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越来越多的人发现现货投资越大亏损越大,交易过程中出现了怎样的 内幕呢?

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1.贵金属门槛要高许多 贵金属的每手资金要好几千 而农产品几十块就可以买到
2.贵金属的手续费高 而农产品手续费只有1~2element 便宜了100倍左右
3.贵金属的涨跌是看国际行情的 所以风险要大一点 农产品的涨跌是根据气候 节气 和国家政策 相比较而言风险小
4.贵金属的利润肯定是比农产品要高 就看你会不会看盘了
Let's start with trading software and trading varieties. Regardless of which platform or member unit we trade on, we use the trading software provided by this platform. The reliability of the software goes beyond that. The varieties we trade in the trading software see the trend of the market, but the names of the trading varieties are very different,crude oilThis name is not unfamiliar. Previously, everyone used to call it crude oil. Later, after the country banned the trading of crude oil, a series of names such as asphalt, blended fabric, and polypropylene emerged, and the quotations were different for each one, including three digit quotations, four digit quotations, and four digit quotations2start3start4At the beginning, some have a five digit quote, without any formality or fairness. All platforms and member units say that investors' funds completely flow into the international market, and there is nothing at all. In fact, most of the funds invested by customers go to the platform, and a very small portion goes directly to personal accounts. Some people may say that this is under third-party custody by a bank, so don't be so foolish. A bank is just a channel for making payments. What does it take to make a profit by opening a spot platform? Friends who have done it know that as long as you trade, there will be transaction fees. Although the transaction fees are relatively high, relying solely on transaction fees cannot support the normal operation of a platform. There is also a relatively large income in this area, which is the position (referring to losses) because the funds themselves are in the platform. If everyone makes a profit and whose money is profitable, will the platform pay out, The answer is definitely not. Open a platform with100A client is making investments,20A customer has made a profit80If a customer loses money, the platform will80Where can a loser take out the money20Personal profit, the platform is now left60A loss for a customer, this60The loss of a customer is the profit of the platform.
Most customers who enter the spot investment market do not understand the market, do not know how to analyze, do not know how to control their positions, and how to make long-term profits. So investors need a professional order teacher and analyst who can help you make profits. You trust your teacher and do whatever he tells you to do, because you don't understand anything. Some people may find that when trading, the teacher operates a lot of odd numbers every day. After generating small profits, most of them will find that the handling fee is several times or even dozens of times the profit. This is considered good. Some people simply pay the handling fee in a single day, which is quite scary, and their own account still suffers losses. When profits occur, they will ask you to continue adding funds. When you cannot add funds, the teacher will increase the frequency of daily orders, with a simple purpose, It means paying high transaction fees in a short period of time. Some people still have some ideas, as long as the profit handling fee is okay, but you don't know that the generated handling fee must come out of your principal, so that the platform's teachers have salary bonuses. The first concern of your shouting teacher is how much commission can be charged, and the second is that they are afraid that you will run away and use various clever words to persuade you to continue operating. I don't care about your financial safety or losses at all, as long as they earn money, they won't care about the lives of investors. You know why you lost money.
Investors who suffer losses quickly may find that sometimes they have made profits with their own order teachers. The quick way to make losses is to operate positions that are usually heavy and full. When it comes to heavy and full positions, there should be more customers coming from stocks because there is no leverage in stock trading, and they are always one-to-one, and there is leverage in spot trading. Every operation is mostly in the wrong direction. If you happen to catch up with the profit, the teacher will definitely say how professional and powerful he is, and ask you to add funds. Once there is a loss, this is also the time for the teacher to make money, because only when you lose will the platform profit and the teacher will have commission. As long as you follow the teacher's advice, it doesn't matter if you do it once or twice, even if you do it seven or eight times. If you make a mistake again, all the previous profits will be spit out, and sometimes it will hurt the principal. You should know that the teacher doesn't want you to make a profit from the bottom of your heart, so you know what to ask about a loss.
In the spot market, there are both primary and secondary market trends. The opinions given by the ordering teacher are all secondary market trends. What is a secondary market trend?
Let me first explain where this opinion comes from. Each trading platform has its own analysis team. What are these analysis teams doing? Their analysisKLine technology, some collect market news.KLine technology goes without saying, everyone knows that they have their own analysis principles and trends; The news surface is all the information that can affect the fluctuation of the market, such as which country and which country had a tense situation at the time, non agricultural, Federal Reserve meetings, OPEC meetings,EIAThe impact of inventory data and other news on this market needs to be analyzed.KThe combination of the technical aspects of the line and the information provided by the market information is the first-hand market situation, which is very, very accurate. After analyzing the market, it will be given to the member units of each platform. The teachers of the member units need to process the first-hand market and find ways to make investors believe in their analysis and judgment. Teachers usually publish articles from a professional perspective, making investors believe that the published content is authoritative. Or just exaggerate one's technical level when making profits and explain some simple techniques to investors. I know an investor who entered a live streaming room and was relatively cautious. He spent three or four months in the live streaming room and fell in love with a teacher who he thought was very professional and stable. However, when he chose this teacher and opened an account with his designated trading platform agent, the teacher started calling orders for him. Every operation is a heavy position, and after two orders, this investor invests in20There was already very little left for Wan. At this point, the teacher asked him to add funds and said he would definitely earn it back. He also believed it, after all, he had seen it in the live broadcast room. From the beginning of cooperation to the end, the teacher did not have a correct order, even losing money8Single, fund100More than ten thousand yuan disappeared like this, and the spot investment was deeply submerged.
想要在金融市场里面盈利,不是谁想盈利就可以盈利的,因为亏损者太多,国家证监会开始整顿现货市场,随着整顿的步伐现在好多平台关门的关门,产品下架的下架,奉劝大家如果现在你的资金还在现货里面还是赶紧出到自己的银行卡吧,做任何一项投资都是分三步,第一步就是资金的安全,第二步就是所要投资的项目风险是不是在自己的承受范围,第三部就是投资项目的盈利可不可以达到自己心中的预期,结合这三步进行选择投资项目的挑选,如果你不是报着一夜暴富的心态,只想平稳的盈利,哪怕少每天可以看到盈利,你可以选择和我合作,我们是在金融市场专门做盈利的崴昕二零一八七三五三六二,盈利的同时我们也会收取一定的费用,不论你是在股票、现货、邮币卡、大宗商品、foreign exchange等哪里亏损,只要想到这个市场来投资、来回本、来盈利,都可以来找我。
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