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The design principles of attic decoration that must be understood

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The design of attic decoration has been very popular in recent years and is loved by some young people. The attic decoration design is a special indoor space in the entire home decoration process. Due to the characteristics of low height and irregularity in typical attics, it takes a long time to think about during decoration. So, what should be done for attic decoration design?todayLayout Plan of Century Economic and Trade BuildingDesignerLet me tell you a few principles for loft decoration design, let's take a look together.

Attic decoration
Principle 1 of attic decoration design: Try not to damage the original structure of the attic as much as possible

Many consumers choose a house with an attic because of its unique structure, so why notFor example, when making a suspended ceiling, it is not necessary to use a whole piece of gypsum board. The gypsum board can be drilled or broken into lines for processing, or wooden beams can be made, which not only does not damage the original structure but also adds changes.

Principle 2 of Attic Decoration Design: Water and Electricity Design

Water and electricity are the first areas to consider in attic design. Attention should be paid to reserving air conditioning cables, otherwise it will be very troublesome to modify them.

Principle 3 of Attic Decoration Design: Emphasize the Setting of Lights

The characteristics of a typical attic are insufficient lighting, large staggered floor heights, and irregular spaces. Therefore, when designing, special attention should be paid to the combination and setting of lighting, ensuring that the lighting in each area is not overused. If the floor is high, chandeliers can be used, which can provide both lighting and good decoration;If the floor is low or you want to create a romantic and quiet atmosphere, you can use floor standing desk lamps and wall lamps with stronger design sense.

Attic decoration
Principle 4 of Penthouse Decoration Design: Reasonable Utilization of Penthouse Space

Especially for some sloping corners, spotlights, plants, and pebbles can be used to create small landscapes. In the case of sufficient storage space, this treatment is more aesthetically pleasing than making cabinets.

Principle 5 of Penthouse Decoration Design: PenthouseThe arrangement of "delicate and soft" requires attention to detail

The furniture in the attic is usually small and unique. Furniture with simple lines and frames is preferred. In some areas, brightly colored and jumping accessories or some interesting furniture can be added.

Principle 6 of Attic Decoration Design: Attic decoration should be insulated

The most important factor in attic decoration design is the insulation of the attic. Due to the fact that the attic is located on the top floor and is exposed to direct sunlight, it can be quite hot. Therefore, it can be added20A centimeter insulation layer can be used to suspend or lay insulation layers on the ceiling to prevent the attic from becoming a "steamer".

In the process of loft decoration design, it is necessary to consider everything comprehensively and handle the details perfectly, so that the effect will be much better. The above is the knowledge provided by the editor about the principles of attic decoration design. I hope it can be helpful to you!
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