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市场无非就是多空的交易,非多即空,非空即多,多空的博弈其实是利润的二次分配,很多投资者遇到一个尴尬的问题,那就是上涨的时候手里有空单,下跌的时候发现手里有多单,设好的止损刚好被秒,不设的止损刚好被套,悲催的事情经常发现,已经变成了习惯,赚钱的单子心慌,亏钱的单子套到没办法再慌,锁了的单子就没有成功解出来几个,做股票的时候帐户绿的像油菜地,做noble metalcrude oilWhen the account is red and the battlefield is red, the real profit is when the mindset changes, and the real doubling is when the rules are followed. In fact, a simple truth is that when you no longer do what most people do, you will stay away from these sad urges.

闻珏晞:黄金投资长期套单亏损你甘心吗?想要改变现状吗?247 / author:Wen Juexi Investment Teacher / PostsID:1447172



How difficult is it to help you get rid of the single quilt cover? The difficulty is that you didn't find me!!

latelygold多空行情有些反复无常,但是利润还是很可观的,而明明顺势操作可以让你赚的心满意足,但是你却非要背道而驰!Juexi在业内从业多年来面对过不计其数的被套,最终制订了一套在70%In this case, there is no need for a stop loss trading model, and it has created countless unraveling processes that have created orders that cannot be solved now, as long as your risk rate is not lower than85%The position of the bedding cover should not exceed80点,我都有信心让你的单子最小化亏损成功离场,不信你可以试试。关注工纵好“Wen Juexi”即可享有每日财经资讯热点解读、黄金中线布局计划一份!

闻珏晞:黄金投资长期套单亏损你甘心吗?想要改变现状吗?903 / author:Wen Juexi Investment Teacher / PostsID:1447172



staygoods in stockGold investment市场里宁可拜错神,也千万不要跟错人!!!

闻珏晞:黄金投资长期套单亏损你甘心吗?想要改变现状吗?286 / author:Wen Juexi Investment Teacher / PostsID:1447172

无论多好做的行情,总会有人亏损!究其原因不在于市场,而在于你本身!你用尽十分运气找到了JuexiSoJuexi愿用十倍的利润来回报你!实力不说谎,利润看得到!如果前期有亏损的朋友若是想要挽回亏损的,可及时向Juexi申请实盘一对一指导名额,切勿再让你的本金再做无谓的亏损!(对于前期亏损严重的,8month5000US dollar mini warehouse quota reopened, limited to3名,先到先得!)关注工纵好“Wen Juexi”即可享有每日财经资讯热点解读、黄金中线布局计划一份!



III8-10万美金以上级别:我们提供自选操作方案来操作,用20%To configure short-term positions, use30%来进行长线仓位配置!

闻珏晞:黄金投资长期套单亏损你甘心吗?想要改变现状吗?721 / author:Wen Juexi Investment Teacher / PostsID:1447172

Juexi's message:

在投资的道路上,选择一个一路同行的老师尤为重要。我给不你了太多温暖,但有个词叫尽我所能。我这里没有一夜暴富,没有百分百的秘籍,只有稳健的交易系统和一颗真诚的心,Believe me, come to me and say too many unrealistic things. I think it would be very hypocritical, not seeking overnight wealth! Just strive for small streams and long flows.

Author of this article: Wen Juexi [reprinted, please indicate source]

Author's message: Ten years of golden road, accompany you all the way!
Full guidance time: early6:00In the early morning of the next day2:00

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