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Mo Qianji:8.5Analysis of the trend of gold and crude oil,8.5黄金原油今日操作策略

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Friends who follow Mo Qianji's articles, don't rush to read the analysis! Don't rush to read suggestions! No matter how well I see the trend, no matter how accurate the position is, if I don't do it well, it's useless to look at it. There are many opportunities in the market. My friend, if you have problems in your thinking, philosophy, and techniques during the operation process, such as not grasping the position well, not carrying stop losses, casually carrying orders, and poor position management, what is the significance of a good market if these problems exist? So if you want to change your pocket, you must first change your head. Mo Qianji hopes that if you have the above-mentioned problems, you can reflect on them in a timely manner and stop on the wrong path. This is progress. There are many good market trends, but only by controlling risks can we see profits, otherwise we may be fooled by market trends!
  goldTrend analysis:
  日线图MACD死叉信号仍在,KDJ金叉,后市走势变数仍存一些变数,短线建议关注1430.62-1452.89区域突破情况,1430.62by5日均线支撑,而1452.89是近六年高点阻力所在。若上破1452.89附近阻力,则金价有望进一步涨向2013year5month3Daily high point1488.16附近阻力。而若下破1430.62附近支撑,则金价仍可能维持高位震荡走弱,进一步支撑在10Daily moving average1425.60Nearby and20Daily moving average1420.03Nearby. Short line4hourK线形态和布林线轨道出现“喇叭张口”形态,后市走势变数较大;目前金价受到布林线上轨压制,关注金价在1430.45重要支撑位处获得支撑,该位置既是整数关口,也是短线涨势的38.2%回撤位,也是美联储利率决议后鲍威尔讲话前的高点所在。短线留意1430.45-1448.4区域突破情况;综合来看综合来看,今日操作思路上莫千机(mqj773)个人建议高沽低渣即可;
Focus on resistance above:1448.4;1453.09;
Pay attention to support below:1438.15;1430.45;
Suggestions for Gold Operations:
  1Callback1430Do not break long, stop loss4US dollars, look at the target1442-1444;
  2Rebound1448Stop loss without breaking short4US dollars, look at the target1440-1438;
  crude oilTrend analysis:
  从日线上来看,原油出现长黑的下跌走势,并且跌破下方所有均线,表明空头力量极为旺盛。目前,均线系统向下运行,MACDget into0轴下方,整体趋势偏空运行。但是,均线系统还并没有呈现空头排列形态,可能行情还有反复的震荡。从KLooking at the line,K线远离均线,短线乖离多大,有向上反弹的需求。千机认为,原油短线有反弹的机会,等调整过后,震荡下行的概率依然较大。
  从四小时来看,上周三上方收取一根阴十字星给出的空头信号,K打破了上行走势加速下跌,K线击穿布林带下轨,因此短期超跌反弹修复调整,指标上MACDGreen energy column volume increase, fast slow line dead cross,KDJThree line dead cross diffusion,JXian Da0轴下方超买区拐头向上,四小时图先看反弹调整,小时图上来看,上方呈肩型顶回落,上周五凌晨下方一根阴十字星探底,指标上MACDRed energy column volume increase, fast slow line golden cross,KDJ二次金叉扩散,反弹调整继续。上方重点关注56.0一线,不破则空头继续。短期来看原油处于反弹阶段,但是如果接下来避险环境不能有效的改善,原油下行的概率恐继续增大。对于今日的操作上千机建议高空为主,低多为辅助的思路来操作!行情实时变化,添加莫千机mqj773Get daily market analysis, unwinding strategies, and guidance on medium to long term layout. We welcome like-minded individuals to come and have a long conversation!
Suggestions for crude oil operation on Monday:
  1Suggestions55.9Stop loss without breaking short56.2, Objective55.7-55.5;
  2Suggestions54.4Do not break long, stop loss53.9, Objective55.3-55.5(破位持有看60);
Mo Qianji Analysis Team Investment Risk Management:
Step 1: Clarify your goals, which means planning your intended investmentforeign exchangeThe amount of funds traded, the amount of profits earned, and the approximate range of losses that can be borne are the basic goals through which a reasonable fund management plan can be made. However, it is also important to remind foreign exchange investors that although foreign exchange is a low-cost and high-yield investment with a hundred times leverage for gain, they should also pay attention to cost control and avoid frequent transactions that increase costs.
Step 2: Plan the steps, such as what trading mode to use to gain profits, whether you are good at frequent short-term trading or prefer a long-term fishing model to make orders, how much trading to stop every day, how much money to withdraw from the market when losing, and how much money to close positions when earning, all of which need to be well planned.
Step 3: Test the plan. No matter how perfect the theory is, it cannot be determined whether it is effective without combining it with practice. After roughly formulating your trading strategy, you can use the mini account provided by the platform to test whether the formulated strategy is available and see if it can bring stable profits to yourself.
Step 4: Strictly implement. This step is the core of the entire plan, and the losses caused by any random operation can be fatal,Foreign exchange transactionsUnable to withstand any deviation. Planned trading is necessary to better control risks, accurately follow market trends, and achieve profits. Investment carries risks, and caution is necessary when entering the market!
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