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Shu Yifan:gold投资理财暴涨暴跌行情新手如何防范亏损?

舒亦梵:黄金投资理财暴涨暴跌行情新手如何防范亏损?684 / author:shuyifan / PostsID:1446642

亏损只是暂时的困境,以后在准确的时间内,看好一波行情,连翻几仓扭转乾坤,赚的盆满钵盈,一雪前耻。这没有什么不可能,市场行情波涛汹涌,行情大的时候看对一波,赚钱都能赚上瘾,这就是我们的工作。盈利的时候和客户一样开心,亏损的时候陪客户熬夜解单,所以,找到一个有实力,有责任的老师,很重要。关注舒亦梵指导WX:syf6756Keep up with market information and grasp major trends to help you make steady profits!


舒亦梵:黄金投资理财暴涨暴跌行情新手如何防范亏损?844 / author:shuyifan / PostsID:1446642


1Some investors who are losing money always think that I will make up for all the previous losses this time when making new transactions, which invisibly deprives them of the ability to calmly analyze and judge market changes. When it's time to make a profit, they just want to gain more profits, and the result is often a loss followed by a loss.


有一些盈利的投资者总是爱追涨,见价格上涨就认为是反转行情,生怕落下一轮上升行情,结果屡次追涨屡次被套;还有一些朋友总是怕被套。一见行情下跌就认为是金价将进入跌势,立刻割肉出局,结果一抛行情就涨,好象市场在故意跟他作对,关注舒亦梵指导WX:syf6756Keep up with market information and grasp major trends to help you make steady profits!

舒亦梵:黄金投资理财暴涨暴跌行情新手如何防范亏损?79 / author:shuyifan / PostsID:1446642

4If the order is not smooth and there is a temporary rest, it is impossible for anyone to consistently make correct judgments about the market trend. Under normal circumstances, making one or two mistakes does not have a significant impact. But if you make mistakes one after another, it is likely that you have lost your grasp of the market. Taking a break for now should be the best choice at this time.

5、市场的波动永不停息,不用担心没有挽回损失的机会,投资市场的金钱永远挣不完。如果此时一意孤行,为了弥补亏损而不肯罢手,很可能招致更大的损失。因为此时你做盘的心态已乱,失去了冷静观察市场的能力。正所谓当局者迷,旁观者清。退步抽身,重新审视市场的变化,才是在此获得判断市场走势能力的上上选择,关注舒亦梵指导WX:syf6756Keep up with market information and grasp major trends to help you make steady profits!
舒亦梵:黄金投资理财暴涨暴跌行情新手如何防范亏损?756 / author:shuyifan / PostsID:1446642



Author: Shu Yifan

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