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KThread pithy formula

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KThread pithy formula

KLine language signal is clear, The exit speed is fine.

If you wear your head and feet on the top, run quickly when you meet them.

If the neck line is hung at the top, it is definitely a hanging line.

Dark clouds cover the top and the strong wind blows, pressing down on the city to destroy it.

The pouring rain is too toxic, and everyone is afraid of a downward trend.

Raise the propeller at the top and tie you up when you land.

The double flying crow calls in the air, and the top turns ominously.

Three crows fly in the sky, high and low, each black.

Fade friends counterattack exhausted, can only be suitable for playing empty.

A shooting star appears at the top, and the chips in hand are quickly cleared.

I am confident in the flat top graphics and leaving the field quickly.

The top carries six armor, and the ups and downs are carefully distinguished between true and false.

When the line reaches the top, throw chips without counting.

Upon seeing the turning point of the decline, upon closer inspection, the pattern resembles a sword.

When encountering a downward resistance form, the negative line will definitely not clear up.

Low end hovering hides a killing machine, careless sitting on the slide.

Don't be a dead bull when the evening star reaches its end.

A tower shaped roof appears at the top, and there must be a trap set in the air.

If there is a false three yang on the top, be sure to leave the field and prevent it.
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