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Zhou Jinrui4.5Will gold continue to rise? Analysis and Operation Suggestions for Futures Gold and Silver Market

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Article Summary:4.5internationalgoldGold and SilverT+DShanghai Gold, Shanghai Silver, Paper Gold, Paper Silver, and Beautycrude oiltechnical analysis.4.5How to stir fry gold for beginnersTDCrude oil?4.5goldTDWhat to do with losses on crude oil investment?4.5Analysis of the Trend of Gold and Crude Oil.Recommendations for Operation of Gold Crude Oil.4.5goldTDCrude Oil Strategy.Investing in international gold, crude oil, and silverTDHow does Teacher Zhou analyze the market situation?4.5Today's Gold, Crude Oil, SilverTDWhat do you think when you're free?4.5How to recover losses from investing in spot gold?4.5goldTDsilverTDHow to operate the short line?4.5What are the current gold resistance and support levels?4.5Novice investing in gold and silverTDHow should I make the order?4.5Will London gold prices continue to rise today? silverTDWill it still fall?4.5What recent news will affect gold and silverTDTrend?4.5What is the impact of the rise and fall of the US dollar on gold?4.5Gold, crude oil, silverTDAnalysis of today's market trend and operational suggestions.4.5Will spot gold continue to rise today? US crude oil silverTDWill it still fall?4.5International Gold and SilverTDHow to operate today?
In the market game of gold, silver, and crude oil, it emphasizes a process of learning and participation, as well as the results of long-term stable profits in the later stage. Once a loss occurs, it is necessary to promptly summarize the reasons behind it and allow the lost funds to generate their value. I think that with every transaction you make, it is easy to achieve the goal of long-term stable profits by entering the market with a sound and well-founded approach, strictly following the rules of the market, and under the correct guidance. Accurate trend analysis, professional team technical analysis, responsible guidance teachers, real-time tracking of the entire market, can profitability still be far away from you! Opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared, but they are also reserved for those who can choose to showcase their true strength and make you happy with tangible profits! If you encounter difficulties on the investment road and cannot find a direction and are in long-term losses, you can talk to Zhou Jinrui. Success does not rely on luck, choice is greater than effort! May you know me from words and in character,Trapped in technology, long after kindness, finally character.
Daily Gold, Silver, and Crude Oil Investment Strategies [Add Zhou Jinrui's personal guidance on WeChat;zjr8527】Daily crude oil operation suggestions, gold and silver markets, daily analysis of gold, and latest operational strategies. Market hotspots.
Analysis of Gold Market Trend
  黄金消息面解析:周日(4month4day)刚刚过去的一周,现货黄金先跌后涨,全球范围内多个国家乐观的经济数据进一步提振经济复苏前景,打压黄金的避险需求,美元和美债收益率上涨,金价一度跌至近九个月低点附近;但1676附近支撑极强,吸引逢低买盘重新入场,拜的2.25The trillion dollar stimulus plan also raised inflation expectations. As the US dollar and bond yields adjusted, gold prices launched a comeback, recovering most of the decline and closing in the report1729.31dollar/Ounces, weekly only decline0.19%。对于后市,专业投资者和分析师看涨情绪回升,但散户的预期分歧较大。关注公众号“周金瑞”即可实时获得最新的操作策略。
  黄金技术面:黄金从日线图看,金价短期走势上周先抑后扬,金价周一和周二录得二条长阴后周三和周四出现反弹上涨录得两条阳线,多头收复跌幅。目前金价日线布林带仍处于三线收口状态,金价重新回到5Japan and Japan10日均线上方以及布林中轨与上轨之间运行,指标看,5Japan and Japan10日均线向下运行,MACD双向上运行,红色动能柱持续有所放大,KDJRun up,RSIIndicator in50位置上方,指标看涨。
Gold from4小时来看:金价布林上下轨逐步向中轨靠拢,短期均线EMA5AndEMA10双线多头向上,MACD双线向上运行,红色动能柱持续放大,KDJ向上运行但有向下拐头的态势,RSI指标现在处于反弹回升后的超买态势中,指标显示看涨的同时需要警惕回落风险。周四金价突破1720关口后触及1730关口,周五金价慢涨上行至此轮下跌的起跌点1736附近,不过上方存在一定阻力。综合来看,今日黄金短线操作思路上周金瑞建议回调做多为主,反弹做空为辅,上方重点关注1745-1750Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1705-1710Frontline support.
Friends who have just entered the market for gold, silver, and crude oil may not be able to access the top news or news in the international market due to work, life, and other issues. This is a great problem for us to do gold, silver, and crude oil. Therefore, Zhou Jinrui welcomes investment friends to come to me and communicate and progress together, so that everyone can stay informed of the international market trends anytime and anywhere, and make the most stable orders. Guiding WeChat:zjr8527
GoldTDTrend analysis
GoldTDCurrent GoldTDLow rebound, currently supporting platform below358.3-356In the meta interval, the key pressure levels above are concentrated in367.5Near Yuan. It is recommended to focus on this pressure and support for trading within the day, and the overall suggestion is to focus on more ideas. Step back within the day360.3-362.5Meta interval, it is recommended to arrange multiple orders within the interval in the short term and control the position30%-50%Stop profit target368Near the yuan, the risk is controlled within358Yuan stop loss. Intraday rebound to370.5-372In the short term, it is recommended to layout empty orders and manage positions within the interval30%-50%Stop profit target365Yuan, risk control in374Yuan stop loss.
Analysis of the Trend of Paper, Silver and Silver
Paper Silver: Paper Silver4The hourly cycle is currently in a downward trend, and the upward structure of the four hour chart level fluctuation is extremely obvious. The moving average system presents a bullish pattern arrangement, and the thinking continues to be firm and bullish. Paper silver1The latest situation at the hour level. belong to1The overall hourly level maintains an upward trend, with some short-term setbacks. In terms of short-term operations, maintain a much lower mindset and a higher point5.57-5.53Element is pressure,5.0Yuan is the support.4According to the hourly chart, due to5.0The yuan support has not been damaged, so Zhou Jinrui believes that paper and silver have risen again to5.32-5.57The probability is high. The paper silver cycle is still bullish, and there may be a rebound in the short term. In terms of operation, the main focus is still on low level layout. At present, friends who have nested orders in their positions are unable to provide corresponding unwinding strategies due to the author Zhou Jinrui's lack of knowledge about the location of your nested orders and the specific situation of your positions. Friends who need to unwind can use a single linezjr8527obtain.
Analysis of crude oil market trend
Analysis of crude oil news: Sunday(4month4日)刚刚过去的一周,国际油价整体呈现震荡走势,OPEC+Agreeing to gradually increase production is seen as a affirmation of demand growth expectations, global economic data is optimistic, global stock markets are rising, providing support for oil prices, butOPEC下调需求预期并上调供给预期,再加上欧美疫情再度恶化,油价仍受到压制,投资者需要提防油价震荡下行的风险。

Technical aspect of crude oil: crude oil from4From an hourly perspective, the Bollinger Line track operates horizontally, and we will continue to pay attention to the Bollinger Line track62.2-63Regional breakthrough situation. Although oil prices have previously been hindered near the Bollinger Line track and have fallen back, they have currently received support from the Bollinger Line mid track. It is necessary to be cautious of the possibility of oil prices testing the Bollinger Line track resistance again. If this resistance is exceeded, it is expected to open up new upward space. Focus on63.8Nearby resistance, this position is67.9-57.2Downtrend61.8%Retract position. Stay tuned below60Integer level support, with the middle track of the Bollinger Line also near this position. If this support is breached, the oil price may be higher and further exploration of the lower track of the Bollinger Line may occur58.8Nearby support. Overall, the short-term operation strategy for crude oil today was recommended by Jinrui last week, with high altitude as the main approach and low altitude as the secondary approach. Top short-term focus62.5-63.0Frontline resistance, short-term focus below59.0-59.5Frontline support.
Zhou Jinrui's WeChat:zjr8527】International gold, crude oil, Shanghai gold, Shanghai silver, paper gold, paper silver, gold silverTDComprehensive online guidance and analysis; Zhou Jinrui focuses on international gold (ShanghaiTDGold and silver,futuresAnalysis and Guidance on the Market of Gold and Silver and US Crude Oil (Shanghai Futures Crude Oil)! Accuracy and profit are the only criteria for testing strength! There is a current price list every day, you can come and experience it! Doing trading involves multiple actions and mistakes, and the more diligent one is, the more negative they become. Getting rich through hard work is a false proposition in trading; Wolf hunting, most of the time waiting instead of constantly kicking! Zhou Jinrui has many years of practical experience! Advocate for the central line as the main approach and short-term assistance; Eliminate frequent operations and lay out light warehouses; Risk control is the king, in order to achieve stable profits!
This article is provided by Zhou Jinrui. I interpret the world economic news, analyze the global investment trends, and analyze the impact of crude oil, gold We have conducted in-depth research on commodities such as silver and others. Due to the delay in online push, the above content is personal advice. Due to the timeliness of online posts, it is for reference only and at our own risk. Please indicate the source of the reprint.

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