Jin Cheng:10.8Analysis Strategy for the Market of German Index, Crude Oil, and Gold in the Evening

already existing 202 Secondary Reading2020-10-8 16:47

What we have walked through is time, what we have seen is the market situation, what we have tasted is gains and losses, what we have tasted is gains and losses, what we have accumulated is experience, and what we have achieved is the realm. We are filled with emotions of bitterness, spiciness, sourness, and sweetness, indifferent to the market, not worried about everything, not worried about things, not thinking about things, not greedy when encountering profits, not disorderly in times of danger, following orders according to departments, planning strategies, and operating step by step, so that we can stay in a chaotic market and steadily move forward.

  【10.8Evening Dezhi12Contract Analysis and Prediction


Strategy reference:12900-12920多单进场,目标先看13000一线,破位企稳看13140Nearby, stop loss12870Points.

  【10.8Evening crude oil11Contract Analysis and Prediction

  原油昨晚的EIA行情可谓是微乎其微,今日早间开盘后横盘修正小幅上冲,目前来看欧盘的行情依旧是震荡上行的格局,美盘上方需要关注40.80The nearby suppression position requires attention below39.20-39.60左右的位置,大趋势依旧是多头格局,但是上方压制明显,除非破位40.80的位置,不然则会呈现一个回调震荡的行情,拖缓了原油的上涨动力,晚上美盘还是比较看好回调的。

Strategy reference:40.80Empty order entry, target39.60, take a break to see39.20Stop loss41.20upper.

  【10.8Evening gold12Contract Analysis and Prediction


Strategy reference:1890Multiple entry targets1900, break through and see1908-1911Stop loss1885dollar.



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