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Ultima Markets[Market Hotspot] The European Council has lowered its outlook forecast, but...

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This post was finally written by Ultima_Markets to 2024-2-20 16:29 edit

Ultima Markets[Market Hotspot] The European Council has lowered its outlook forecast, but...638 / author:Ultima_Markets / PostsID:1727693

2month19 On Monday, the European stock market stabilized at a high level,STOXX 50 Write down the index23 Annual closing high, covering a wider range ofStoxx 600 The index has also reached since2022 year1 The highest point since the beginning of the month. Investors are contemplating the next steps and waiting for more information. This week, preliminary information on the Eurozone will be released PMI And important indicators such as the final inflation rate. In addition, the market expects the Federal Reserve and European Central Bank to release meeting minutes, as well as semiconductorsAIThe financial report performance of Nvidia Inc.

Ultima Markets[Market Hotspot] The European Council has lowered its outlook forecast, but...478 / author:Ultima_Markets / PostsID:1727693
(STOXX 50 Index annual chart)

Ultima Markets[Market Hotspot] The European Council has lowered its outlook forecast, but...228 / author:Ultima_Markets / PostsID:1727693
(STOXX 600 Index annual chart)

European Commission (EC)Announce that EU economies will enter2024 The start of the year was more unstable than previously expected, and subsequently the growth forecast for the eurozone this year was lowered 0.4 Percentage points, only up to0.8%。 according to 2024 The winter economic forecast for the year is that after just avoiding a technical recession in the second half of last year, 2024 The prospects for the first season of the year are still bleak.

Despite the economic downturn, eurozone countries are still expected to 2024 Annual growth achieved, estimated growth in Germany 0.3%Growth in France 0.9%Growing up in Italy 0.7%。 Meanwhile, inflation forecasts have been lowered from autumn forecasts. The estimated overall inflation rate will vary from2022 Of 3.2% lower 2024 Of 2.7%, to 2025 The year will decrease to2.2%。

Due to oversupply of energy, the current price of oil, especially natural gas, is affectedfuturesThe price is far lower than the assumption in the autumn forecast. The significant drop in energy prices has unexpectedly cooled prices rapidly. last,2023The Eurozone economy only grew in0.5%, significantly lower than2022Of3.4%。

Ultima Markets[Market Hotspot] The European Council has lowered its outlook forecast, but...697 / author:Ultima_Markets / PostsID:1727693
(eurozone GDP growth rate)

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