Liu Jingcan: Investing in gold and silver without any preparation? Profit comes from preparation rather than blindly placing orders
already existing 380 Secondary Reading2020-8-5 17:56
|Personal classification:Paper silver
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]有些朋友总说策略跟不上,刘敬灿特意发现价单给到提示,你跟上了吗?行情不在大小,行情再大,把握不住反而被深套。行情小抓不住又抱怨这个市场不好做,所以你真的懂交易吗?五千美金小资金跟单三天已盈利一倍,跟上的朋友已经开始盈利不断,而你还深陷其中,有时候,赚与亏只在于你的一个决定而已。你的收益有多大,在于你的选择对不对,正确的时间遇见正确的人做正确的投资,这是盈利的关键。想要有个更好的收益,不妨找到刘敬灿,你有需要,我都在![/font]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]很多投资朋友会觉得我作为老师很厉害,一大早你能看到我,深夜也能看到我,专业尽责,其实我想说,这是一个人对事情的态度,说实话,我不赞同一大早就爬起来做单的朋友,更加不喜欢超过晚上24点还问今天有没有行情的朋友,投资要与生活分开,你才会明白投资的乐趣。但是依旧有很多人不明就里反而乐此不疲,你今天抽出工作生活多余的时间来学投资,就算是赚了1块钱也要学会自足,因为投资的根本便在于此,就像一个人钓鱼,他能把一个池塘里面的鱼全部钓完吗?答案显而易见,熟悉我的朋友都知道,到了休息时间我就会催促你早点休息。如果你是那种错过一波行情就后悔的痛哭流泪的那种性格,我想交易市场并不适合你!我一直觉得做交易要稳健,因为交易存在很大风险,可能你今天就做了一单或者两单,但是赚了一单或者两单后,我就觉得你不应该再随意的进场,毕竟进入自己口袋的钱,才是最终属于你的。好了,说了那么多,听得进去的一听便懂,听不进去的怎么说也不会明白,我们还是聊聊其他的吧![/font][align=center][img][/img][/align]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]交易,我不怕建议出错,因为我觉得稳健交易盈利不难,因为做交易久了慢慢都会变得很成熟。现在如果你碰巧看到我这篇文章,请耐心的看完!今天我不和大家聊行情,就想和你们聊一聊现在大家普遍存在的一个问题,很多投资者找到我的第一句话就是:老师!我最近亏损多少多少、我最近亏没了、我感觉我不适合做交易、我总是赚少亏多.......Wait, every time I hear these things, I feel very uncomfortable in my heart. Because we enter the investment market to make money, but in the end, our funds always shrink. As a teacher, sometimes I feel really headache about your losses. However, after reading the transaction records of these trading friends and understanding their usual trading methods, I only have one idea in my mind: how can such transactions make money? Always profitable1-2Running faster than a rabbit at just one point, losing a set5-8个点还磨磨蹭蹭的死扛着不出,这样交易盈利五单还不够一单亏损的!而且频繁的交易这样亏损永远大于盈利!关注工纵好“刘敬灿”或添加指导微信:Ljj1632Get a customized plan for this Monday's one-on-one non-agricultural layout and gold physical warehouse call group to recover losses in advance![/font]
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[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]做交易,其实说到底,其实就是我们的心理活动。所以,控制我们的思想行动尤为重要!那么如何才能慢慢的让我们理性一点呢?我给大家的建议是:[/font][align=center][img][/img][/align]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]1、 Develop a reasonable trading plan, develop a detailed profit plan and risk control plan based on your own funds, and avoid blindly trading long and short without even a plan.[/font]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]2、 Light warehouse operation (try to control the position within a quarter of the warehouse), what is called light and heavy? This is a subjective standard, I think if it's light enough, it means losing money and won't make your palms sweat! In other words, it is entirely determined by the range of your own affordability. The significance of a light position is to keep your focus on researching the market, rather than on the profit and loss of the book. This is a strategic issue. It should be noted that the size of profits depends on the entry point and position. If the entry point is good, light positions can certainly make profits. The key is that light positions focus on the long term, which is the first priority; Secondly, the important thing is that compound interest adds up, which is the safe weapon for trading profits, rather than relying on one, two, or three windfalls!![/font]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]三、转移角度。换一个视角看待交易。每天晚上睡觉前,不是问自己:今天盈利多少?或者亏损多少?而是问:我错了吗?错在哪里?我对了吗?对在哪里?每天感觉到自己的变化和进步,这是交易的根本。于是,亏损的痛苦、盈利的喜悦,不再占据你头脑的主要位置。这一点非常重要,习惯以后,你会自觉地看盘面走势,学习盘面,而偶尔才会看看账单了。因为我觉得,交易习惯养成了,想不盈利都难![/font][align=center][img][/img][/align]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]刘敬灿每天给出的黄金操作建议不敢说箭无虚发,也谈得上十拿九稳。抓得住大趋势的行情,短线操作的点位也给出的非常负责。行情也非常的配合,对黄金盘面有着多年的感情,见证了从最低点到最高点的整个过程,看过我文章的朋友都知道,如果你没看,可以先关注我两天看看我的实力,我的实力放在这里,等着你来检验。[/font]
[b][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]8The month of non farming is approaching, and we are now launching a non farming ordering experience! Every day only2Free Experience Quota[/font][/b]
[color=#ff0000][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]1Starting from today, every day in the past week2Add a name to Liu Jingcan's friend and experience a current price order guidance operation, with an average profit per order5-10Around o'clock, friends who want to keep up can find Liu Jingcan to obtain it. This week's non agricultural layout is about to begin, and friends who want to keep up with a wave of big profits can come.[/font][/color]
[color=#ff0000][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]2I will guide your profits and verify my strength. Every morning, I will push you a day's investment strategy analysis. Before each market situation arrives, I will give you advance notice and prompt you to build or close positions. Take responsibility for you and also for me. Real offer guidance, now available for appointment! Follow "Liu Jingcan" or add guidance on WeChat:Ljj1632Get a customized plan for this Monday's one-on-one non-agricultural layout and gold physical warehouse call group to recover losses in advance![/font][/color][align=center][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai][img][/img][/font][/align]
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[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]The most fearful words in life are "try", "wait", "see", and "think". The biggest failure is not falling, but never daring to run, lacking the courage to take action, to realize one's dreams. If one does not take action, they will never discover, and they can also create miracles![/font]
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[b][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]Author of this article: Liu Jingcan[/font][/b]
[color=#ff0000][b][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]Guiding WeChat:Ljj1632/Official account: Liu Jingcan[/font][/b][/color]
[b][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]Author's Message: Establish a foundation of integrity, conduct the world with virtue, work with a grateful heart, take responsibility with a responsible heart, pave the way with strength, and lead the market trend with a pattern[/font][/b]
[b][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]psDue to website deletion, some images may not be displayed. You can search the article title to view the complete articles on other financial websites.[/font][/b]