Ye Xiangling: What is waiting for you to invest in gold and silver is only a loss? Have you ever thought about these four points?

already existing 231 Secondary Reading2020-10-15 20:26 |Personal classification:Spot gold investment

[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]You have a strong subjective mindset when making orders, and you always think that after you enter the market, you should follow your own ideas. How could it be? No one can control the market. Have you analyzed rationally when making orders. Why can everyone make a profit in the market, but you can't do it well? Before you can make a profit, you must understand this4Big problem![/font][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]  [/font][img][/img]
[b][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]  1Distinguish whether you are blocking or trading?[/font][/b]

[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]Trading gold is actually doing business, not just buying and selling. To succeed in any business, it is necessary to have a thorough preliminary market research, a reasonable plan, and thoughtful after-sales service before the business can proceed smoothly.[/font]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]But why do many elites in the workplace become "blockbusters" once they come into contact with financial investment? I only have eyes for buying and selling, and at the same time, I hope for my own correctness. Often, the reason why countless novice traders fail is because I fail to see the difference between "blocking blogs" and "professional trading". When I hear some irresponsible practitioners preaching how investing in gold can make money, I am dutiful to join the losing army. Are you actually ready?[/font]
[b][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]  2What is the market?[/font][/b]

[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]Whether it's gold, foreign exchange, stocks and futures, you always complain about why he can always make money, but why do I always lose money? In fact, the task of most people, and the reason for their existence, is to provide food for the victors.28The law exists in any trading market.[/font]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]  你必须认识到富人,少数人,知道的多的人永远是你的对手,他们的目的就是至你于死地。你要做的是尽力成为一个幸存者,情势越困难自己就越要坚强,而不是放弃。时刻保持一个冷静的头脑,你终究会成为那部分少数人。关注工纵好“叶香菱”即可享有新手课件讲解、黄金实盘交易口诀,中线盈利布局计划一份![/font]
[b][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]  3Do you often say "why" and "how" in transactions?[/font][/b][align=center][img][/img][/align]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]Customers in trading often ask me, 'Why is gold falling?'XXWhat should I do if there are multiple orders in the location To be honest, I am surprised by these issues, as they actually expose many of the issues.[/font]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]Firstly, this client did not consider risk before trading, to the extent that the price drop after placing long orders left him at a loss.[/font]

[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]Secondly, without a reasonable trading plan, even if you go long, if you have the correct and reasonable stop loss price, even if you are losing money, we still believe that this transaction is "correct". You need to understand that not every profitable transaction is the right one.[/font]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]Many times, it can be said that most of the time, the correct transaction you make is actually a strict and reasonable stop loss.[/font]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]Thirdly, as for asking customers and meXXXHow to handle multiple orders with different locations? On the contrary, this is a question I really want to ask the client. What was the basis for your entry at that time? If you have sufficient reasons to enter for trading, what is the basis for your exit? Are your entry system and exit system completely different systems?[/font]
[b][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]  4Where exactly is the opportunity?[/font][/b]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]Remember that even people who don't understand anything have their own time making money. You will find it easy to make money recently, how to do it. So your confidence began to swell, and you told yourself that I am a genius! But the subsequent events made you very depressed. You lost money, but you believed that you were a genius, and you could earn back the money you had lost before. Later, you realized that everything you started doing was wrong.[/font]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]  你告诉自己我是失败者!你开始恐惧,开始不自信,最后你错过了真正的可以使你盈利的行情之后,你万分后悔。是的,这经常发生。关注微信号叶香菱及时了解市场资讯,朋友圈每天更新操作建议,把握大趋势行情助你稳健盈利![/font]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]The market is like this, where smart traders start to be fearful rather than complacent when it's easy to make money. When everyone is fearful and unsure, they are full of confidence. I remember a master once said that a transaction that makes you feel very comfortable often ends up making you feel uncomfortable. Now everyone knows where the real opportunity lies, right?[/font]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]  叶香菱自认为我的准确率已经达到了十单对七单乃至八单的境界,关注叶老师的朋友都知道我的实力,那么没关注叶老师的朋友可以先关注两天看看准确率,我不敢说自己怎么样,但我敢说我能给你一个满意的收益,记住我的话,我不仅是一位分析师,更是你生活中值得交的一位朋友。[/font][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]想要学习更多黄金投资技巧的朋友可以关注工纵浩“叶香菱”+WeiYXL2045Every morning7From midnight to early morning2Point real-time online guidance[/font]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]  [img][/img][/font]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]On the path of investment, it is particularly important to choose a teacher who walks with you all the way. I can't give you too much warmth, but there is a word called 'do my best'. I don't have a recipe for overnight wealth and 100% profit here, only a stable trading system and a sincere heart,Believe me, come to me and say too many unrealistic things. I think it would be very hypocritical, not seeking overnight wealth! Just strive for small streams and long flows.[/font]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai] [b] 指导V:YXL2045[/b][/font]
[b][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]Buckle:2110854301[/font][/b]
[b][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]Gong Chonghao: "Ye Xiangling"[/font][/b]
[b][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]Author's Message: The way to trade is that hard work is easy to fold. Only when it reaches yin and softness can it dominate the world. There is no weak person in the world like water, but the highest good is like water.[/font]

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