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foreign exchangeHow to protect rights when the market loses money?foreign exchangegoldfuturescrude oil, sharesoption、A50Shanghai and Shenzhen300How to Protect the Rights of Funds Deceived from Index Losses?老师喊单造成的亏损如何追回?给你开设账户链接指导操作真的可靠吗?What to do when frequently cutting positions and forcibly balancing losses?MT4What should I do if I am unable to withdraw the funds?  
Teachers shout orders or package profits, and package compensation strategies are all tricks  
Many investment group teachers often post profit screenshots to verify their strength, and often chat very enthusiastically, all of which are from the group's support. Especially when it comes to asking teachers to take them to speculate on foreign exchange or give live lectures, it's called making money and not hiding it. If these phenomena occur, there is no doubt that black platforms should be avoided in a timely manner. Now the country is cracking down on finance, accelerating the time for illegal financial companies to run away, and suddenly many people who know they have been deceived have emerged. Previously, most people on black platforms thought it was their poor skills that caused them to lose everything. It wasn't until one morning when they woke up and realized that they couldn't log in to the official website or that they couldn't make any money that they felt something was wrong. However, by this time, it was already too late to know many things.  
Nowadays, many unscrupulous businessmen in China register foreign companies and, after some packaging, establish oneForeign exchange transactionsBusiness. In many cases, these foreign exchange traders do not have formal regulatory qualifications, and some even use pirated trading platforms. These types of platforms are generally deceptive, meaning to put your orders on your trading plate, and you gain while others lose. This type of platform will use backstage methods such as sliding points on customer transaction orders, causing customers to incur losses. The lost money actually flowed into their personal names. Please keep your eyes open and do not choose illegal or non compliant black platforms, placing your funds in an unsafe position.
宏观策略频繁亏损怎么办?怎么挽回资金?232 / author:Feng Ming Defends Rights / PostsID:1390767  

2019year4月初,一个名叫珞珞的人加到我问我股票情况,她无意间透露自己认识一位很厉害的老师可以推荐股票,我心想看看也没啥损失,就被她拉进了一个叫股掌之间999的群,群里面有一位叫刘晖的老师在群里分享股票知识,4month20号刘晖说要带大家一起去主导一支股票大家一起赚钱,助理在群里发送一个叫“晖哥邀请高手XXX的课”的直播间链接,让大家把资金都放在宏观策略这个配资平台上操作,说是方便管理,可以进行股票配资,杠杆操作小资金也能买到合适的仓位,还说这个平台是国泰君安的通道,起始资金10万,于是好多人包括我开始把资金转到这个宏观策略平台。4month24日开始推荐第一个股票叫祥和实业,让我们用10倍配资后的买2层仓位,一开始确实涨了点,刘晖让我们陆续又加到6层仓位。这时刘晖把群里70多人按资金大小分成几个小群,我就被分在了长阳6No,5month7日刘晖让群里的人把剩下的仓位全都买宁波富邦,接下来悲剧就开始了,全仓的这2只股票就一直在慢慢的往下跌,股票一天没抛,配资的部分就要收取一天的利息,之后怕被平仓,刘晖说再追加点资金进去,前前后后我一共转了14ten thousand6千元到宏观策略这个平台,直到5month10日,我没有钱再存进去了,股票也一直跌,利息也一直收,股票就被强行平仓了,损失达到8ten thousand5千元左右,之后刘晖说现在行情不好,让我们把手上的票都抛了,以后再带我们赚回来。  
宏观策略频繁亏损怎么办?怎么挽回资金?388 / author:Feng Ming Defends Rights / PostsID:1390767​

How to protect rights in the above situations? What evidence is needed to protect rights?  
1Related chat records  
2Related transaction records  
3Relevant deposit and withdrawal records  
Foreign exchange losses can be recovered if the following conditions are met!  
1: Loss limit exceeds5More than RMB 10000.  
2Transaction records within six months.  
3There are transaction reports or bank statements.  
4The platform is still operating without running away  
Meet the above requirements4We are confident that we can recover and time3-15weekday Before cooperation, a clear commission agreement will be signed, and we promise the customer that no fees will be charged if unsuccessful!  
多乾国际、宏观策略、恒生金服、金奉策略、卫杰资本、金源国际、合欣国际、南洋国际、AltailtdWin win strategyCFX香港圆汇、融易涨、千层金配资、华懋国际、恒信财富、期货大赢家、燃锋金融、DGINT, Shisheng Caihui, Huaan StrategyFDEX、赢诚策略、时盛配资、汇融国际、皇玛金融、金源国际、银华中期策略、太湖国际、权情报、德睿期权、比特未来,国人策略配资、琳智策略、贝通国际、稳赢策略、恒源帝国、联创策略、鼎泽配资、FDEXFucheng Allocation, Mingdao Allocation, Prudential International, Zhentai International, Dingze Allocation, Chengxin AllocationICEDATAParticle Finance, Guosheng International Futures, Zhongshi Jince, Huada Futures, Anyi Capital, Yingchuang WuyouHATSKY、极致环球、鼎兴环球配资等黑平台亏损的资金可全款追回。对自己亏损有疑问的都可以来咨询峰铭维权VX:v26135Professional people do professional things, I will help you identify the platform and help you recover losses! No fees will be charged in the early stage, and the process is open and transparent!  

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