Wang Yuanzhe:11.29Analysis of the trend of precious gold and short-term operational strategies within the day

already existing 318 Secondary Reading2019-11-29 13:09

[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]Why do we always struggle with trading? Is it because the market is not doing well now, is it because I am unlucky, or is there a problem with the teacher's guidance? Countless questions and answers ultimately depend on the mindset you are in to view this money filled market. From Yuan Zhe's perspective, it's not that the market itself is difficult to do, but rather that it can never pass its own hurdle. Almost all losses come from hedging, heavy positions, full positions, and counter trend operations. Secondly, there is a mentality of luck that always thinks of a pullback or rebound, and in the end, the market goes in the opposite direction, and opportunities flow away like this; Such situations often occur when operating on one's own; Quickly liquidate positions with profits, and bear losses to the death; It is what we commonly refer to as the "inability to hold onto" operation, where there is a lack of accuracy in building and closing positions.[/font]

[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]  [b][color=#ff0000]>>>>11.29Golden Operation Strategy Express:[/color][/b][/font]

[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]  [b][color=#ff0000]1、空单策略[/color][/b]:[/font][font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]日内上方测压1460激进继续轻仓搏短空,至63分批轻仓补空,统一带止损1466Look at the target below1457-55先减仓改保本止损,跌破再看1452-50区域减仓。[/font]

[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]  [b][color=#ff0000]2、多单策略[/color][/b]:如果日内下方回撤1452-50,激进也继续可尝试一波短多,带止损1447, look at the goal1455-57回弹即减仓改保本止损。[/font]

[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]  [b]渊哲温馨提醒:以上建议仅供参考,不构成投资建议,短线操作需要谨慎,具体盘中再根据实际情况调整。[/b][/font][align=center][img][/img][/align]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai] [b][color=#ff0000] >>>>11.29Technical analysis of precious metal gold:[/color][/b][/font]

[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]  1、因美进入感恩节假期影响,市场交投平淡,昨日黄金基本位于1455上下窄幅震荡,日线收得一阳十字星。[/font]

[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]  2、日线结构上,黄金依旧还是处在5日线下震荡,交叉的5、10日线依旧起到关键的短线压制作用,而目前市场因假期影响交投清淡,使得短线行情更难确认方向,所以演变为横盘震荡格局,这样的行情如果震荡周期继续延长,那么确定的风险也会随之加大,或有可能演变为下跌中继形态,引发后期行情再度扩大回落空间,届时下方可关注1445-40区域支撑测试。[/font]

[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]  3、结合小时图走势,以及目前市场因假期影响交投清淡的状态,预期日内上方大概率还是会承压1460压力的,而1465依旧可视作为短期的关键压制,下方继续关注1452-50区域支撑。预期今日突破1465—1450区间的可能性不是很大,但是如果今日行情结构重心得不到抬升的话,那么下周进一步下修的概率会有所增加。[/font]

[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]  4、操作上,依旧持短线看空调整思路,在下方未触及1445-40区域前,依旧以择高搏短空为主。[/font]

[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]  [b][color=#ff0000]>>>>交投清淡黄金震荡收窄[/color][/b][/font]

[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]  ①由于美国进入感恩节假期,市场交投清淡,黄金日内围绕区间1454-1458美元区间震荡,波幅缩小至4美金。由于美国方面休市,今日欧洲方面将公布一系列重磅数据,欧盘时段需密切留意,且今日将收周线及月线,若市场出现意外消息,黄金的波动将会增大。总体来看,市场近期避险情绪有减无增,恐慌指数VIX跌至今年4月的低位11.42的位置,表示市场乐观情绪依旧延续。[/font]

[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]  渊哲知道你很难过,投资的付出不是真心就会有结果,每次遇到亏损的客户,看到你们的无助渊哲是发自内心的心疼和心痛,你们满怀信心的进入投资市场,每天在繁忙的工作之余还要熬夜盯着盘面看行情,付出了时间和精力后迎来的却是无情的亏损,你们在投资市场辛苦的寻找所谓的“老师”,你们无条件信任后的不断亏损导致你们一次又一次而感到失望,难道亏损真的是你们的错吗?做投资对于我们这来说是我们的本职工作,对于你们来说更是你们对于更好生活的一种追求。你们可能是生活中的强者,但在我们的眼中绝对是投资中的“弱”者,你们需要我们的保护和引导。作为一名分析师,对投资市场大部分客户的亏损老师感到很惭愧,我惭愧我改变不了这种现状,我只希望我自己能够不忘初心,不被市场上的不良之风影响,做好自己的本职工作。[/font]

[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]  [b][color=#ff0000]I don't do profit maximization venture capital, I only invest in stability and sustained profitability—— Wang Yuanzhe (Your Name:kz1338/Bow weight number:KDJ1335)​[/color][/b][/font]

[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]In the foreign exchange trading market, even if you have good technical skills, please do not operate with heavy positions. A wise man may make a mistake if he thinks twice, and with a heavy position, you can go home with a fine. Give yourself more opportunities and summarize more experiences, which will be a valuable asset in our lifetime! The operation requires a reasonable position ratio and strict stop loss measures. The core of investment is to invest in life, with a long life path and gradually accumulating profits. Even a true nouveau riche will not choose to spend their entire life aimlessly in the next few decades. A person's life should be a process of accumulation, reflecting their own value![/font]
[font=Regular script, Regular script_GB2312, SimKai]

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