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Ultima Markets: [Market Hotspot] Switzerland takes the lead in global central banks firing a gun to cut interest rates

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Ultima Markets: [Market Hotspot] Switzerland takes the lead in global central banks firing a gun to cut interest rates122 / author:Ultima_Markets / PostsID:1727949

2024year3In January, the Swiss central bank unexpectedly decided to lower its benchmark interest rate0.25Percentage points to1.5%。 For the first time in nine years, interest rates have been lowered, setting a precedent for central banks in developed economies around the world to initiate loose monetary policies. Swiss inflation rate2Monthly decrease1.2%, has reached the Swiss Central Bank0—2%Nine months within the target area reflects a controllable price balance.  

The Swiss central bank acknowledges that the weakening of inflation trends and the actual appreciation of the Swiss franc last year were key factors in its decision. The officials of the bank still closely monitor prices and expect inflation to remain within control in the coming years.

The Swiss Central Bank predicts that,2024The average annual inflation rate will hover around1.4%,2025The annual average has slightly declined to1.2%, and then2026Annual can be reduced to1.1%。 Meanwhile, it is estimated that economic expansion will be suppressed in the short term, and economic growth this year is expected to be about1%。

Affected by the Swiss central bank's interest rate cut, the Swiss franc depreciated against the US dollar, breaking through0.895Pass, touch11month13The lowest point in recent days.

Ultima Markets: [Market Hotspot] Switzerland takes the lead in global central banks firing a gun to cut interest rates984 / author:Ultima_Markets / PostsID:1727949
(Policy interest rate level, Swiss central bank)SNB)

Ultima Markets: [Market Hotspot] Switzerland takes the lead in global central banks firing a gun to cut interest rates675 / author:Ultima_Markets / PostsID:1727949
(USD/CHF monthly chart)

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