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unlock4.5=4.6If crude oil is hit again, will gold continue to rise after bottoming out? Shanghai Gold and Silver...

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Spotgold投资正确入场时机如何把握?新手炒黄金需要知道那些常识?Gold and SilverTDHow to operate gold and silver? How to layout the gold and silver medium and long term lines? Gold and SilvertdWill it continue to rise? Gold and SilverTDWill it still fall? Li Xiaohan informs beginners to invest in gold and silverTDWhat about losses? Gold and SilverTDWhat do you think when you're free? Gold and SilverTDHow to operate the short line? Gold and SilverTDWhere is the support resistance? What is the impact of the US Index on gold and silver? Gold and SilverTDShort term market trend analysis and operational suggestions? International Gold and Silver Li Xiaohan's Online Interpretation? Gold and SilverTDHow to analyze the future trend? Novice investing in gold and silverTDWhat should I pay attention to? Investing in gold and silverTDHow to quickly recover losses? News Faced with Gold and SilverTDWhat is the impact? Gold and SilverTDbeautifulcrude oilHow to make a single operation? goldTDsilverTDHow to operate the short line? How to operate London Gold? Domestic gold and silverTD美原油最新操作建议走势分析;


Core values of trading: Long short trading is not right or wrong, but only makes corresponding strategies at the appropriate time. Many people find that setting a stop loss will always be lost because they have not grasped the correct position. Courage is to control fear, not to have no fear in the heart. Everything can be lost, hope cannot be lost, everything can be lost, confidence cannot be lost. How to grasp the trend in this market is to follow the trend. When the trend comes, intangible forces are pushing you forward, in goldforeign exchangeIt is still important for the market to make profits. What is the secret to profitability? The answer is very simple, and the simplest is also something that people overlook. The most precious things are also free, just like the air we breathe and the sunlight shining on us. What is the secret to making money? It's actually very simple. Throw aside all the news and fundamentals, return to rationality, analyze independently, and follow the trend.

Daily Gold, Silver, and Crude Oil Investment Strategies [Add Li Xiaohan's personal guidance on WeChat:lxhq281】Daily crude oil operation suggestions, gold and silver markets, daily analysis of gold, and latest operational strategies. Market hotspots.


  周五非农大幅好于预期,至少一定程度上说明经济温和复苏,这就是限制美元下跌调整空间,同时前期92.5reach91.7区域顶底转换,去年横盘整理成交密集区域支撑明显,10年期国债收益率震荡上行,全球央行开始担心输入通胀和资本外流都是相应加息,美联储在靓丽的基本面下也会改变货币政策,至少2013年不会像它说的那样不加息,技术美元也是底部逐步明显,而且在经济吻合复苏阶段,美经济复苏强劲,美元受到青睐,大选以后你看现在当局更多还是抑制俄罗斯发展,控制我们复苏,更多制造各种摩擦目的还是转移注意力,当然这个就是掠夺全球财富的开始,同时米股和米债显然不会轻易在走牛市,那么霸权世界的三个工具,军事科技金融弱势逐步明显,这个时候必须出一个牛市品种,所以后期美元继续震荡上行书主旋律,至少也是在一定相对强势区域震荡符合各方需要,而且周末继续各种宽松计划层出不穷,就是还是继续毫无节制的印刷美元。所以利多消息能不能继续走强,看市场消化,现在压力集中93.8reach94.3区域,支撑上移92.5reach92区域,这样就是进退自如。美元加速赶顶多单93.3上不宜追高,支撑依然是92.5reach91.7区域,所以回落继续买入目前92.5区域继续做多91.7Loss target93reach93.6Area.

Analysis of Gold Technology


  周五因为休市暂停交易,但是我们预期走势1745附近调整,好像最后触及1737区域,非农利空导致低开目前运行1728附近,当然前面说了现在行情1718reach1743区域震荡。那么周一尽量保持高抛低吸就好,历史不会简单重复必有惊人相似,上次1676反弹也是如出一辙,一路反弹三天最后触及1738然后调整1699附近再次启动上涨1755区域,那么本次也是压力位置1737上遇到非农利空开启调整,那就是说做多做好两手准备,第一震荡区域下轨1718附近,同时如图破位极限那就是1699区域。消息都是推动行情涨跌助推器,但是不会改变趋势,首先月线上行一直没有破位,那么回落依然反复震荡,全球宽松后期肯定有通胀出现,至少1670下暂时没有400美金空间,只有经过充分反弹以后,后期在有下跌才是关键,暂时黄金缺一个区域震荡,日线双底走势能否成立,那就是看下周1745颈线得失,如果突破那就是1765reach1785even to the extent that1803去了,日线绝望诞生做多信号前期1765也是出现过,最多反弹1960区域开始下跌也是200美金幅度上涨,本次也是同样出现绝望诞生做多信号,而且如果配合双底形态成立,那么反弹还有上行空间,这也是我们敢于一路做多不带目标,回落做多突破追多的原因,也许当时你们觉得逆势,经过连续两天上涨,本周也许看清一色趋势多开始追多了,甚至有机构预测要突破2000位置了,跟风追涨杀跌这就是现实,所谓所有人看到的趋势一定是行情终结的开始,市场二八定律永恒,提前蛰伏多空转换一直是我们制胜法宝目前看黄金又回到1718reach1743区域震荡,那么日线偏多,那就是回落继续买入就好,暂时分时和日线没有出现做空信号,不去参与,因为上涨走势压力都是给你突破的,一定明白一点趋势上涨,所谓的压力都是瞬间突破横盘继续拉升形同虚设。趋势下跌所有支撑都是无效的,上涨只看支撑买入突破追涨就好。坚持看涨不变,无非连续上涨回落买入,目前1719reach1715区域支撑继续买入1710损就好,突破1743Fallback1735补仓多1728The loss targets are all1745reach1765reach1785区域,当然早盘激进1725reach1720区域可以短多目标同上。如果这些都是失败那就是1700附近砸锅卖铁的买入,也许未必给你。当然如果直接上涨第一次1765必须短空下,这里前期底部支撑有反复,只有企稳这里才能宣布多头回归继续上涨。只有其他位置暂时不参与做空,除非盘面出现做空明显信号我们才参与,关注我们就好,选择大于努力,没有对比就没有伤害。每日黄金、白银、原油投资策略【添加李潇翰本人指导微信:lxhq281】Daily crude oil operation suggestions, gold and silver markets, daily analysis of gold, and latest operational strategies. Market hotspots.

Suggestions for short-term operation of gold:

Multiple order strategy: recommendations1718-1713Long in batches, stop loss1708, Objective1729-1737;

Empty Order Strategy: Suggestion1730-1735Short in batches, stop loss1740, Objective1715-1700;

  TDAnalysis of Gold Technology

  TD走势当然跟随现货黄金就好,毕竟是一个不同报价而已走势基本一样,现在连续上涨支撑上移365区域,也即是说周初回落继续买入362Loss target368reach375区域,至于做空暂时回避,等现货出现做空信号在参与。

Analysis of Silver Technology

  白银经过两天反弹日线出现久违的绝望诞生做多信号,那就是说黄金企稳后期白银有望成为上涨的黑马。多次提及在黄金企稳时候更多参与白银买入,因为经济发展白银工业需求加大,这无疑是后期爆发上涨催化剂,这就是上个月为什么散户抱团白银上到30The reason for this is that only value depressions are bound to drive profit driven capital crazy buying. Yesterday, silver followed the bottom of gold and rebounded, and currently supports upward movement24.6区域,也即是说回落继续买入就好,至于做空等黄金调整信号出现再说。李潇翰认为日线做多信号出现,那就是直接回落做多不变,回落24.7Regional selective buying in batches24损就好,毕竟后期经济复苏白银工业需求有牛市预期,而且前期抱团出现炒作,不排除后期有继续上涨那就是说黄金企稳,做多白银涨幅更大。

Petroleum Technology Analysis

  石油在大幅利空下还是反弹,显然这个诱多明显。上周欧佩克无任何新意,当然还是开始5月陆续增产了,显然高油价的诱惑都是眼馋了,在有和伊朗签署协议达成,至少告诉世界我们不需要在从世界油去进口,最低消费国突然不进口都是用伊朗的了,那也就是说制裁不让伊朗出口,这部分产能再次开启出口都是我们包了,无疑供给增加需求降低,这也是对石油最大利空,你慢慢品当然市场资金必须制造假象,一定还有个反抽测试压力,目前看石油经过消息震荡以后最终还有回到技术面,日线68reach65Downward channel pressure62.5附近,那么反弹继续做空不要怂,消息需要一个消化,前期减持逐步上涨,后期逐步增产以及伊朗油进入市场,后期也是震荡下跌切记。分析文章只是对市场未来可能的描述,只是观点的表达,不作为投资决策依据具体建议实盘现价给出,操作不理想或把握不了行情方向的朋友可加李潇翰官微:lxhq281Get guidance quota!


We all know that long-term trading is the most profitable way, but why can't the vast majority of people take advantage of long-term trading? That's because first, the long-term test of human nature is too great. As I once said, forcibly distorting human nature cannot last long. Smart people should find a way that suits them. The second point is that there should be strong psychological support in the long term, and where does this psychological support come from? It's impossible to rely on ideas.

We know that transactions require reasons, either technical reasons or fundamental reasons. Without fundamentals as a backing, relying solely on technology is not enough to become a professional trader with the psychological support to resist long-term fluctuations. So, those who can't hold onto the list don't need to be upset because they can't hold onto the list. You just need to hold onto the list within your own tolerance.

After many people make a profit and exit, the market does not reverse, but continues to move forward, they will be very depressed and feel that they have made less money. It is precisely because of this despondent mentality that they will once again chase up and down, or even touch the top to copy the bottom. The way people think is not the way they win.

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