Jincheng Jiepan:9.12Analysis and operational suggestions on the trend of the evening Hang Seng Index, crude oil, gold, and US copper

already existing 216 Secondary Reading2018-9-12 20:31

The path of life is never fixed, there are always smooth paths, but also winding paths; With sunshine, there will inevitably be clouds and rain; If there is a past, there must be a tomorrow. Don't expect to live only in the sunshine, how can life grow without rain and dew. Accompanied by some success, there are also some twists and turns, which make life tend to be true and perfect. In life, no one can live for nothing, nor can anyone live without regrets.

When the challenge comes, do you already have the strength and courage to seize the opportunity? Challenges coexist with opportunities, while difficulties coexist with hope. Success belongs to challengers, and only those who dare to challenge fate and difficulties can achieve brilliant achievements. Anyone who withdraws in the face of difficulties and ridicule is destined to be a failure.

[color=#ff2941][b]  两大报告对上飓风多空交织原油多头能否笑到最后?[/b][/color]

Tonight19:10公布的欧佩克月报显示,欧佩克8月产量增加27.810000 barrels/Solstice3256.510000 barrels/Day,7月产量修正为3228.710000 barrels/日。数据公布后,美布两油小幅下跌。随后22:30We will also announce the US to9month7Day and WeekEIA原油库存,预期为减少80.5Ten thousand barrels, the previous value is a decrease430.2Ten thousand barrels.EIA原油库存已连续三周录得下降,若今晚再接再厉,油价或继续走高。此外,美国国家飓风中心称飓风“佛罗伦萨”正在靠近美国东部海岸,可能升级为美国30年来最强飓风,预计将给美国卡罗来纳部分地区和大西洋中部国家带来危及生命的风暴潮和降水,飓风对原油产量的影响或能助力油价上行。

Constant index09号合约,恒指晚间开盘看回落做多,目前已经回落至合适点位,建议直接多单进场即可。小时图整体趋势反弹,但是上方有一定阻力压制,关注中轨一线压制。

  1Suggest to use26170-26200Long nearby, target26300Stop loss80Points


Beautiful Gold12合约,4小时图显示,金价周60周期均线压制之后回落,尽管MACD零轴之下金叉,但上行动能并不强劲。此外,KDJas well asRSI等技术指标涨势也有放缓的迹象。上方关键阻力位于1201美元水平附近,升破这一水平将有望进一步反弹至1214Around the US dollar.

  1Suggest to use1198Multiple entry nearby, target1205,强势上破继续看多,止损4dollar


US crude oil10合约,原油今日给出多单目前持续获利中,回落至进场点位之后下午持续走多,出局小时图MA20反弹,晚间来看持续早间建议继续看多为主。

  1Suggest to use69.80Multiple entry nearby, target70.50USD, stop loss0.4



  1Suggest to use2.6350Multiple entry nearby, target2.6600Stop loss0.01



Wen/Jincheng Jiepan

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