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Datian Gold Industry: Delayed Interest Rate Reduction, Gold Prices Fluctuate and Fall

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As of2024year02month06日亚盘时段,受到上周非农数据枪机以及美联储利率决议释放出延后降息的信号影响下,gold价格在昨日重新开市后出现震荡下行,目前短期可能还存在回调的空间,因为市场普遍认为六月前降息的可能性并不大,当然后续还需要关注更多的经济数据状况。本周的市场基本面相对较为清淡,可能会继续发酵此前的消息为主,不排除节奏会偏缓慢。

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Datian Gold Industry: Delayed Interest Rate Reduction, Gold Prices Fluctuate and Fall338 / author:language / PostsID:1727637



In the1月份的跌幅略高于1%之后,由于各种基本面因素的影响,金价在新的一个月可能会出现更大的波动。尽管金价最初因美联储的鹰派言论而走弱,但由于美国国债收益率下降,以及约旦局势发展引发的地缘政治风险加剧,金价反弹。



  它并没有就此结束;这种例行的年度重新计算也考虑了前5年的通货膨胀。因此,从本质上讲,投资者将看到2019year1Month to2023year12月期间的修订数据。






  crude oil大跌后市或测试70Gateway

  原油市场上周遭到重大打击。由于暂停以色列-The negotiations of the Hamas war reduced the geopolitical risk premium of crude oil, causing a sharp drop in oil prices. After crude oil fell below key technical levels, the decline accelerated.

Federal Reserve Chairman Powell stated3The possibility of monthly interest rate cuts is low, and the market has turned to expectations5The significant monthly interest rate cut, however, the strong non-agricultural data on Friday also made this expectation less realistic.

According to data released by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics,1Non-agricultural employment increased in the month35.3Ten thousand people, far exceeding expectations18.5Ten thousand people, even exceeding the predictions of all analysts. Meanwhile,12The monthly employment number has increased from the original21.6Up to 10000 people33.3Ten thousand people. The unemployment rate has remained at for the third consecutive month3.7%, lower than expected3.8%The number of unemployed individuals remains stable at610Ten thousand.

  1The monthly average hourly wage growth rate has reached a year-on-year level4.5%, for2022year3The highest since the month, higher than expected4.1%。12The monthly salary growth rate is determined by4.1%Up to4.3%The month on month growth rate has reached0.6%Expected0.3%Twice.1The average weekly working hours of non farm workers in the month have decreased0.2Hours to34.1Hour, reduced throughout the year0.5And dropped to the lowest level in the most serious period of COVID-19.

After the release of non-agricultural data, the market reacted strongly: the US dollar index rose across the board on Friday, reaching a seven week high;The decline in spot gold has expanded to over1%;The US stock market index fell more than180Point, followed by a reversal and a rise of over200点,收盘仍涨逾百点,与标指同创新高,纳指在MetaUnder the leadership of Amazon, the performance is relatively strong. United States2year/10The yield curve of one-year treasury bond was further inverted after the non-agricultural employment data, and the inverted range was the largest in nearly a month.

High interest rates seem to persist in major economies such as the United States and the eurozone in the short term, which typically suppresses economic growth and oil demand. According to data released on Friday, the United States1The monthly increase in non farm payroll jobs far exceeds expectations, thereby reducing the likelihood of the Federal Reserve lowering interest rates in the near future. Therefore, the US dollar has risen significantly against all major currencies.

  KpleranalystMatt Smith指出:“在报告发布之前,物价持续上涨,变化甚微,但就业岗位的大幅增长正在推动降息。”在欧洲,一位欧洲央行政策制定者也表示,欧元区降息还为时过早。

On Thursday, unconfirmed news of a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas led to a drop in oil prices exceeding2%This leads to a weekly decline in oil prices. The mediator is waiting for a response to the proposal to extend the ceasefire. Extending the ceasefire may alleviate the political risks faced by the Gulf and Red Sea waterways, which are crucial for global energy flows.

According to sources on Thursday, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries(OPEC)And its allies led by Russia(Collectively referred to asOPEC+)Maintain the production policy unchanged. These sources indicate that the organization will3The month will decide whether to extend the voluntary oil production reduction implemented in the first quarter. last year11Month,OPEC+Announce production reduction for the first quarter22010000 barrels/Day.

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