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Xinjin Road8.5Gold trend analysis,周一黄金操作建议附解套

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  goldMarket trend analysis:
  Xinjin Road8.5Gold trend analysis,周一黄金操作建议附解套539 / author:Zhang Xinrong / PostsID:1446402
  从黄金技术面分析看,金价日线级别目前金价处在高位震荡,昨晚金价大涨至1448附近,目前回落至1440附近,然后在1430有所企稳,金价经历大起大落后,估计后期金价走势存在一些变数,短线关注1430整数关口以及上周五的高点1448能否重新突破,然后是1452-1456阻力区域,如能突破1450as well as1453前期最高点位阻力,则金价后期有望向2013year5Monthly high point1480-1500附近发展。或如金价下破1430附近支撑,则金价可能回到之前的震荡区域运行。
Gold4小时来看:震荡上涨;MACD金叉红色动能柱有所缩窄。KDJ金叉随机指标走平。指示金价短线将小幅回调,但整体呈现一个宽幅震荡。目前金价受到布林线上轨压制,K线高位也有局部吞没看空顶部信号,金价出现了回调。目前1430是重要支撑位处获得支撑,该位置既是整数关口,也是短线涨势的38.2%回撤位,也是美联储利率决议后鲍威尔讲话前的高点所在。综合来看,周一操作思路上鑫金道个人建议以回调做多为主,反弹高空为辅,上方重点关注1449-1451Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1433-1435Frontline support.
Suggestion for Golden Monday Operation:
  1#Gold rebounded to1449-1451Short on the front line, stop loss4US dollars, look at the target1440-1442frontline;
  2#Gold callback to1433-1435Long on the front line, stop loss4US dollars, look at the target1443-1445frontline;
Internationalcrude oil周行情走势分析:
Crude oil from4Hourly chart analysis, the bearish signal given by the above shaded cross star,KBreaking the wedge-shaped trend and experiencing a rapid decline,KOffline threadingBOLLBelow the lower track, therefore rebound repair adjustment is needed, on the indicatorMACDGreen energy column volume increase, fast slow line dead cross,KDJThree line dead cross diffusion,JXian Da0Below the axis (overbought area), turn the head upwards,4Looking at the hourly chart for rebound adjustment, the overall crude oil showed a fluctuating upward trend on Friday. Analysis on the hourly chart shows a shoulder shaped top falling and a bearish cross star bottoming out below, indicating an upward trendMACDRed energy column volume increase, fast slow line golden cross,KDJSecondary golden cross diffusion, rebound adjustment continues, focus on attention56.0一线,不破则空头继续。综合来看,周一操作思路上鑫金道个人建议以反弹做空为主,回调做多为辅,上方重点关注56.4-56.6Frontline resistance, short-term focus below54.2-54.4Frontline support.
  Xinjin Road8.5Gold trend analysis,周一黄金操作建议附解套416 / author:Zhang Xinrong / PostsID:1446402
Suggestions for crude oil operation on Monday:
  1#Crude oil rebounded to56.4-56.6Short on the front line, stop loss0.4US dollars, look at the target55.2-55.4frontline;
  2#Crude oil callback to54.2-54.4Long on the front line, stop loss0.4US dollars, look at the target55.0-55.2frontline; Different situations have different ways to unwind, so what should be done in case the sheets and quilts are covered?
Scenario 1: When tying up, according to the chart analysis, if the purchased price is at a high level, the loss must be immediately stopped.
Scenario 2: If the purchased price is in the middle range, you can temporarily wait and see based on the situation at that time, in order to unwind and leave the market or reduce losses when the position is high.
Scenario 3: If the purchased price is at a low level, there is no need to rush to stop the loss. After the purchased price stabilizes, one should dare to cover the position at a low level in important support positions, dilute costs, and rescue the high locked position together in the subsequent rebound market.
Scenario 4: If the price of the purchased item is on an upward trend, there is no need to stop the loss. Patiently holding it for a period of time will inevitably unwind, and there may even be a possibility of significant profits.
Scenario 5: If the purchased price is in a balanced and volatile trend, there is no need to immediately stop the loss. Be patient and wait for the price to enter a high level of a volatile cycle. Once the situation is resolved or the loss is small, you should decisively exit the market., Teaching people how to fish is not as good as teaching them how to fish. Here, not only are there calling for a spot, but there are also operational ideas and skills for making orders!
Scenario 6: If the price of the purchased item is in a downward trend, once it is confirmed that the downward trend has formed, the loss should be immediately stopped, and one must not be worried about gains or losses and have illusions. Any hesitation or hesitation may result in deep confinement.
  Xinjin Road8.5Gold trend analysis,周一黄金操作建议附解套128 / author:Zhang Xinrong / PostsID:1446402
  投资是长久之计,不是一朝一夕,所以不可操之过急。就算你现在亏损了,那也没什么可怕的,只要选择正确,失去的都会再回来。对于经常被套单的投资朋友鑫金道告诉你要切记以下5Taboos:1Heavy storage operation.2Without stop loss.3Reverse the trend operation.4Frequent order making.5Poor mentality and easy operation. The above is a summary of my years of experience. If investors have encountered similar problems in the past, please summarize, discover your own shortcomings, and make corrections. In the long run, you will always gain something - share with everyone!
Full guidance time: early7:00In the early morning of the next day2:00
  全方位指导老师:鑫金道 分析团队
Wen/Xinjin Road (薇信:xjd1731 )
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