filled with emotions of bitterness, spiciness, sourness, and sweetness, indifferent to the market, not worried about everything, not worried about things, not thinking about things, not greedy when encountering profits, not disorderly in times of danger, following orders according to departments, planning strategies, and operating step by step, so that we can stay in a chaotic market and steadily move forward. On the contrary: if one only craves profits, disregards risks, is aggressive and belligerent, and carries it to the end, they will inevitably fail. Warlord ...
Personal classification: Gold and crude oil trend operation|215 Secondary Reading|0 Comments
share Zhou Jinrui's Market Begins5.12Analysis of the latest trend of gold and crude oil and operational suggestions, along with unwinding strategies
2020-5-12 11:09
  生活不止眼前的苟且,往往还有读不懂的行情,和到不了的远方。当人们把所有的错误都关在门外,真理也就被拒绝了。当人们不接受所有的止损,抗单就来了,也许有很多次幸运,但是却抵不住一次不幸。震荡时羡慕单边的快感,单边时却带着犹豫的痛感。不敢面对一时的亏损,也就难以承担长久的盈利。不可能一开始徒手画圆就能 ...
Personal classification: Gold crude oil analysis operation|241 Secondary Reading|0 Comments
share Zhou Jinrui/5.12黄金原油宽幅震荡,今日最新走势分析附多空解套!
2020-5-12 11:07
  在投资道路上,不管你是新手还是老手,你都需要有自己的原则!一次投资就是一次经历,把握住你的每次成长,俗话说:“吾日三省吾身”,只有学会总结,培养自己的原则,不让自己迷失在投资的道路上,你才能走得更远,站的更高!一个好的老师能带你度过迷茫,找到该走的路,摸清方向,成功就在你转角之后!  ...
Personal classification: Analysis and Operation of Gold and Crude Oil Investment|175 Secondary Reading|0 Comments
share Zhou Jinrui:5.11黄金大趋势看多,中位看跌!原油黄金趋势行情分析及操作建议
2020-5-11 17:30
Jin Rui warns all friends that teachers can only guide you and cannot take your place in walking. Young people do not pay for their dreams. When they grow old, what can we say? We raised our glasses to celebrate when we won, but if we lose, we will only make a comeback. A withered flower cannot barren the entire spring, and a single failure cannot replace the entire life. Many people's sadness is just to show that they are sad, and many people's joy is just to let others see that they are happy. On the road to success, always ...
180 Secondary Reading|0 Comments
share Zhou Jinrui5.11黄金原油最新走势分析,今日晚间策略布局附黄金原油解套
2020-5-11 17:27
When it's profitable, it's easy to arouse greed, and when it's profitable, it's even more so. I always think that if I take a little more and earn a few more points, my losses will decrease. The profits I don't know about will slip away in a blink of an eye, leaving you only regret and regret. The common practice of "making small money but losing big money" is like this. When investors make money, they feel that the numbers on their books are not as safe as falling into their pockets and are eager to take profits; But when he lost money, he refused to acknowledge it and attempted to pull the trigger ...
194 Secondary Reading|0 Comments
share Zhou Jinrui5.11黄金区间震荡诱多?原油走势或将再创新高?最新行情走势分析
2020-5-11 17:24
  周金瑞只专注于黄金和原油行情,指导不在于多,在于精。十单对九单很正常,随时可验证,跟单请直接联系本人。合作就是为了盈利,所以我希望能严格按操作指示下单,自己喜欢私下操作的,我不能保证其账户收益,请不要联系我。做单宗旨,宁可踏空,不要做错,这是保证成功率的一个前提,喜欢催单的,静不下来的,不要联系 ...
171 Secondary Reading|0 Comments

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