Liu Jingcan:7.28Will gold and silver continue to rise? This week2000It's not a dream! Today's operation suggestions.

already existing 214 Secondary Reading2020-7-28 08:50 |Personal classification:Paper silver

[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]Any investment that comes to the end is just a trial and error. Those who have a heart, those who are tired, those who have no heart, it doesn't matter. The trading is voluntary, there is no regret for missing, there is no negative rise or fall, and there is no complaint. Don't make it too tragic. Every participation is your execution, but there are people who are thoughtful, some who are blind and hasty, some who profit infinitely and recklessly, and some who fail are lost forever. In this market, neither victory nor failure will last forever. As long as you are willing to reach out to me, I will help you out of confusion![/font]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]
[b][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]Ms. Zhang has only been profitable since joining the physical warehouse for two days5995Making money in US dollars is that simple[/font][/b][align=center][b][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai][img][/img][/font][/b][/align]
[color=#ff0000][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai][b]昨日亚盘多单暴赚8535[/b][/font][/color][align=center][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai][b][img][/img][/b][/font][/align]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]Monday(7month27day)现货黄金盘中触及每盎司1945.72美元的创纪录高位,现货白银一度飙升8%To per ounce24.603USD, for2013year8月以来最高;因美元连续下跌,全球疫情的发展为黄金带来了持续的推动力,除了实际利率走低,地缘政治风险的升温也进一步推动金价;大量资金流入黄金交易所交易基金(ETF)也是贵金属上涨背后的推动因素。操作不理想或把握不了行情方向的朋友可关注工纵浩:“刘敬灿”或添加魏*Ljj1632Obtaining guidance quota[/font]

[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]刘敬灿认为,现货金价今日创纪录新高,而与此同时,几乎没有迹象显示出当前黄金出现1980年金价飙升时的投机过度状况。但有迹象表明,期货市场可能会出现过剩。更多的投资者选择在合约结束时进行实物交割,这也给做空贵金属的银行自营掉期交易商带来了问题。瑞银将下半年的目标价从1900The US dollar has been raised to2000美元,明年6月的目标价从1800The US dollar has been raised to1900美元,同时维持金价将在6个月内见顶的观点;瑞银表示,疫情的不确定性和国际关系变化给金价带来支撑,同时油价上涨和石油需求强于预期,引发投资者对通胀的担忧,再加上美元走弱,金价一路上涨;不过由于全球经济将于明年加快复苏,加上疫苗面世和各国央行终将收紧宽松的措施,这些将导致黄金ETF资金流出,导致金价见顶。[/font][align=center][img][/img][/align]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]从日线上看,随着八连阳的拉起,目前的黄金已走出了一个历史的新高位,打破了自2011Year of1920Frontline, it can be said that it is a historic beginning. Since the spread of the epidemic, it has directly led to economic problems in the United States. For the US economic system, I believe everyone knows that the most direct way to eliminate internal conflicts is to cause external conflicts, thereby achieving a unified external policy. This has also led to the intensification of geopolitical tensions and the continuous rise of gold risk aversion. From the daily trend, we can also see the strength of the bulls, which is accompanied by a pullback. For slow rises, they are generally more persistent. Therefore, in terms of direction, we will mainly focus on a pullback, unless there is a clear reversal pattern. Last week was the best confirmation.[/font][align=center][img][/img][/align]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]黄金技术面来看,四小时级别来看,布林带三轨均向上,金价创纪录高点,目前突破上轨。MACDGold fork, but severely overbought,KDJThere are signs of a dead cross at high positions and the index is close90附近。从走势来看,黄金仍以看涨为主,但短线可能小幅回调。上行方面,先留意盘中创下的历史高位1965.90压制,若上破将看向1975-1980Upward trend1.236%Expansion position1980.00Nearby, will be used for subsequent testing2000关口积累动能。下方初步支撑在5average1930.00Nearby, if you fall through the material, step back10average1900.00关口。一旦该关口失守,将削弱市场看涨情绪。[/font]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]
[b][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]Overall, in terms of short-term operation strategy today, Liu Jingcan's personal suggestion is to focus on a pullback and go long, with a focus on short-term operations above1975-1980Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1930-1935Frontline support.[/font][/b]
[b][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]
[b][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai][/font][/b]
[color=#00b0f0][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]From now on, in order to thank my fans for their long-term support,! Liu Jingcan also meticulously brought relevant gifts to everyone, every day before3Add or follow my friends by name to experience3Single, expected profit in8~10Point![/font][/color]

[color=#00b0f0][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]shout.A student with a single group experience,1Tian Yili10Friends who want to keep up and make a big profit can consult Liu Jingcan! WeChatLjj1632Add teacher Liu Jingcan to get free merchandising, free unwrapping, and recovery of loss quota. A set of exclusive secret script for professional unwrapping can be obtained by following the teacher "Liu Jingcan" on the official accountKA set of technical courses for the King of Lines![/font][/color]

[color=#00b0f0][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]I will guide your profits and verify my strength. Every morning, I will push investment strategy analysis for you. Before each market comes, I will give you advance notice and prompt you to build and close positions![/font][/color]

[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]In the depths of time, hold onto a light understanding and learn to be optimistic when investing. Don't let the future of you dislike the present self. We are truly alive, but not every piece of data needs to be taken seriously after it is revealed. Let bygones be bygones, let bygones come soon!Take a good rest, sharpen your troops, and be ready to prepare at any time. Smiling and saying 'come on' to yourself, then the next person to double your funds is you![/font]

[color=#ff0000][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai][b]Author of this article: Liu Jingcan[/b][/font][/color]
[color=#ff0000][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai][b]Guiding WeChat:Ljj1632/Official account: Liu Jingcan[/b][/font][/color]
[color=#ff0000][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai][b]
[b][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]Author's Message: Establish a foundation of integrity, conduct the world with virtue, work with a grateful heart, take responsibility with a responsible heart, pave the way with strength, and lead the market trend with a pattern[/font][/b]

[b][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]psDue to website deletion, some images may not be displayed. You can search the article title to view the complete articles on other financial websites.[/font][/b]

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