Xie Hongyuan:4.17gold#Latest operating suggestions for crude oil

already existing 341 Secondary Reading2020-4-17 16:31

How to become a successful investor Achieve a state of sustained and stable profitability? Consisting of three important parts= Trading ideas/idea+Trading ideas(skill)+Trading sentiment (Market sentiment and personal sentiment) Let's briefly talk about it first Trading ideas/Concept, we will discuss trading sentiment in the future. The most crucial point in trading is to find the key point of your life and enter the market. How can you find this point? This can be applied to stage pricing algorithms! How to avoid so many trend traps? This needs to rise to trading thinking, which is your subjective understanding of trading. The inherent law of market fluctuations is the result of the game between the long and short sides, which is interactive. Trading ideas and concepts are important, skills are not important. The ideology is correct, the skills are natural.

Gold Message:


Suggestions for Gold Operations:

1The rebound above the gold does not break1705-1700Short on the front line, stop loss4US dollars, look at the target1685-1690frontline;

2The pullback below the gold does not break1675-1680Long on the front line, stop loss4US dollars, look at the target1700-1710frontline;

Crude Oil Message:

美、布两油周四双双高开,尾盘走势出现分化。布油期货在晚间一度涨逾5%; Although there were two brief dips during the US market period, they quickly regained their lost ground and ultimately closed up close to2%。WTICrude oil futures also opened high and closed low, rising more than2%However, the late trading trend was poor and ultimately ended in a decline1.88%。北京时间周五早间,美国总统特朗普公布允许美国经济重新开放的指引。特朗普表示,联邦政府的指引允许经济分三阶段重启。他同时强调,美国已经度过了新冠肺炎疫情的高峰期,美国经济一经开放就会迅速繁荣起来。根据CMEInformation provided,2020year5The US crude oil futures contract for the month will be held in Beijing time22Early morning of02:30For delivery, most brokers will4month16day-20Daily extension period. However, the expiring US crude oil05Contract and06The price difference of the contract has reached nearly7USD, investors need to be wary of high renewal fees.

原油操作建议:今日操作上谢鸿远建议继续维持低位分批做多。上方短期重点关注21.8-22.3Frontline resistance, short-term focus below18.2-18.0Frontline support.
[size=3][font= ]  相识是缘,相知则是份。鸿远坚信有缘千里终相识,无份擦肩乃天命。投资的路途很漫长,一时的得失只是途中的冰山一角。要知道智者千虑必有一失,愚者千虑必有一得。无论情绪如何如何,时间不会因你而停滞不前。拾起心中的烦闷,重新站起来整装前行。此时的你能阅览到这里,说明你我有缘,只要你愿意与我分享你的得失,我会很乐意为你排忧解难,成为你投资路途中的知己。心的停滞,使你坐观井底仰天叹息。路过的我,是否因缘有幸结伴同行。行情没有对错,同样的行情有人赚,有人亏。不想做亏钱的人就要总结弥补我们自身的不足,亏钱谁都难受,可如果不改变,更难受的还在后边,如何改变?请在亏损后停下脚步,看不懂行情不操作,看懂了行情耐心等待进场机会,等来了进场机会不犹豫果断出击,单子进场了不贪心,到了预期盈利点位,无论后面还有多少利润诱惑,请记住,赚属于我们的钱,做我们能把握的单,我谢鸿远,坚持用心做分析,日久方能见人心。技术是生存之本,授人以鱼不如授人以渔,以小博大是投资的真正魅力,拿住有把握的利润是理财之根本![/font][/size]

writing/Xie Hongyuan(VX:xhy130910Good job: Xie Hongyuan), wandering between the Yin and Yang lines, planning to sell slag up and down! Daily simple and clear morning reviews, afternoon reviews, and evening reviews are available online throughout the day to dissect financial market trends, gain insight into the fundamental trends of the market, and safeguard your funds! I am Xie Hongyuan, your mentor and friend on the road of gold investment.

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