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Wang Mingxin8.5黄金原油最新行情走势分析,黄金原油操作建议,黄金还会涨吗附解套

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  日线级别,日线阴阳转换多空不延续,犬牙交错的把震荡演变的淋漓尽致,并且前期低点1275Up to1400The trend line support of the integer level is still effective, as the daily line ultimately closed strongly and directly penetrated the previous range of more than a week of volatile trading1430Forming mid rail support, so1430则是下周的重要分水岭位置。4小时上看:黄金冲高1448After falling back, it rebounded again on Friday night but did not break through this position before falling back. It has emerged in the short termM顶的形态,布林带三轨开口呈发散形态,短线有继续回落的迹象,下方短线支撑看中轨1430一线。注意下破就显弱势了,准备转变心态!

  重点关注策略:在当前小时级别上,刨去消息面的刺激避险的一小波拉升,其余时间更多的还是无尽的震荡,特别是过山车走势,在上周的小时周期上来回运行显得格外的显眼,有来有回但是没有出格,所以下周而言,特别是开市之后,笔者个人还是建议看黄金1430-1448Within the range of, touch from above1447/48以其为防守主要做空,下方触及1432区域去开多,开市周初不要去博弈什么破位,现在还为时尚早!大概率周初会先走一波回撤然后在考虑上升,所以不急追多,等待不破1432低位再多!先维持此区间做单即可。以上是大致做单策略,具体点位笔者会在盘中布局,需要策略的朋友可与铭鑫索取!

  ---8.5黄金策略布局:1Suggest a rebound in gold1447/48Empty order entry, stop loss1453Look at the target first1435/32一线即可!(个人建议,做单已实盘为准。)

  2、建议黄金回撤1432/30Multiple orders entering, stop loss1427, look at the goal1445Nearby!

  从基本面来看,对crude oil影响比较大的是全球贸易局势的紧张,尤其是中美两国之间;作为世界经济最大的两个国家之间有矛盾,导致原油预期的需求量萎缩,对原油构成利空,这也是周四原油暴跌的原因。在以往文章我们多次做过强调,其实当前利空原油的因素只有一个,那就是需求量萎缩,而影响需求量但就是全球贸易;但支撑油价的消息较多,如中东乱局,伊朗与西方国家关系的紧张等,随时都有可能升级!但贸易争夺一定会解决,这有利于双方,所以利空也是暂时的。



  ---8.5原油策略布局:1、建议原油建议回撤54.60/50Multiple orders entering, stop loss54,短线目标看55.80/56区域即可!(个人建议,做单已实盘为准。)

  以上内容个人观点,仅供参考,每日朋号(伦敦王铭鑫)都会给,关注,的朋友推送我对当天行情的看法和操作思路,需要看建议的自行去看就可以了。行情瞬息万变,铭鑫不能给予及时的提醒。希望找到铭鑫给予实时操作策略。(投资有风险,入市需谨慎,建议仅供参考)  Different situations have different ways to unwind, so what should be done in case the sheets and quilts are covered?

Scenario 1: When tying up, according to the chart analysis, if the purchased price is at a high level, the loss must be immediately stopped.

Scenario 2: If the purchased price is in the middle range, you can temporarily wait and see based on the situation at that time, in order to unwind and leave the market or reduce losses when the position is high.

Scenario 3: If the purchased price is at a low level, there is no need to rush to stop the loss. After the purchased price stabilizes, one should dare to cover the position at a low level in important support positions, dilute costs, and rescue the high locked position together in the subsequent rebound market.

Scenario 4: If the price of the purchased item is on an upward trend, there is no need to stop the loss. Patiently holding it for a period of time will inevitably unwind, and there may even be a possibility of significant profits.

Scenario 5: If the purchased price is in a balanced and volatile trend, there is no need to immediately stop the loss. Be patient and wait for the price to enter a high level of a volatile cycle. Once the situation is resolved or the loss is small, you should decisively exit the market., Teaching people how to fish is not as good as teaching them how to fish. Here, not only are there calling for a spot, but there are also operational ideas and skills for making orders!

Scenario 6: If the price of the purchased item is in a downward trend, once it is confirmed that the downward trend has formed, the loss should be immediately stopped, and one must not be worried about gains or losses and have illusions. Any hesitation or hesitation may result in deep confinement.

  投资是长久之计,不是一朝一夕,所以不可操之过急。就算你现在亏损了,那也没什么可怕的,只要选择正确,失去的都会再回来。对于经常被套单的投资朋友王铭鑫告诉你要切记以下5Taboos:1Heavy storage operation.2Without stop loss.3Reverse the trend operation.4Frequent order making.5Poor mentality and easy operation. The above is a summary of my years of experience. If investors have encountered similar problems in the past, please summarize, discover your own shortcomings, and make corrections. In the long run, you will always gain something - share with everyone!


Full guidance time: early7:00In the early morning of the next day2:00全方位指导老师:王铭鑫 分析团队文/Wang Mingxin (微:wmx67188---official account )
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