Ye Xiangling:10.20The Great Fluctuation of Gold and Silver is Coming! Guiding the Stable Layout of the Future Market and Opening the Whole Network

already existing 308 Secondary Reading2020-10-20 10:02 |Personal classification:Spot gold investment

[align=center][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai][img][/img][/font][/align]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]  春风十里不如你,投资道路深似海,而我在海中飘荡却找不到明智的方向。估计这都是投资朋友们的心声,为什么亏损的总是我,为什么我就没有财运,为什么我就没有信心了。都是来源于自己的心态没有摆正。也许这个只是我的个人观点。但是接下来几个事情会告诉你心态是不是在投资道路上必不可少的。每当看到市场上很多投资者的亏损经历,一些交易习惯,一些心理历程,我内心是一种复杂而心痛的感觉,让你们改变过去的思维,远离亏损走上稳健盈利的道路,这对我来说算是一种莫大的鼓舞和心灵慰籍。投资的道路没有终点。希望投资是一件很轻松的事情,让投资变得更加简单。[/font]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]  [b]Full guidance time: early7:00-before dawn2:00。 guidanceVLetter:YXL2045。Q-Q:2110854301。[/b][/font]
[b][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]Online free technical training experience course, comprehensive guidance time: early7:00——In the early morning of the next day2:00。[/font][/b]
[b][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]Shanghai Gold Exchange (Yijintong) (Goldtd)(Pudong Development Bank) (Industrial Bank)[/font][/b]
[b][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]Opening an account to provide goldtdReal offer guidance form, knowledge training, professional risk control guidance[/font][/b]
[b][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]Every night20:00On for1Hours of live streaming, solving various difficult and complicated problems, bedding, and locking?[/font][/b]
[b][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]Hot spot analysis, short-term intraday strategy (real-time)[/font][/b]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]  全球疫情二次爆发事实上成立,相对于大西洋对岸的美国,在第一波疫情中表现更好的欧洲似乎难逃二次疫情厄运,从目前汇总的消息看,可能比第一波疫情要更为严重,即使在乐观的情况下,欧洲地区经济复苏推迟是大概率事件。美国方面,美国劳工部最新公布数据显示,持续申请失业救济人数仍高达1002万人,美国经济没有想象中坏,但也没有预期中好。[/font]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]Monday(10month19day),现货黄金走强,有望站稳1900美元上方,因美国众议院议长佩洛西的言论提振了疫情救助法案在总统大选之前获得通过的希望。北京时间15:58Spot gold rose0.54%to1909.57dollar/盎司;美元指数下跌0.09%to93.625。[/font]
[color=#FF0000][b][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]黄金技术面来分析:[/font][/b][/color][align=center][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai][img][/img][/font][/align]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]    日线上看,上周五黄金打破前两个交易日连涨趋势,展开探高回落,录得带上影线的小阴,日线上,均线在走出金叉后拐头向下,技术面开始走入空头,下周一仍有下跌可能性;4小时上看,上周五黄金受阻于上轨位置展开回落,并失守中轨,运行于中轨下方,当前布林带处于收口期,MA均线在走出金叉后拐头向下有望形死叉,KDJThree lines of random indicators converge downwards,MACD指标绿色动能柱开始出现,快慢线即将死叉,综合来看,黄金目前受均线,日内短期内仍有下行趋势,但周线顶部中轨20日均线给到支撑,回升可能也存在,日内操作叶香菱建议反弹做空为主,回撤做多为主。[/font][align=center][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]  [img][/img][/font][/align]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]  如图TDThe trend is more obvious than the spot market, after all, the daily trend396There is a signal of despair giving birth to long selling, and only by breaking through here can we open up downward space. From a technical perspectiveTDThe trend follows the rise and fall of international gold, and when spot shorting trends occur, thenTDIt's good if the rebound continues to be empty. Currently, in the early stage of the top to bottom transition403reach406Regional support has become the first pressure, and it is also another opportunity to encounter short selling areas. Always adhere to the trend line414The downward rebound is a continuation of short selling, and only by standing there can one say more about controlling the market again. Today's rebound encountered again403reach406It's still good to short the midline and enter the market layout here, radical403reach406Strict entry into the area408Loss target396Area.[/font][align=center][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]  [img][/img][/font][/align]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]  昨日黄金冲高回落,白银也是跟随走势,其实白银走势相对明显自6900The downward channel is still perfect, despite this rebound5450However, there is still a trend of rising and falling in the region, which is different from the previous period5450Low point rebound and top to bottom conversion are more symmetrical, which means that as long as they fluctuate below, they belong to a fluctuating downward trend, unless they break through the downward channel trend line5480It can only be said that bulls are strong, and it is good to continue to rebound and participate in the short market. Now the pressure is concentrated5260Area. But for the first time4850附近可以博弈短多。综合上述操作思路如下:[/font]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]  [color=#ff0000][b]上方压力位:5260---5450, Lower support position:4950----4830[/b][/color][/font]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]  [color=#ff0000][b]goods in stock24.6Nearby sounding space25.2LossTDupstream5230reach5270Strict regional airspace5380Loss is sufficient, target4950reach4900Region, multiple orders4900You can try to batch more nearby4850Damage is good.[/b][/color][/font]

[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]  [b]注:以上仅为香菱对黄金方向性研判,落实具体交易时,当应根据盘中具体价位实时把握。据此操作,风险自担[/b][/font][align=center][img][/img][/align]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]  [b]叶香菱:高级黄金分析师,实力分析师及团队总监,有独特鲜明的交易理念,平均交易胜率80%above.[/b][/font]
[b][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]Full guidance time: early7:00-before dawn2:00。 guidanceVLetter:YXL2045。Q-Q:2110854301。[/font][/b]
[b][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]Online free technical training experience course, comprehensive guidance time: early7:00——In the early morning of the next day2:00。[/font][/b]
[b][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]Shanghai Gold Exchange (Yijintong) (Goldtd)(Pudong Development Bank) (Industrial Bank)[/font][/b]
[b][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]Opening an account to provide goldtdReal offer guidance form, knowledge training, professional risk control guidance[/font][/b]
[b][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]Every night20:00On for1Hours of live streaming, solving various difficult and complicated problems, bedding, and locking?[/font][/b]
[b][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]Hot spot analysis, short-term intraday strategy (real-time)[/font][/b]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]Author's Message: The way to trade is that hard work is easy to fold. Only when it reaches yin and softness can it dominate the world. There is no weak person in the world like water, but the highest good is like water.[/font]

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