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Foreign exchange unwinding3.30Gold rebounds weakly and cuts meat cold, while crude oil and silver prices rise and fall accurately...

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  内容答疑:李潇翰3.30How to stir fry for beginnersgoldTDcrude oil?3.30goldTDWhat to do with losses on crude oil investment?3.30Analysis of the Trend of Gold and Crude Oil.Recommendations for Operation of Gold Crude Oil.3.30goldTDCrude Oil Strategy.Investing in international gold, crude oil, and silverTDHow to analyze the market situation?3.30Today's Gold, Crude Oil, SilverTDWhat do you think when you're free?3.30How to recover losses from investing in spot gold?3.30goldTDsilverTDHow to operate the short line?3.30What are the current gold resistance and support levels?3.30Novice investing in gold and silverTDHow should I make the order?3.30Will London gold prices continue to rise today? silverTDWill it still fall?3.30What recent news will affect gold and silverTDTrend?3.30What is the impact of the rise and fall of the US dollar on gold?3.30Gold, crude oil, silverTDAnalysis of today's market trend and operational suggestions.3.30Will spot gold continue to rise today? US crude oil silverTDWill it still fall?3.30International Gold and SilverTDHow to operate today?

Core values of trading: Long short trading is not right or wrong, but only makes corresponding strategies at the appropriate time. Many people find that setting a stop loss will always be lost because they have not grasped the correct position. Courage is to control fear, not to have no fear in the heart. Everything can be lost, hope cannot be lost, everything can be lost, confidence cannot be lost. How to grasp the trend in this market is to follow the trend. When the trend comes, intangible forces are pushing you forward, in goldforeign exchangeIt is still important for the market to make profits. What is the secret to profitability? The answer is very simple, and the simplest is also something that people overlook. The most precious things are also free, just like the air we breathe and the sunlight shining on us. What is the secret to making money? It's actually very simple. Throw aside all the news and fundamentals, return to rationality, analyze independently, and follow the trend.





  技术面:黄金日k线来看,形态结构中阴阳交替,布林带呈现走平状态无明显方向指引,形态上继续保持震荡。日线5Japan and Japan10日均线死叉形成,MACD向上运行,指标正动能柱小幅减小,KDJ向下运行,指标偏空。目前黄金已经跌破了1720关口的关键支撑,最低现在已经到达1705附近。金价短线方向已经做出选择,现在金价暂时止跌于1700关口上方,不过后市有向下继续走低的态势。若是金价再次在1700-1676支撑区域一旦再次企稳将很可能筑底成功,未来向上空间就会比较大,多头趋势就会更顺畅。若向上突破1755-1760将打开上方空间,首先回到1800,然后修整之后进一步向上,不过很难说还能不能创出历史新高了。

  4hourkLooking at the line, if you touch the middle rail of the Bollinger belt, turn around and press it down directlykThe line is on the floor,kThe line cannot start and move, and the downward tilt of the Bollinger Belt track has become recognized, and the opening continues to increase,50The moving average continues to maintain a high-pressure situation, with two large mountains directly suppressing itkLine.1hourKFrom a linear perspective, the fluctuation range of gold last Friday was relatively small, mainly maintaining at1721to1736Range fluctuations, from a morphological perspective, indicate that gold is still in the internal consolidation of the triangle region, indicating that there is no clear direction for gold and it can continue to operate in a volatile manner. fromMACDAs can be seen from the indicators,DIFFas well asDEALine in0The double line above the axis shows signs of approaching a dead cross, indicating that gold has short-term downward demand support; Based on the above complaint, please follow me above1720-1723The support and resistance of the region are suppressed, followed by1726-1728Area; Follow Below1700The support of the gateway, followed by1690、1680-1676Near the area. Operate at high altitude with more assistance from low altitude. Daily Gold, Silver, and Crude Oil Investment Strategies [Add Li Xiaohan's personal guidance on WeChat:lxhq281】Daily crude oil operation suggestions, gold and silver markets, daily analysis of gold, and latest operational strategies. Market hotspots.

Reference suggestions for gold operations:

  1Gold1705-1707区域附近做多看一波反弹修正,止损1700Next, let's take a look at the target first1712-1715Area, look up1720-1726区域,破位持有;

  2Gold rebound hindered by1720关口在其附近及下方布局空单,止损1726Go ahead, let's take a look at the target first1710-1705Area, take a look down1700-1693区域,破位持有;


Silver1小时走势图来看,高点逐渐降低,低点也在逐渐降低,整体走势偏空。上周虽然走出一波较强的上涨走势,但仍没有涨破前期高点,20EMAMean Square and60EMA均线仍保持死叉状态,操作上可继续关注空单机会。结合MACDIn terms of indicators,DIFFLine andDEA线死叉向下,同时处于零轴之下,表明空头力量较强,日内可在25.10附近尝试空单。行情千变万化,点位仅供参考,如若出现破位亦可咨询李潇翰了解最新行情,具体做单策略进场点位以实盘指导为准! Li Xiaohan's WeChat:lxhq281。




  技术面:原油经过大跌后开启底部调整走势,而且是宽幅震荡走势,从走势上看黄金维持在57-62区间内运行,当前靠近压力位置,原油底部宽幅震荡,基本上一日涨,一日跌的走势,而且走单边行情,今日行情遇阻回调,那么今日单边下跌概率较大,第一支撑是59.4一线,第二支撑就是57.3附近!先看第一支撑59.4!因为随着震荡的进行,震荡的幅度必然会逐渐缩小!所以下跌先看第一支撑位置,如果没有衰弱的迹象则继续看跌至第二支撑57.3附近!综合来看,原油今日李潇翰建议区间震荡运行,高抛低吸操作!守关键压力支撑位置择机进场!综合来看,原油今日短线操作思路上李潇翰建议上方短期重点关注62.5-62.3Frontline resistance, short-term focus below59.3-59.0一线支撑。每日黄金、白银、原油投资策略【添加李潇翰本人指导微信:lxhq281】Daily crude oil operation suggestions, gold and silver markets, daily analysis of gold, and latest operational strategies. Market hotspots.


  1Control your desires well, don't listen to people telling stories randomly, choose a legitimate platform and reliable teachers, a good mentality is more important than anything else.

  2Trend trading, only focusing on the right market and band, if not available7I am confident and would rather not do it.

  3Reasonably controlling your position is the only way to have a stable profit opportunity. Otherwise, even if your account has been profitable, it will ultimately be a failure.



Li Xiaohan's WeChat:lxhq281】国际黄金、原油、沪金2106Shanghai Silver, Paper Gold, Paper Silver, Gold SilverTDProvide comprehensive real-time online guidance and analysis, and provide free experience groups every day3-5Single; Accuracy and profit are the only criteria for testing strength! There is a current price list every day, you can come and experience it! Every morning7:00-Real time analysis of orders at 2 am, available for consultation!

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