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Comprehensive Science Popularization of Smart Transformation Methods for Family Stairs

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Stairs serve as a connecting link between the upper and lower floors. Many families have duplex houses, so stairs are needed to connect them. Due to the occupation of stairs, the space in the house may appear smaller. With clever design and minor modifications, the staircase space in your home can be fully utilized. BelowFanli Building Layout PlanDesignerLet's learn about the clever renovation of family stairs together.

Family stairs
Smart renovation of family stairs

Cleverly renovated stairs1.The small corner space of stairs is a tricky problem in home furnishings, as many people do not know how to utilize this space. In fact, as long as you pay more attention, the space under the stairs can be used ingeniously. At the entrance of the stairs, the lower space can be transformed into a hallway wardrobe for shoes and clothes. This is a good space planning and also improves the space efficiency.

Cleverly renovated stairs2.The staircase space also has different sizes, and the size of the staircase space varies for each household. This depends on the size of the staircase, which can be designed as a restaurant wine cabinet, a small storage cabinet, a small study, and so on. A small space, slightly renovated to make the stairwell no longer an abandoned space.

Cleverly renovated stairs3.For small family units, I suggest transforming a small part of the stairwell into a simple room. The stairwell can be slightly crafted, with soft mattresses and beautiful colors painted on the interior. It can be used as a simple and independent small room, where you can also take a break, which is a very good way to utilize space.

Cleverly renovated stairs4.In fact, transforming stairs into a storage space is a very good idea. Design a corresponding storage cabinet according to the trend of the stairs, which can store clothes and miscellaneous items inside. These all belong to the squeezed out space!Of course, things like a washing machine at home, furniture that takes up a bit of space, and stairwells are their best place to stay.

That's all for the introduction of some knowledge about home staircase renovation, hoping to be helpful to everyone.
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