Liu Jingcan: Gold surged above 2000 and fluctuated at high levels. How to solve the problem of empty orders and quilts? Exclusive solution is given as a gift

already existing 420 Secondary Reading2020-8-5 12:45 |Personal classification:Paper silver

[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]Tuesday(8month4In the US market, spot gold prices rose significantly, leading to a strong breakdown2000The US dollar barrier, setting a new record2019.82dollar/An all-time high of ounces. Silver prices have also risen significantly.[/font]

[b][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]Why did it skyrocket?[/font][/b]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]在新冠肺炎感染病例令人担忧的上升、地缘政治以及对未来几个月可能出现的物价上涨的担忧中,这两种贵金属继续受到避险需求的强劲支撑。[/font]

[b][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]本周重点关注几个消息面[/font][/b]

[b][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]1.7月大小非农数据公布。[/font][/b]
[b][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]2.本周五参议院休会前,市场仍将紧密留意两党的下一份经济刺激方案或任何补救替代的措施。如果经济刺激包裹协商一致,或新的行政令利好经济,则可能利空黄金。[/font][/b]
[b][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]3.如果美元空头头寸挤压,令市场认为这股波动足以构成忧虑,触发对黄金投机性多头的获利平仓,那么金价将面临进一步下跌。[/font][/b]
[b][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]4.地缘政治局势有望好转。一旦拜登当选,可能会扭转特朗普在中东方面此前较为激进的政策,促进国际贸易和地缘政治局势缓解。[/font][/b]
[b][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]5.新冠乙苗的问世,将打压避险需求。随着各国火力全开加快乙苗研发,新冠疫苗在2020年底前问世已不是天方夜谭。[/font][/b][align=center][img][/img][/align]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]如果你想解套,刘敬灿告诉你,不要浪费时间在网上找那些千篇一律只有一种解套方案的策略了,需要解套的朋友可以直接咨询本人。毕竟解套需要根据你的资金、点位、仓位风险率结合行情走势给出具体实时的解套方案,实实在在解决问题。虽然你不是在我这里做单被套的,但是像你这样漫无目的的在市场上找文章,找老师,什么时候是个头,你能找到那个让你瞬间就心满意足的老师吗?不可能,这是需要时间的,但是你们的单子、行情可等不了那么久。时间如流水,稍纵即逝,抓住眼前,切勿利欲熏心,能解出单子是你们最大的愿望。操作不理想或把握不了行情方向的朋友可关注工纵浩:“刘敬灿”或添+Ljj1632 customized solution.[/font]

[color=#ff0000][b][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]做投资擦亮眼睛跟对人很重要,资金翻倍与爆仓只在你一念之间![/font][/b][/color][align=center][img][/img][/align]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]Recently, Liu Jingcan discovered a common situation in the market. In the face of roller coaster and diving market trends, there are always people who cannot control and suddenly sell out. The main reason is actually that they cannot see the trend clearly, frequently increase their positions, carry orders without losing, and thus deep or even sell out their positions. Just like the frequent data and news in the past two days, the market has been fluctuating between long and short positions. Any slight carelessness can lead to being deceived. Are you always running out of long and short orders? Such a situation is nothing more than a serious problem in trend control and position control. The most important thing is a point. It is not that the market is not awesome. It is just that you are still a trend turning point away from the market. As long as you grasp the weekly return, it is not difficult![/font]

[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]人生就是一次次幸福的相聚,夹杂着一次次伤感的别离。我不是在最好的时光遇见了你们,而是遇见了你们,我才有了这段最好的时光。在我任职的这段时间里,有关注我三五年的投资者,可能十年前我并不那么成熟,可现在的我能够面对所有的一切,我有更大的能力去帮助这些人。是因为你们的陪伴,我在成长,甚至我认为在工作之余,这就是我的生活,我的全部。[/font]

[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]在人生的道路上,有很多十字路口,而最重要的,可能就那么一两条。我们都在选择,就像当年的我会选择金融这个行业一样,我可以选择轻松一点的文职工作,而做金融我永远最缺的是休息,我清楚我只要在这个行业一天我都不能倒下,因为有人对你抱有希望,我就要负起责任,甚至有些时候我认为我的指导不是在帮人挽回亏损,而是在帮人建立信心,甚至会救一个人的命。和大多数投资者一样,你们都可以面临着不同的选择,刘敬灿希望你能够找到那个合适,并认真负责的好老师。[/font][align=center][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai][img][/img][/font][/align]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai][/font]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]The most fearful words in life are "try", "wait", "see", and "think". The biggest failure is not falling, but never daring to run, lacking the courage to take action, to realize one's dreams. If one does not take action, they will never discover, and they can also create miracles![/font]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai][/font]
[b][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]Author of this article: Liu Jingcan[/font][/b]

[color=#ff0000][b][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]Guiding WeChat:Ljj1632/Official account: Liu Jingcan[/font][/b][/color]

[b][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]Author's Message: Establish a foundation of integrity, conduct the world with virtue, work with a grateful heart, take responsibility with a responsible heart, pave the way with strength, and lead the market trend with a pattern[/font][/b]

[b][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]psDue to website deletion, some images may not be displayed. You can search the article title to view the complete articles on other financial websites.[/font][/b]

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